Story artist for film and television, Lubomir Arsov, has just released his most recent creation titled In Shadow. It is a 13-minute animated short that is a powerful and sometimes grim look at the veil that modern society has placed upon nearly every epidemic that plagues the human condition. However, as the story progresses, the seeds are planted in the journey toward awakening and self-empowerment.
Written, Directed & Produced by Lubomir Arsov
Original Soundtrack “Age of Wake” by Starward Projections
Composited by Sheldon Lisoy
Additional Compositing by Hiram Gifford
Art Directed & Edited by Lubomir Arsov
Gallery quality ART PRINTS available here:
Film Website:
Music Composers:
I agree. Let the facade fall and ascend to fusion ultra instinct mode
Thought provoking and disturbing. The masses wont get it but its an intriguing media for presenting the truth
I hope ‘the masses’ at least see that vaccines are destroying the commoners.
Moms and Pops every where stop having your babies at the ‘hospital’.
My daughter had hers at home and has never had her child vaccinated and she never gets sick and is very vibrant.
They (the rich smiling red guys) use the commoner for fodder for the made up wars.
They suppress us by scaring us with crisis actors that use hoaxes and false flags to bring about more restrictive laws.
Wow! Brilliant in conception and its form. I’ll have to re watch this superb little film several times to make sure I got everything.. Kudos!!