Propaganda, Eugenics, Gender

By Dustin Broadbery

When illustrious leaders of the opposition cannot define what a woman is, you got to ask yourself, what the hell is going on?

Why is all this overrated, X-rated smut being peddled from every direction?

Have we really flooded school libraries with homoerotic books aimed at 6-year-olds?

Whose idea was it to enshrine drag queen story hour as a rite of passage?

And since when was it acceptable for weirdos with schoolgirl fetishes to have unsupervised, intimate conversations with our kids?

In any other time, it would be named indecent exposure; or worse, grooming.  But not today. Self-indulgent narcissism is the gold standard of self-expression. The conversations people ought to be having with their therapist have become prime time debating points. It’s another day another carnivalesque parade of blokes in frocks swanning around social media, the creepier and more degenerate the content the more of an inalienable right it is to rub your nose in it. For as long as their entitlements are upheld, all others are scattered to the wind. It’s no longer women and children first but every licentious adult male with a fetish in need of validation.

Typically, it’s a mind-numbing sideshow that would go entirely unnoticed if it wasn’t for the algorithms. Even amongst men lacking distinction, to paraphrase Catch-22, the likes of Dylan Mulvaney would inevitably stand out as man lacking even more distinction than all the rest.

But not so fast. Progressivism has managed to polish the proverbial turd, so much so that the most nauseating and cringeworthy are regaled into positions of mega stardom, celebrated not for their virtue, but complete lack of credibility.

I’m all in favour of freedom of expression, men being in touch with their feminine side, it’s when schoolchildren are mandated to provide what constitutes a free psychotherapy session that I have a problem; and it’s when the most immoral are given the halo effect by conventional wisdom that alarms bells start ringing.

Some of us grew up in an age where the deranged ramblings of a person’s alter ego would be subject to strict patient-doctor confidentiality, whereas today these psychological disorders are celebrated as the most virtuous hallmarks of the post-modern citizen, by a society that loves to suffer more than the occasional fool.

Alphabet Mafia…

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