Astroworld: Open Your Eyes To A Whole New Wicked Universe

By Maryam Henein

‘By 2030, we are going to be hybrids.’ — Ray Kurzweil, Director of Google Engineering 

“(…) Graphene has moved so much money, so many billions of euros that it is normal that it has been able to buy people. In this sense, it is clear to me that people have already swallowed, communicated, and lost any kind of conscience, even though they know that this is really going to provoke. What it is going to provoke, surely, is a hecatomb or an authentic genocide, which is what it intends. Somehow they have seen it as a golden opportunity for the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030.” — Ricardo Delgado

Was performer Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival a Luciferian sacrificial blood ritual and successful test run? Before I explain how graphene oxide in the dangerous jabs very well might have played a significant role in this November 5th experiment, let me state that I realize how insane a determination of devil worship sounds.

Yet consider that Pharmaceia (sorcery) has indirectly killed millions since Rockefeller medicine was instituted post-Flexner Report. It is estimated the U.S. sees more than 987,000 medically-caused (iatrogenic) deaths every year, surpassing even heart disease and cancer as the leading cause of death.

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Meanwhile, how about the myriad examples of orchestrated evil in this entire plandemic, e.g. the myth of the masks, knowingly upping the cycle threshold (CT value) on the nondiagnostic PCR “test” non-test to accumulate tons of false positives and scare people with big numbers; incentivizing doctors $39k a pop to abandon the Hippocratic Oath in lieu of deadly ventilators; and consciously telling people that aspirin suddenly can’t be used as a non-coagulating agent.

Let their blood clot!

Welcome To Whole New (Wicked) Universe

“We was like in fucken hell bro, it was like we were in a concert in hell. We couldn’t breathe,” an attendee said in a now highly-circulated video. He saw at least 100 people passed out, ‘turning black and blue.’ “That was some demonic shit.”

He claimed he personally saw at least 10 people who had died.

The media, however, told us that there were hundreds of injuries and that only eight to 11 of the 50,000 attendees had their hearts stop due to being crushed by the crowd, including a nine-year-old boy. But did you know that Astroworld’s team of 70 medics stated they had the “impossible job” of treating 11 cardiac arrests at once?

Eleven SIMULTANEOUS heart attacks? Can we sit with the oddity of such an occurrence?  And those are just the deaths we know about. Is this a new normal? More than 125 fans have filed $750 million lawsuits against Travis Scott over the Astroworld tragedy. Most causes of death have yet to be confirmed; and by the time of this writing, autopsies are still being conducted.

Meanwhile, during a press conference, Houston police chief Troy Finner said, that according to medical staff that treated a security officer, “he was reaching over to restrain or grab a citizen & he felt a prick in his neck.” He was then administered Narcan.

Finner said no stones would be left unturned. Let’s see about that.

Given the abundance of tries (truth plus lies) that the media injects, not to mention their omissions, what if there was more than meets the eye?

“Open your eyes to a whole new universe,” was the festival’s motto. What if graphene oxide in the vaccines interacted with thousands of cell-phone-carrying vaccinated participants being held in a massive metal cage?

As Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and others have outlined, the mechanisms of injury of these so-called vaccines are numerous, but here we explore how graphene oxide parlays with sound, hormones, and electricity.

Graphene oxide is not explicitly listed in these jabs but that’s because it’s a secret proprietary ingredient. You won’t find it labeled on the package insert, so don’t bother looking for it. Just like KFC doesn’t have to share its special recipe, neither does Big Pharma, which already operates with reckless impunity.

You’ve got to wonder why they have worked so hard to conceal the presence of graphene oxide.

Despite denials and even suspending my own Twitter account for suggesting graphene oxide is ‘the secret sauce,’ that will connect us to the Internet of Things, there is a study on how functionalized graphene oxide serves as a novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for “robust stimulation of cellular immunity.”

Arguably, graphene oxide was already included as an adjuvant in flu shots in 2019. For instance, here is proof that graphene oxide gives a boost to a new intranasal flu vaccine.

With its multitude of astonishing properties, graphene oxide, actually discovered in 1859, earned the title of a “wonder material.” It is a one-atom-thick layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. It is the building block of Graphite (which is used, among other things, in pencil tips), but graphene is a remarkable substance on its own.

Graphene oxide is not only 150 times stronger than steel, it’s actually the strongest material ever measured. It’s also 1,000 times more conductive than copper, which means it uses less friction and produces less destructive heat than traditional wires.

G.O. also blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione. It can also be activated by 5G frequencies, passes thru the blood-brain barrier, is magnetic and  toxic.

Touted as an extremely diverse material, G.O. can be combined with other elements (including gases and metals) to produce different materials with various superior properties. Researchers all over the world continue to constantly investigate and patent graphene to learn its various properties and possible applications, which include:

  • batteries
  • transistors
  • computer chips
  • energy generation
  • supercapacitors
  • DNA sequencing
  • water filters
  • antennas
  • touchscreens (for LCD or OLED displays)
  • solar cells
  • Spintronics-related products
  • electrochemical devices
  • energy storage
  • catalysis
  • adsorption of enzyme
  • cell imaging and drug delivery
  • Biosensors
  • graphene oxide-incorporated hydrogels for biomedical applications.

G.O. has been used by companies like Apple, HP, Sony, and Microsoft. Are you a piece of hardware? Why are they putting graphene oxide in our bodies? Is it because graphene circulates in the blood, and basically forms antennas? Is this part of their transhumanist agenda to connect us with the Internet Of Things (I.O.T.)?

Before we dive deeper, let’s go back, way back to the beginning of this Plandemic, now almost two years ago.

Wuhan, 5G & Charles Lieber

In late January 2020 when I started seeing videos of people literally dropping dead in Wuhan, I wondered if this was fear porn manufactured in Taiwan. While this is partially a wise crack, the footage was creepy, like a scene out of the film Contagion – a Hollywood flick that was in part admittedly commissioned by Larry Brilliant (WHO, GOOGLE, Fauci Friend). The script also outlined a virus released in a wet market in China. What a coinkidink. Do you remember the images of Chinese people spitting in elevators in a zombie daze?

Interestingly, the capital of central China’s Hubei Province was the first 5G demonstration zone in the Central Business District (CBD), according to a 5G cooperation agreement signed between China Mobile and local authorities on September 3, 2019.

So they piloted 5G services in Wuhan. I lived across from an AT&T tower and dealt with mold, which is how I learned from the genius Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt that Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) excites bacteria, fungus, and parasites.

In late February 2020, I theorized that perhaps something injected in mandatory vaccines was “parlaying” with 5G.

Incidentally, in 2017, in a study out of Italy, looking at adjuvants, they found that 44 types of 15 traditional vaccines — manufactured by leading global companies — contained a very troubling and previously unreported fact:

The vaccines were “heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles.”

By this time, I also came across Charles Lieber, who the Department of Justice (DOJ) arrested on January 28th, 2020. They announced that the Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, along with two Chinese nationals had been charged in connection with aiding the People’s Republic of China.

Federal authorities arrested Lieber on charges that he’d made false statements to officials investigating his funding sources. According to the government, Lieber lied to the Defense Department and the National Institutes of Health about his alleged ties to China’s Thousand Talents Plan, a talent recruitment program.

In June 2020, a federal grand jury indicted Lieber on two counts of making false statements. Later that summer, he was additionally indicted on four related tax offenses for allegedly failing to report income he received from the Wuhan University of Technology.

Lieber had to relinquish his passport. On March 10th, 2020, the governor of MA declared a state of emergency. The very next day, Lieber asked to amend the conditions of his release. By the 12th the judge granted him the ability to travel from PA & NJ for personal reasons. He got to circumvent the lockdowns.

In the end, the prized NanoTech King with his pages of nano-related patents, not to mention ties to China, Israel, Epstein, Harvard, and Billy Boy Gates was kept out of the mainstream narrative. He later sued Harvard that owns part of his home, over legal fees.  Several scientists published a public letter defending him and his global participation with China.

Lieber will head to trial this December to fight six felony charges.

Regarding his nano innovations in specific biosensors, Lieber stated:

“This innovation is important because it indicates that when a man-made structure is as small as a virus or bacteria, it can behave the way biological structures do.” 

“See You On the Other Side”

Before I outline how Astroworld could have been used to incite a human sacrifice ritual, consider a few odd details that no one else reported.

First off, this event featured ‘magic money.’ No cash or cards were allowed – the only way to participate in the event was via “an electronic credit system.”

Interesting given the social credit system we know is coming.

Meanwhile, the FAQ also emphatically stated that no vitamins or supplements of any kind were permitted. No vitamin C, but you could bring prescribed ‘controlled substances’?

Huh. Have you EVER heard of such a restriction?

Devilish details aside, let’s further examine how graphene oxide will play a role in bridging the brain with bots. If you think this is impossible read this article from DARPA titled Bridging the Bio-Electronic Divide.

“A new DARPA program aims to develop an implantable neural interface able to provide unprecedented signal resolution and data-transfer bandwidth between the human brain and the digital world.”   

G.O. will arguably be able to decode brain signals into medical solutions that can interact with electronic devices.

By the way, in 2007, there was a Japanese anime based in the future, called Vexville (Vaxville). That is also the year that Lieber got many of his creations patented.

“It’s 2077, the disease was created by Daiwa and the ‘vaccine’ was used as an excuse for Daiwa (DARPA) to begin testing experimental nanotechnology … Essentially turning us into machines from the inside out.” 

Frequencies & Soundwaves

In 2008, a year after Lieber filed several of his nano-related patents, an article was published, titled New Way to Kill Viruses: Shake Them to Death.

Wow. How does this all shake out in the end? Have we passed a point of no RETURN?  

The article reads,

“All objects have resonant frequencies at which they naturally oscillate. Pluck a guitar string and it will vibrate at a resonant frequency….But resonating can get out of control.”

Pluck a human made of electricity and water and what do you get? 

Many at Astroworld reported a low hum; and then there were the times where Scott sounded more satanic than supercilious. The wonder material known as graphene oxide can reorient itself with feedback oscillations. Yes, graphene oxide can react to sound waves. G.O. is also stimulated and can be controlled by EMFs.

Researchers in the fields of nanotechnology and acoustics have been studying how to control graphene at a distance by the use of sound waves. In fact there was a paper in Nature in November that explored the effects of sound waves on graphene. Imagine standing freshly boosted next to the loudspeakers. Speakers propagate soundwaves.

Hormone of Fear

Adrenaline is a hormone that is released into the bloodstream and increases your heart rate, blood pressure, and energy source. It is released when your body is in an excited, stressful, and emergency situation.

They love their adrenaline, I thought to myself. Given all these athletes collapsing on the field, could it possibly be that adrenaline also communicates with graphene oxide?

I couldn’t believe what I found.

An NIH study illustrated that oxide nanoparticles grafted graphene shows “excellent selective sensing ability towards Adrenaline and Tyrosine.”

A Veritible Attack On The Heart

Did you know that the resonance field of the heart outweighs that of the brain by 100 times and can be detected up to three feet away from the body, in all directions? In fact, the heart is the “most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs.”

Additionally, the magnetic fields produced by the heart are involved in energetic cross-talk, which is referred to as “cardio-electromagnetic communication.” The magnetic signals generated by the heart have the capacity to affect individuals around us. Thankfully we’re being kept six feet apart for good measure.

I think it’s fair to say that there is a veritable attack on our hearts – literally, energetically, and physically. By targeting our hearts located in the trunk region of our bodies, they disconnect our energetic flow, strip us of our humanity. We’re stuck in our heads, disembodied under perpetual lockdowns, primed for a metaverse a la Ready Player One. Meanwhile, we operate in fight-or-flight mode, scared and traumatized, entertaining lower-level base needs, unable to ever reach the highest levels of self-actualization while being poisoned and dumbed down.

As far as the toxin graphene oxide, there are several others who have independently concluded that it’s at the heart of what happened at Astroworld. Unless you got a saline shot, all those jabbed have been graphenated. And since graphene oxide naturally is broken down and detoxed by the liver, we can count on Big Pharma to boost us again and again.

In this post-Covid world, we are the lab rats. The question remains, how many more have to die of jab-related cardiac attacks before this evil madness stops?

For a deeper dive on graphene oxide.

Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist, and founder and editor-in-chief of HoneyColony. She is also the director of the award-winning documentary film Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Elliot Page. Follow her on Gab: @ladybee. Email her:

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