32% of “Smart” Meter Users Monitoring Usage at least Once a Day, “the primary reason was heightened anxiety regarding energy usage”

By B.N. Frank

Opposition to costly, privacy-invasive, and hazardous utility “smart” meters – electric, gas, and water – has been worldwide since they started being deployed over a decade ago.  In the UK, issues and complaints continue to be reported, particularly regarding the forced installation of prepayment “smart” meters (see 1, 2) and politicians have started voicing their concerns as well.  A new survey exposes more of the same – consumers stressed out after installation.

From EnergyLiveNews:

Smart meter stress: One-third of users locked in daily checks

A fifth of users who hold unfavourable views about their smart meters acknowledge that it heightens their anxiety regarding energy usage, according to a new survey.

A significant portion of smart meter users in the UK are closely monitoring their devices, with one-third (32%) admitting to checking their smart meters daily or even more frequently.

That’s according to a new survey conducted by Go.Compare Energy which suggests that for a fifth (22%) of participants who expressed dissatisfaction with their smart meters, the primary reason was heightened anxiety regarding energy usage.

This group stated that the constant monitoring amplified their worries.

Additionally, the survey found that nearly a third (32%) of smart meter users check their devices at least once a day.

Around 16% reported checking them weekly, while 9% did so every couple of weeks.

Another 16% checked their meters on a monthly basis and 11% did so less frequently, with intervals exceeding a month.

Interestingly, nearly 24% of respondents admitted to never checking their smart meters.

Despite the numerous issues exposed over the years about “smart” meters (see 1, 2, 3, 4), proponents continue to claim that they are accurate, beneficial to consumers, essential for “energy efficiency”, and safe.  Ha!

Activist Post reports regularly about “smart” meters and other privacy-invasive and unsafe technologies.  For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:

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