How We Can Make America Healthy Again
Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”.
Wendell Berry: “We have a food system that ignores health and a healthcare system that ignores food!”
How Big Ag/Big Pharma Keep America Sick explains that American medicine excels in treating trauma. So, if you get hit by a car, are in a fire, fall off a ladder, or are shot, you can expect help at a hospital. However, American medicine is failing in chronic disease. Americans spend an average of $12,555 per person on health care annually according to the Peterson-KFF Health Care Tracker. By comparison, typical health care spending across other developed nations is about $6,651,
However, Americans are the sickest, fattest, unhealthiest population. The US ranks high in infant mortality and ranks low in life expectancy compared to other industrialized nations. This shows that the American approach to healthcare is not working.
Why are so many Americans, including children, so sick when we spend so much more for healthcare than any other nation? What if the food we eat undermines our health? What if the medical system is not designed to protect or restore our health but to make us permanent cash cows for Big Pharma? If so, how did this happen and how can we fix this unhealthy system?
Big Pharma Whistleblowers
Casey Means, MD and her brother Calley (lawyer) discussed their #1 NYTimes bestselling 2024 book Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health with Tucker Carlson. Casey received her BA with honors. She graduated from Stanford Medical School at the top of her class in 2014 and served on the Stanford faculty. However, she decided to leave allopathic medicine in 2018 because she saw that it was ignoring root causes.
Casey left a successful career in traditional medicine to devote her life to tackling the root cause of why Americans are sick. Casey is the co-founder of Levels, a health technology company with the mission of reversing the world’s metabolic health crisis.. Calley and Casey expose how Big Pharma co-opted government agencies and the food industry to poison America and keep us sick.
How The Healthcare System Is Rigged
Pharmaceutical Rep Turned Whistleblower Reveals the Shocking Truth About Healthcare | Brigham Buhler 11/13/25
On this episode of The Model Health Show, our guest is Brigham Buhler, the founder and CEO of Ways2Well. He’s here to share insider secrets from his previous career as a pharmaceutical representative. You’re going to learn interesting facts about how insurance companies profit, the truth about Big Pharma, and how the American people can take control of their health.

Former Big Pharma rep Brigham Buhler says in the video: “The healthcare system is not “broken”. It is rigged. We’re the ones fittin’ the bill. The price is more than money – dollars and cents. It’s being paid in Americans’ lives – loved ones, friends, families, brothers, and sisters. I know. I lost my brother to the opioid crisis. I know what these people are doing – and it’s dark and it’s sinister….
We as a people have to take sovereignty and accountability over our health. The blessing is 80% of this is preventable through lifestyle, diet, nutrition, and exercise. If we can take a little sovereignty, a little bit of accountability and buy ourselves time, we have to hope that knowledge is power.Through podcasts such as yours and the Rogans of the world , we’re now waking up and we are now discussing this as free-thinking and free people. That’s the beauty of this country.”
Buhler said when his testimony before the Senate was broadcast to the public, an overflow room had to be set up because over 2,000 people made the trip! He said, “Americans are pissed! They aren’t buying it anymore. They now know the magic trick. We’re asking the questions….We’ve diagnosed the root cause as a society, as a public, as free-thinking individuals.
The question becomes – “What’s the treatment and how do we get us back to being healthy? It wouldn’t take that much. Calley Means talks about this….Overnight we could change the trajectory of chronic disease… If you eat the average American diet, live the average American lifestyle, and see the average American doctor, you will die of the average American chronic disease. We are a chronically ill society. We have GOT to take accountability for sovereignty and quit worrying about when somebody else is going to fix out problems.
Go fix your own problems. Everything goes back to our metabolic health – making better choices, getting outdoors, spending time with loved ones. For the first time ever, Americans are awake. We are not blind anymore. People are excited to make change and improve this. I’m optimistic”
Ways2Well: Preventive Healthcare
Buhler says, “We’ve got to get proactive. We’ve got to get predictive and we’ve got to get personalized… There are so many tools you’ll never hear about if you’re in the insurance model”. He refers people to his site Ways2Well which provides preventative healthcare through bloodwork that provides the basis for a treatment plan tailored to each individual.