Editor’s Note: Activist Post does not endorse any candidate for president or any other political office. This article is presented for informational purposes only and all opinions are the author’s alone.
Bleeding ballots, votes from dead people, strange computer glitches, mob bosses named ‘Skinny Joe’ purportedly manufacturing ballots, and other incidents of potential electoral fraud. On one hand, you have conservatives calling the November 3, 2020 election “The Biggest Heist in Political History” while on the other hand, the government calling this the “most secure election in American history.”
What is the truth? This four-part series gives an overview of the election debacle and a handful of links to navigate the deluge of information.
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Prior to the election, Joe Biden arguably told the world that the Democratic party “… put together … the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
Deep fake or another example of verbal vomit?
Um, Joey is this a freudian slip? 😳
'We have put together the biggest and most extensive voter fraud organization….'
??????? @JoeBiden pic.twitter.com/2tB1DZjiUv
— Maryam Henein/ #Shadowbanned (aka BeeLady)/ 6% (@MaryamHenein) October 30, 2020
Since the election, Attorney Sidney Powell says the President’s legal team has received an overwhelming amount of evidence concerning voter fraud and irregularities, ‘enough to launch a widespread criminal investigation.’
“They’re facing an election that was absolutely rigged, we are soaking in information through fire hoses of complicated mathematical alterations to the votes,” stated Powell. “It would be beneficial for Joe Biden to concede the race before he incriminates himself for widespread election fraud that could put him behind bars for the rest of his life.”
Powell adds there’s even some evidence dating back to 2016. To keep track and organize anomalies and legal issues of this ‘intentional blindness’ toward alleged corruption, someone even created a crowdsourcing tool.
And yet the mainstream media continues to repeatedly state that “Trump has put forward a flurry of charges of election fraud without providing evidence.”
Like Amazing Polly says, no matter what Trump does, “he’s seemingly trapped in the script.”
The Daily Mail, for instance, says The New York Times did not find evidence of large-scale fraud after calling top election officials in every state, and Twitter called Trump’s claim about election fraud “disputed.” (In the course of two weeks Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s platform slapped warning labels on 300,000 election-related tweets, including over 50 from US President Donald Trump.)
But who gives license to social media platforms and publications to serve as the arbiters of truth? They’ve been caught repeatedly lying to the people, making them arguably co-conspirators in an attempt to hijack a democratic election process.
Meanwhile, government officials such as Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York are also toting the narrative that President Trump and his legal team are all delusional and that lawsuits are “frivolous.”
“Instead of working to pull the country back together, Republicans in Congress are spreading conspiracy theories, denying reality, and poisoning the well of our democracy,” Schumer said at a press conference.
Even the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has issued a press release with Dominion Voting Systems, stating that there is “no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.” They added that “the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.”
Note that both Dominion and Smartmatic are listed as members of CISA’s Sector Coordinating Council and appear to be actively involved, as they are named “Organizing Members” of the SCC. Isn’t this a conflict of interest?
On November 17th, Trump fired Christopher Krebs, the director of CISA, who led the U.S. federal government’s election cybersecurity efforts.
Krebs has been one of the most vocal government officials debunking baseless claims about election manipulation, particularly addressing a conspiracy theory centered on Dominion Voting Systems machines that Trump has pushed.
Regardless of the mainstream narrative, the vote is not official until it is ‘certified’ – that is officially declared valid – which happens later in November. Georgia certifies on November 20, and Nevada and Wisconsin are last on December 1.
“We do not have a president-elect at this time,” said Dr. Kelli Ward, chairwoman of the Republican Party of Arizona.“States have not certified elections, and that’s what makes a president-elect — not the media, not the pundits, not the talking heads, not the fake news.”
You’ve Got Mail & The Rona Regime
Votes by mail have been questioned in the past by both sides of the aisle. Back in 2005, a bipartisan report of The Commission on Federal Election Reform, chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State, James Baker III, concluded that “absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.” Many instances of fraud historically exist.
In December 2019, Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Ron Wyden, and Amy Klobuchar and Congressman Mark Pocan wrote a letter to Dominion Voting Systems. They warned about reports of machines “switching votes,” “undisclosed vulnerabilities,” and “improbable” results that “threaten the integrity of our elections.”
“Election security experts have noted for years that the nation’s election systems and infrastructure are under serious threat.”
President Trump, along with many critics, anticipated as early as April that mail-in voting was rife with issues. For instance, on November 5th, President Trump told Americans that the election was in jeopardy and that the precedent of massive vote-by-mail was “destroying the integrity of America’s future elections.”
Attorney General William Barr has also repeatedly stated that mail-in voting “opens the floodgates to fraud.”
Was COVID-19 a Trojan horse to flood elections with mail-in voting ballots? Considering that many have known as early as February that this coronavirus is less fatal than the flu, could it be that the coronavirus was used as a cover to justify mail-in voting?
Democratic counties, like Hennepin County, asked for millions of dollars as part of the CARES Act back in June for an election five months away.
If it was safe to take to the streets for a projected Biden win during a supposed pandemic, why didn’t people cast a vote in person just three days prior?
Rona seems to be able to defeat all matters of logic. It’s an extremely intelligent virus that makes up its own working hours and knows how to go into suspended animation whenever people eat. Why are churches and Trump rallies super-spreaders when riots and premature celebrations are not?
“Either COVID stopped being dangerous, or the media are damned liars,” the Ben Shapiro Show host told podcast listeners. “You couldn’t visit grandma in the hospital while she was dying because COVID is ‘super dangerous,’ but you can be out there not wearing a mask…celebrating Trump not being in office.”
According to attorney Lin Wood, rules regarding elections were changed because of COVID-19 to the ability of people to vote by mail. As a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, hundreds of litigation and court orders were filed involving election administration issues. The lawsuits highlight anomalies, statistical impossibilities, and other perceived problems that could affect vote counts.
Night Changes
Many websites reported that by 10 pm, President Trump had a 70% chance of winning the election, according to the initial statistical calculations.
Around midnight on November 3rd, as The Gateway Pundit (TGP) reported:
In Pennsylvania, Trump was ahead by nearly 700,000 votes. In Michigan, Trump was ahead by over 300,000 votes. In Wisconsin, Trump was ahead by 120,000 votes.
But upon waking, the mainstream and social media painted an entirely different picture. To be clear, the press doesn’t get to call an election.
It seemed to many that in the dead of night at “Around 3:30 am, ‘magically’ out of nowhere, Joe Biden’s Wisconsin tally jumped up almost 200,000 votes without a single vote for President Donald Trump. In Michigan, the vote ‘inexplicably’ jumped up over 130,000 votes for Biden, without a single new vote for Trump,” reported the website Stop The World.
If I were to flip a coin, what are the chances that absolutely none land tails? Are we to believe that Joe Biden smashed Barack Obama, receiving millions more votes than Obama’s historic 2008 election where he ended up with 365 electoral votes, winning Florida, North Carolina, and even Indiana?
Were ballots manufactured? Was there a glitch in the software? Do the digital ballots cast match up with any paper trail? Is there a paper trail if the ballots use a barcode?
Regardless of whatever side of the aisle you sit on, voter integrity should matter.
The Hammer And The Scorecard
State officials reject the existence of a hammer and scorecard system, dubbing it a hoax. Yet evidence exists that Dennis Montgomery, CIA contractor turned whistleblower, designed and built a powerful supercomputer system known as THE HAMMER. This system includes an application known as SCORECARD that is capable of hacking into elections and stealing the vote, claim critics.
During a recent interview with Two Mikes, Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney described “Hammer” and “Scorecard,” a pair of programs initially designed for the CIA before being privatized by Deep State players from the Obama administration. This counterintelligence surveillance program is used to spy on activities in protected networks (like voting machines) without detection. “Scorecard” is a vote-manipulation application that changes votes during transfer. It’s the least detectable form of election manipulation, because it works during data transfer between voting stations and data storage hubs. Unless both sides are looking for irregularities, it’s impossible to catch. If nefarious forces had people on one side or the other (or both) during data transfer, it cannot be exposed.
The allegation is that this time, the Scorecard was used to reportedly steal votes in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona, says Montgomery.
Fox Business recently discussed election fraud with Powell. She confirmed the likelihood that 3% of the election results were changed using the Scorecard software.
Dominion Voting Systems
Dominion machines were involved in 30 states in America, and are used in every state where Trump is launching legal fights. Yet several experts and officials have stated that there is no reason to believe those machines altered the outcome of the election.
Yet three employees of the voting machine/software company “Dominion,” whose products were used in multiple U.S. States for the recent election, have come forward and are blowing the whistle about election theft perpetrated through their company’s voting software, whereupon massive amounts of votes were changed from President Trump to Biden. The accusation is that millions of votes were switched or simply removed altogether.
Powell said the software, dubbed Smartmatic, was designed for the sole purpose of shifting voting results.
“It’s really an insidious, corrupt system and I can’t tell you how livid I am at our government for not paying attention to complaints, even brought by Democrats… No one in our government has paid any attention to it which makes me wonder if the CIA has used it for its own benefit in different places,” said Powell. “It was a feature of the system that was designed with a back door so that people could watch in real-time and calculate with an algorithm how many votes they needed to change to make the results they wanted to create.”
Over the weekend, the President’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, brought attention to the company’s alleged involvement. He noted the evidence “will all come out.”
Powell also specifically pointed out that a member of Joe Biden’s team is also on the board of directors for a software company behind the flawed Dominion voting systems.
Dominion Voting System says these assertions are completely false.
An unsubstantiated claim about the deletion of 2.7 million pro-Trump votes that was posted on the internet and spread on social media has been taken down and debunked by independent fact-checkers.
Powell hopes to reveal all pertaining affidavits and evidence of fraud before the election certification deadline.
Here is a Cyber Analyst on Dominion Voting’s vulnerabilities.
In part two we delve into specifics involving the states in question.
Read Part 2 HERE
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