In The Divided States of America, There’s Only One Way To “Unite”

Op-Ed by Joey Clark

Following the attempted political assassination of several GOP members of Congress this week, calls for “unity” echoed through the halls of power.

Democratic and Republican leaders alike offered up their ruminations on the matter — ”ruminating” not in the sense of offering profound thoughts on the latest tragedy, but rather, as cows “ruminate” on regurgitated cud. That an American citizen would take the ruling class’ dishonest and hyperbolic partisanship seriously enough to actually start shooting congressmen is tough for the political class to stomach, so for now, they chew on their hopes for national unity while promising to temper their rhetoric.

Such calls for “national unity” in the wake of violence are nothing new, and as I heard this latest chorus of “Kumbaya” reverberate around the country, I couldn’t help but snicker. I couldn’t hold back my laughter because I suspect too much about American government, too much about the meanness and bad faith of contemporary American politics, too much about the very nature of human beings’ relationship to political power to take American politicos’ calls for unity, love, and respect seriously. I have nothing against unity, love, kindness, and respect (and I certainly do not condone citizens randomly shooting members of Congress), but I cannot take the power-hungry seriously when they use the language of peace and community to advance their national ambitions of political control.

Political invective, per se, is not the problem — the drive for national solutions is. Even if the political class softens their rhetoric for a time (don’t hold your breath), they will sooner or later find themselves at one another’s throats again as long as they continue to nationalize every political issue under the sun. There is too much power at stake to behave otherwise. In fact, I expect we will soon see that rhetorical game whereby partisan “uniters” criticize anyone who disagrees with their political projects as “dividers.”

Contrary to popular political opinion, “national unity” is not synonymous with basic human decency and peace among men. Quite the opposite. But as long as “our” political leaders continue to conflate the two, a cruel irony will be at work here. The more America’s political leaders try to “unite” the nation through political power at the federal level, nationalizing every issue in the process, the more divided the nation will become. The United States is too diverse to be treated as one big happy family ready to march in lockstep.

The political class’ appeals to American ‘family’ and ‘unity’ is merely a means to obscure what’s really on the agenda— an agenda that goes far beyond the purview of our actual families, villages, townships, cities, and states. The political establishment continues to falsely believe a diverse nation of 300 million-plus people, a nation of nearly 20,000 actual cities, as well as countless families and cultures, can be managed like a singular political body without negative consequences. If only we surrender more of our liberties and governing decisions to Washington D.C., says the political class, “the people” of the United States can be prodded into unity — as long as we are allowed to chew on a bit of happy talk and watch a charity baseball game.

No doubt, how we speak to one another as fellow human beings is important. Indeed, culture and rhetoric are important. And, yes, though politics may often be downstream from culture, politics can also pollute the river of culture and discourse if allowed to become too pervasive. Immense political power has a way of rendering men suspicious and jealous of one another. And once politics comes to define a people through the power of a central state, all that is left is an impending battle over whose culture will be imposed through the power of that state.

In the face of such a looming war, it is no surprise that people often despair only to hurl invective, material threats, and people see actual bullets towards “the others” as the source of their angst. In such a world dominated by national political power, it is understandable that politicos, whether elected officials or disgruntled campaign volunteers, see anyone who opposes their national projects as a threat to humanity.

But the tyrant in you is the tyrant in me, and if we are not careful — if we keep offering the American people the immense national power to command and control their fellows — even our reactions against tyranny and violence will tend to mutate into movements to destroy one another for power’s sake.

If we truly wish to unite the American people, we must abandon our greedy nationalist daydreams. We must decentralize political power away from Washington D.C. and truly embrace the diversity of the American populace. We must reduce the potential power we have over one another so that tolerance for those we disagree with may flourish absent the threat of political coercion. Let California be California. Let Texas be Texas. Let Vermont go their own way and Alabama go another way, and so on.

Furthermore, we should go beyond the idea of states altogether. Local governments can be just as tyrannical as national governments despite their limited geography. Rather than first saying, “We are all Americans,” “We are all Alabamians,” or “We are all Californians,” suppose we instead say:

We are all individual moral agents, each of us with our own unique tastes and talents, each of us possessing the flame of our innate freedom, and we can do as we please as long as we respect one another as free individuals.

If one day that does become our motto, dare I say, what a statement of human solidarity it would be.

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11 Comments on "In The Divided States of America, There’s Only One Way To “Unite”"

  1. NJguy - Proudly Deplorable | June 17, 2017 at 2:32 pm |

    Can’t happen until the socialists are gone. You see, this isn’t a fair fight. If we win, they get to keep their rights. But if they win, we lose all of ours. That equation must change such that if we win they lose their citizenship. Only then will this be a fair fight.

    Socialism kills.

  2. The nation was built on a system of divide and conquer, Plato’s noble lie, and the law of the sea, as America is just another corporate entity of maritime admiralty law. As John Jay stated as Chief Justice under John Adams, “Those who own the country ought to govern it.” We know that those that owned the “UNITED STATES” were bankers that held the country as collateral for the Bank of North America and The First Bank of the United States, both corporations owned by over 65% foreign interests thanks to the Federalists and Andrew Hamilton. It is a Masonic entity as well, the first masonic revolution with many to come. As Henry Kissinger said to Al Haig “Military men are “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy”. That is a fact from the beginning of the “creation of the commercial entity known as “UNITED STATES” as those that do the fighting have never fought for freedom of anyone, but for those that reap the rewards while the population works to enrich their interests from the very beginning, as Shays’s Rebellion, Whiskey Rebellion and other showed and as Smedley Butler points out in his book “War Is A Racket”. Until the people work for themselves and one another for the Law of the Land, there will be no unity in this country or any other that are run of, by and for the owners.

  3. USA, you are on the verge of societal collapse…!!!! these satanic elites are going to continue their violence against you. they have mobilized every TRICK they know to decimate you. and your peaceful co-existence will not work. TIME TO face the music. YOU CANNOT UNIFY. YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO KILL THESE DEMONS IN HUMAN FLESH. YOU CONTINUE BLABBERING ABOUT THIS AND THAT WHILE YOUR COUNTRY BURN.
    just thinkin’……
    Nah….. I DOUBT YOU’LL GET OFF YOUR ARSES, you’ve all HAVE become pseudo intellectual girly boys.

  4. When the sheeple stop labeling people: left, right, lib, conserve, DINO, RINO, black, white, red, brown, male female, homo, not homo, wet back, not wet back, christian, not christian, rag head, not rag head and a list tooooo long. Things will charge. but do not hold

    • Typical shill :-)))

      • I think he’s right, EJ. I see this ALL too often; “If ONLY the democrats had won!!” “If ONLY the Conservative movement was…”

        The Divide and Conquer works VERY well when labels are applied that people can identify with – and have an enemy to hate.

        Never realizing the guy the guy next doors he chats with may be his arch-enemy online, unbeknownst to either.

  5. How do you get unity from a nation that has been intentionally mind controlled to be selfish, self absorbed, judgemental, and lacking critical thinking skills? One group wants to unite under Katy Perry and another wants to unite under Trey Gowdy and others just want to be left the hell alone.

    This from a friend:

    “The only real change in society’s structure can come from a cataclysmic “act of god” where no group, nation or ideology can be blamed.” Jay Kominski

    So come on aliens, sun spots, meteorites, SOMETHING.

  6. There acutely is unity between the Ancaps, Alt-right, Libertarians, Republicans and even a few select classical liberals. The problem is we all hate the left and the rinos.
    They will bend knee or brake, because I have no middle ground left.

  7. It’s all working out just as the Elite have it planned. Divide and conquer. And the sleeping people don’t even know it, because it is too hard to believe.

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