In this powerful interview Spiro is joined with Doctor Andrew Kaufman. Spiro and Dr. Kaufman discuss the expanding curtailment of basic civil liberties being normalized under the false pretext of a global health emergency.
Doctor Kaufman lays his reputation and his career on the line as he blows the whistle on what he describes as a manufactured crisis to carry out a preplanned agenda to facilitate global governance and population control.
Doctor Kaufman is a well-educated medical professional who convincingly illustrates, using the CDC’s own technical data, how the public has been manipulated on the grandest scale.
As you can see, the fascists at YouTube erased this information, so we are bringing you the interview from a platform that supports free speech — BitChute
Doctor Kaufman’s Website
Doctor Kaufman’s YouTube
Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
One-Third of All U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Are Nursing Home Residents or Workers
Army germ lab shut down by CDC in 2019 had several ‘serious’ protocol violations that year
2 Dead From Unknown Respiratory Virus. What Could It Be?
Nearly 10K Military Personnel From 110 Nations In Wuhan China Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak!
French army returned from Wuhan military games in October with mystery illness
Policy for Coronavirus Disease-2019 Tests During the Public Health Emergency (Revised)
Cepheid Letter of Authorization
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Call your senator . Tell them not to vote for 6666. Refuse to download any app. If the do it remotely make an aluminum foil/duct tape sleeve to put your phone in. Do not answer the door or let anyone in unless they have a warrant. Beware of banks going to digital money only; CASH is still LEGAL tender and the only way you will have any privacy and not be tracked and taxed to death. Avoid the vaccine which will alter your immune system& chip you. Avoid any tattoos for tracking.