The Donald and The Deep State

donald-trump-1274535_960_720By Rusticus

For his myriad faults, it’s easy to see why Donald Trump’s anti-Globalist rhetoric has stricken a chord with the American electorate. His vocal opposition to Neomercantile trade deals, his rhetorical rejection of “Sustainable Development” on the world stage; The Donald is doubtlessly a captivating figure to the dispossessed, downtrodden American voter seeking something – anything – to halt the ravages wrought by World Order Machiavellians.

If nothing else, watching Trump’s bombast single-handedly stymie a potential continuation of the Bush Crime Family Dynasty (to the ire of Neocons everywhere) has made for fantastic entertainment. Watching as a similar fate befalls the Clinton Syndicate, whose war crimes, Nation-State destroying “charitable” frauds, drug and arms-running accolades and ever-increasing body count deserve open scrutiny, has also made for a good bit of fun.

Perhaps the most satisfying aspect of this public airing of Bush/Clinton dirty laundry is that, in many cases, the two share more than a few articles of clothing. Both, through the Clinton Foundation, are complicit in looting the nation of Haiti and “disappearing” millions in charitable donations for earthquake relief – a fraud that preceded the United Nations’ introduction of a deadly outbreak of cholera on the island. Both, too, gained a significant amount of (deep) political prestige and economic clout from the CIA drug trade – as Vice President during the cocaine-fueled 1980s, Bush the Elder is as complicit in the Iran-Contra drug trade as anyone alive. And as then-Governor of Arkansas, home of the Agency’s infamous Mena, AK “drug drop” operation, Bill Clinton may as well have been a Regional Director of Cocaine, Inc.

Tracing this interlocking web of serial political criminals is one of the best methods we have of demonstrating the pervasive racket of oligarchy that rules America (and the world) today. The stunning and informative artwork of the late Mark Lombardi, outlining the connections of banking, political, and drug trade interests, is a stark reminder of how truly intertwined the network of the Deep State truly is:


All this, however, begs questions: Can any political figure be as successful in the Two-Party Racket as The Donald has been without being connected to this web of Deep State actors? As a product of the “go-go, Greed is Good” ’80s, is Trump’s fortune connected to the drug and arms dealers of the Iran-Contra/BCCI/S&L scandals also synonymous with the era? And if so, have such connections continued through to the present?

What consummate insiders of the Anglo-American Establishment have Trump’s ear, and what does this spell for his rousing “anti-Globalist” rhetoric coming to fruition?

The Donald and the Deep State Drug Traders

It is no exaggeration to say that the Bush and Clinton empires have been built, in large part, on the backs of the drug trade. This knowledge within the broader conspiracy culture has been widely circulated since at least the release of the 1995 underground hit, The Mena Connection:

Given the sheer nature and scope of the Deep State drug and arms trade, perhaps it is not surprising to find that Mr. Trump has his fair share of connections to its players – and not insignificant ones, at that. A great deal of work in unearthing these relationships has been done by investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker, best known for his documentaries and books on the CIA drug trade as well as the 9/11 Venice, Florida coverup. A seasoned sleuth in his own right, Hopsicker has recently documented a longstanding relationship between Donald Trump and a number of Deep State actors, like CIA asset Meyer Lansky’s partner, Louis Lesser, who Trump purchased the Taj Mahal Casino and Hotel from in Atlantic City.

Another of these characters is known CIA asset and Saudi arms dealer, Adnan Khashoggi, a man whose connections to the Iran-Contra affair and the Deep State at large are far beyond the scope of this article.

In his post entitled, “Donald Trump and the Palm Beach Homies,” it is alleged that Trump purchased Adnan Khashoggi’s yacht, at the time the longest in the world, in the mid-’90s from the cash-strapped, scandal-ridden Saudi “Man of Mystery.” Khashoggi is also said to have attended The Donald’s most recent wedding, neither of which are damning connections in and of themselves; they do, however, demonstrate a friendly relationship.

The most concrete evidence escalating their relationship from casual acquaintances to potential partners in crime, however, comes from a local Palm Beach source. Hopsicker says in a recent interview:

“I have information from a source over in Palm Beach that when Adnan Khashoggi was under indictment for ripping off the second largest bank in Thailand, and INTERPOL was searching for him, he was hiding out in a bungalow at Mar-a-Lago.” (One of Donald Trump’s real estate developments in Palm Beach.)

-Daniel Hopsicker

Being friends with a spook is one thing – helping said spook to avoid detection in the wake of yet another “Too Big to Jail” bankster looting of the developing world is something else entirely.

Khashoggi isn’t the only Deep State actor in the Palm Beach milieu connected to Trump – take, for example, billionaire Carl Icahn, who Trump has mused about making Secretary of Treasury in his potential administration. Icahn, who is also an associate of Khashoggi, is known to Florida locals for his “investment” in a St. Petersburg airline whose only product “turned out to be 5.5 tons of cocaine busted on a company plane,” as Hopsicker puts it.

Trump’s connections to international intelligentsia’s drug trade go beyond even the figures mentioned in the aforementioned Hopsicker article; when The Donald proclaimed earlier this year that Richard Haas, long-time President of the Council on Foreign Relations, was one of the few men that he “really likes and respects,” I began in earnest looking for more associative connections between Trump and the Anglo-American Establishment.

While the majority of the Mainstream Media has seen fit to paint Trump as a pariah within the Silicon Valley community, at least some of its powerbrokers, its true movers and shakers, find themselves in Trump’s camp. One such character of prominence is Peter Thiel, a founding member of the aptly-named “PayPal Mafia” and witting CIA cybersecurity subcontractor. A vocal Trump supporter who was given a prime speaking slot at this year’s Republican Convention, most were keen on focusing solely upon superficial banalities like Thiel’s sexual preferences.


Far more important are the multinational giants he’s built over the years, foremost of which is PayPal. Already suspected to be complicit in colluding with NSA, it’s almost inconceivable to think that one of the largest payment processors in the world isn’t also involved in drug trade money laundering.

Evidence for this claim comes from HSBC whistleblower John Cruz. As a British bank established in Hong Kong for the express intent of handling profits from the burgeoning opium trade, Mr. Cruz’s former employers are hardly strangers to the drug game. They also prove to be a bit of a one-trick pony, as their documented cooperation in laundering the dirty cash of Mexican drug lords proves that not much has changed about HSBC’s business model in over a century.

In a video interview interview with Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope, Cruz outlines how Thiel’s PayPal finds its way into HSBC’s drug kingdom:

Richard Grove: What in your daily work did you start seeing and what started to raise your awareness?

John Cruz: I would see other accounts [under the same Social Security number] beyond the accounts of an individual listed as “Unidentified.” And I would see hundreds, millions, billions, trillions of dollars going through these accounts around the world. And they would just say, “money to, money from,” “transfer in, transfer out.”

And they were just not complete as far as what the money was from. Then you couldn’t find out where the money was coming from, you couldn’t find out where it was going to… you had money going in and out of PayPal and American Express every day in denominations, I mean, on your account alone you could have millions going through PayPal and American Express in 20, 30, 40, 50, 100,000 dollar denominations, even numbers, every day. But you as the main account holder, in your main accounts, could not see this because they’re coded not to print statements. Not to have access to. And they’re labeled as “Unidentified.”

So when you see an account with a billion dollars going through it in one day and you have hundreds of thousands of Social Security numbers attached to that one account? Very suspicious.

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Very suspicious, indeed. I’d highly recommend the curious reader listen to the entire interview linked above – but to contrast this network of associations with The Donald himself, one is forced to question if Trump’s rhetoric about drugs and “building a Great Wall” are less about stopping their flow and more about ensuring that only those with DC9s and C130s make their way safely to American markets:

“We are going to build a great border wall to stop illegal immigration, to stop the gangs and the violence, and to stop the drugs from pouring into our communities.”

-Donald Trump

The Donald and the Transhuman Technocrats

Peter Thiel is not your average Silicon Valley tycoon; his belief, his faith, in the technostructure borders on the religious. Admittedly, the odds of finding someone working in tech who’s not an ardent futurist are increasingly low – but Peter Thiel is a man who believes he can literally cheat death and live forever. He’s not merely a technocrat, he is a transhumanist, and a devout one at that.

Thiel also self-identifies as a “libertarian,” a strange choice of words for a man whose company, Palantir, is perhaps one of the most heavily government-subsidized cybersecurity contractors on the planet. It’s also no secret that, in addition to a cast of dubious hedge fund managers, Palantir’s largest .gov financier is none other than In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital firm. Quite a large degree of hypocrisy from a man who said in a 2014 Wall Street Journal Op-Ed,

“I’m not interested in illegal bullies or government favorites: By ‘monopoly,’ I mean the kind of company that is so good at what it does that no other firm can offer a close substitute.”

-Peter Thiel

Really, now? Are government favorites like PayPal, operating on the SWIFT and Fed Wire systems, exempt from this definition? Or government favorites like Palantir, who are paid massive sums of looted taxpayer dollars to build software that tracks, traces, and surveils the very populace that unwittingly funds it? Thiel’s true character, nothing short of a vulture, is demonstrated in the same op-ed when he “upgrades” the age-old quote from John D. Rockefeller who famously said, “Competition is a sin.”

Thiel’s 21st Century equivalent:

Competition is for losers. If you want to create and capture lasting value, look to build a monopoly.”

-Peter Thiel

Transhumanism, monopoly, and the worst of crony capitalism? A dangerous combination, especially in a man who seems to conjure up the worst elements of Science Fiction in the companies he touches. Also a dangerous man to have anywhere near the levers of power, but given Thiel’s entrenched nature within the “Cybersecurity State,” he will inevitably play a role in The Donald’s administration – to the bane of real libertarians the world over.

But the “PayPal Mafia” Don is hardly the only individual with transhuman ideals who The Donald keeps close. As the officially “unofficial” Trump spokesman, consummate insider and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is doubtlessly gunning for a potential Trump Cabinet position. Gingrich has said of Trump, “He’s not them. He’s not part of the club. He hasn’t been through the Initiation Rites, he doesn’t belong to the Secret Society.

Screenshot from 2016-09-02 13-30-23

The same, of course, cannot be said of Gingrich himself, as he is among the more high-profile attendees of the Bohemian Grove. Newt doesn’t limit his involvement with the “Mystery Schools” to Germanic festivities in Northern California, though; he is something of a priest in the modern mystery school of transhumanism, having co-authored the infamous NBIC Report and personally coined the term, “The Age of Transitions.”

Screenshot from 2016-09-02 13-27-23

“While American science and technology benefit the entire world, it is vital to recognize that technological superiority is the fundamental basis of the economic prosperity and national security of the United States. We are in an Age of Transitions, when we must move forward if we are not to fall behind, and we must be ready to chart a course forward through constantly shifting seas and winds. Organizations of all kinds, including government itself, must become agile, reinventing themselves frequently while having the wisdom to know which values are fundamental and must be preserved.”

-Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich’s segment of the NBIC Report is a fascinating read – and not just for what it sees for the future, nor simply in outlining Newt’s own feelings on the “Age of Transitions,” but in demonstrating the breadcrumbs of suppressed history that have lead us to this point. Gingrich aptly opens his dialogue by mentioning Vannevar Bush, inventor of MEMEX and the precursor to the modern multimedia age.

For more on the transhuman gambit and Newt Gingrich’s role in it, there is an excellent documentary by filmmaker Aaron Franz on the topic:

Regardless of who is (s)elected as the next President of the United States, the next administration will oversee vast changes to Internet infrastructure (and the Panopticon it supports). Be it the handover of DNS from America to the U.N., net neutrality, or the draconian “Internet of Things” and “Smart Grid,” the barrel of Technofeudalism’s gun is quickly finding itself turned on humanity at large, if it hasn’t been aimed in that direction all along.

With people like Thiel and Gingrich gearing up to spearhead a “Technological Trump” administration, disarming the State from the top-down in this regard seems an increasingly unlikely outcome.

Or were you really under the impression that we could “Make America Great Again” and restore manufacturing without robots, automation, and artificial intelligence?

Make America What, Again?

Regardless of how one feels about Donald Trump, his numerous connections with the Deep State and key actors within it are utterly undeniable. Whether they are utterly indefensible is ultimately left to the reader. But the primary sources and interlocks outlined throughout this article aren’t merely “guilt by association.” This is how the intelligence community itself maps out potential “threat vectors” when tracking their own targets:

“People use human networks to organize the control of resources and geography. No person alone can control anything of significance. Presidents, drug lords and CEOs rely on people to execute their strategies and are constrained by the capabilities and interests of the people who work for them. Identifying these networks may be a daunting task depending on the network. For obvious reasons, criminal organizations and militant networks strive to keep their membership secret, and it is not always apparent who gives the orders and who carries out the orders in a political body. To discern who’s who in a group, and therefore whether an individual matters in a group, requires both intelligence and analysis to make sense of the intelligence.”


Admittedly, the network outlined herein is a rudimentary one and requires more fleshing out. But for all his “anti-Globalist, Amerika First” rhetoric, Donald Trump finds himself at the center of two key Globalist enterprises: The Deep State drug trade and the Technofeudal State’s transhuman gambit. While The Donald has done a masterful job in dressing himself up as antithetical to these interests, an Administration is not just a President – it’s the support network of the seemingly immortal Deep State actors that supports them.

And Donald Trump is most certainly from the network. But is he for the network?

In this author’s mind, Donald’s Deep State connections belie three potential scenarios:

  1. Donald Trump is analogous to the John F./Joe Kennedy complex before him. He may be supported by a criminal enterprise and surrounded by unsavory characters, the Deep State may have leverage over him, but he ultimately has a “Good Heart” and seeks genuine change despite the uphill battle.
  2. Donald Trump is a Deep State actor from a competing group of insiders, putting pressure on the “Old Order” crowd of the Bush/Clinton Cartel in making way for the “New Multipolar World Order” now emerging.
  3. Donald Trump is a Deep State actor running solely for the aims of the Deep State itself. He is a part of it, complicit in it, and whether he wins or loses is immaterial to the greater objectives of World Order.

I’m a cynical sod with this crazy belief that only individuals working in concert with other individuals of their own free will can ever change Humanity’s current predicament, and thus, lean heavily towards Options #2 and #3. But for those starry-eyed dreamers who place their faith in the God of the State, here’s to hoping that your next King of choice does not become a sacrificial one.

Blogging under the pseudonym of Rusticus, the author and freedom activist operates a website, where this article first appeared, tracing the machinations of the Anglo-American Establishment throughout history while simultaneously documenting the process of creating a truly off-grid homestead. (

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10 Comments on "The Donald and The Deep State"

  1. Excellent, well researched article. I like many, are hoping for the first scenario.
    At least we have the illusion of transparency with Trump. But I am a 1/2 empty glass type of person.

  2. Every highly successful, wealthy Techie/Wall Street/”inventor” was co-opted early on, and if they failed to submit, the FTC sued them into submission. A person is not allowed entry into the 1/10 of 1% club unless they submit. When they fully submit, they are allowed their eccentricities. Some of us were there, at the very beginning, and even approved the early business endeavors of these now fabulously powerful, wealthy companies, giving entrance into the pool of possible high tech super powers. It’s no surprise that Paypal got its biggest boost by becoming eBay’s bank. It’s no surprise that Facebook was able to steal technology from far more talented inventors and use it to sweep into the lives of 99% of those now glued to cell phones. Any competition has been stifled and destroyed. Trump has something they haven’t entirely smothered, and that is his own sense of individuality and a fierce loyalty to his children. Trump is not perfect by a long shot, but he did not sell his soul as Hillary and Bill Clinton and the Bush family members readily did. Trump may still desist from sheer vanity, but he did not sell his soul, not yet.

  3. In think scenario three is most likely. Show biz for ugly people, “Dancing with the Psychopaths”

  4. After scrolling down past the overly lengthy article, here’s my conclusion. Assuming the reader is going to be participating in the voting process, we have some choices. The two main choices are Trump and Clinton. Johnson and Stein are a waste of time. Johnson’s job is to weaken Trump’s campaign by stealing votes and Stein is there to.. well.. do something. She’s a Communist. Nuff said about that.

    If you want to slow the damage of the NWO, vote Trump. No, there won’t be a wall built. It’s a nice idea but you’ll see Congress suddenly regrow the spine they allow to atrophy for Obama. That means no funding. You can’t build good relations with Mexico while erecting a wall. If Trump can do something or anything to restore business and industry in America, that will provide both jobs and put a dent in China’s [allowed] industrial and economic might. China only became a power because U.S. and Western politicians allowed it. We just reverse the process through taxes and tariffs. Clinton won’t do that. Neither will Johnson or Stein. Trump, more than likely.

  5. “Donald Trump’s anti-Globalist rhetoric has stricken a chord with the American electorate.”

    This is kind of an important distinction, so please take note: the past participle of the verb “to strike” is nearly always “struck”, not “stricken”. If you think about ways you’ve heard “stricken” used, it was either in a court setting (“stricken from the record”) or someone had an unfortunate health event (“was stricken with double pneumonia”).

    Other than the court thing, all uses of “stricken” as the past participle of “strike” relate to something unfortunate. Use “…has struck a chord with” instead!

  6. So hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys in this age of deception. IMHO Donald is a man that cares deeply about people and The People – there are no absolutes, no perfect person – his rubbing elbows with establishment figures, his talk of pushing the War on Drugs and promoting Biometric ID’s, his references to 9/11, the “mass shootings” and his quick signing on to the “No Fly , No Buy” legislation makes me suspicious. I just hope and pray he turns out to be a Champion of the People, Freedom and American sovereignty. If not I expect the People will chew him up and spit him out just like they did Obama. He’s a smart man, I don’t think he would put himself up to that fate if he wasn’t intending on doing the right thing. Let’s hope so.

  7. if you are a billionaire, very difficult to do anything without being checked up on, and herded to meet certain larger interests.

    interestingly, everyone from fox to cnn to nyt to wp to and most every oligarch on the planet is
    aligned against trump, via money, influence, and the most disgusting statements one will ever see all day long every day. this is a monstrous distinction seemingly lost on another group – activist post.

    Stay out of energy, telecom, big data, big media ownership, big manufacturing, military/space
    contracting, security, drugs including those legalized and maybe you can avoid only hanging with the treasonous scumbags. at that level throw a rock in any direction and you hit an nwo type.

    Isn’t it interesting how its rare one tempers his own assessment with as much enthusiasm for the “facts” and other data points for a contrary assessment? Interesting indeed.

  8. The problem with the deep state and democracy is that it can be exploited, voting will only show the path of least resistance so if trump wins, racial tensions, and security could be exploited and it could actualy lead to building the wall making the problem even bigger, regardless of his true intentions, this is even easier since he can be blocked or simply can fail to do what he promised, this problem will continue unless candidates are forced to implement every step of their plans with deadlines, and face some repercussion for failing, now this vs the deep state wich can move easily away from public and trhough financial and social manipulation, makes solutions difficult as long as people have no way to disccus problems among different groups and find a solution regardless of political perceptions, this has been more easily accomplished in smaller contries.

  9. The Donald will…”fix it and fix it fast…” wings over the rockies circa July 2016.
    Make America great, again.

  10. The Donald is the NWO’s dream president! Ivanka will be pushing climate change while he manages law enforcement locally.

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