By Matt Agorist
Declassified top secret documents reveal plans for the US to obtain Soviet aircraft and use them to attack Americans as a pretext to start a war.
As the deep state continues to push the Russian election interference narrative—with no concrete evidence—the damage to US-Russia relations continues to grow. Sadly, those who continue to buy the Russiagate conspiracy theory have forgotten the US government’s history when it comes to propaganda used to start wars and bolster the military-industrial complex.
A recent revelation from the newly released JFK Files can now help put this entire Russian hacking scenario into context—as it has been the subject of previous propaganda campaigns. On March 22, 1962, a meeting, held by the “Special Group (Augmented),” which according to an encyclopedia on the Central Intelligence Agency, included Attorney General Robert Kennedy, CIA Director John McCone, National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Lemnitzer, discussed the creation of a false flag attack on the United States to be blamed on the Soviets.
According to the documents, the US government wanted to manufacture or obtain Soviet aircraft so they could launch an attack on America or friendly bases and use those attacks as a pretext for war.
According to the previously Top Secret classified documents:
There is a possibility that such aircraft could be used in a deception operation designed to confuse enemy planes in the air, to launch a surprise attack against enemy installations or in a provocation operation in which Soviet aircraft would appear to attack U.S. or friendly installations in order to provide an excuse for U.S. intervention.”
As the Daily Caller notes, the notion of using fake Soviet aircraft in a so-called “false flag” attack was first revealed in Robert Dallek’s An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963, which was released in 2001. Dallek’s book says that the idea to manufacture or obtain Soviet aircraft was suggested by CIA Director McCone; however, the released documents say it was raised by Attorney General Kennedy.
As people continue to believe the warmongering rhetoric from the State, they also continue to forget America’s history of lying to the people to get them to accept war. Indeed, the JFK files have now given us at least two incidents of the United States planning false flag attacks against its own people as a pretext to wage war.
As TFTP reported last month, the JFK files also reveal the plans for another false flag attack to be blamed on Cuba. In the document which was marked TS for Top Secret, the US military revealed its plans to trick Americans into war with Cuba. The plans were to create and carry out false flag terror attacks against American citizens and use them as propaganda to gain support for the war against Fidel Castro.
In the documents, officials noted that the plans for the attacks were “approved” and the Joint Chiefs merely needed to pick one of the nine “pretexts” to use to trick US citizens into war.
The plans involved killing innocent people and injuring others and making sure these instances would be “widely publicized” as propaganda to start an unjust war.
“We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated),” the document reads.
Notice how callous these monsters sound when talking about drowning a boatload of Cubans—which would have likely contained innocent children—to start a bogus war for profit.
The document continues,
We could foster attempts on the lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of a Cuban agent and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government.
When reading the above documents, one should be naturally inclined to begin questioning every single war America has ever entered. It becomes perfectly clear that the US government cares not about deceiving its own citizens and killing innocent people so they can send our brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers off to other countries to die so the fat cats in DC can bolster their war portfolios on Wall Street.
Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project, where this article first appeared. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, and now on Facebook.
recycled anti-soviet disinfo from the cuban missile crisis
What a massive miscalculation by those nuts to choose Russia as the revived boogey man. We already went through 4 decades of cold war animosity between the Soviets and the west, and we buried the hatchet. The US and Russia have seen each other at our worst, and our worst isn’t nearly as bad as par-for-the-course for the subhumans the globalists are flooding into the west.
Russians may be our adversaries on some issues, but they and the US are brethren. At least we know we’re not willing to scorch the earth to get our way.
The people who plan these things are promoting the financial gains and power that come with a large Military Industrial Complex. They “win” that game year after year, whether there is any actual war or any actual “threat” or any non-absurd reason to spend most of the US discretionary budget on more negative war things and bases all over the globe.
One major issue of disagreement is the Zionist/CIA attempt to erode the ability of Russian leadership to control Russia. The transfer of US forces from the E.U. to Poland and Czech Republic reflect the “US Swamp Leaders´” attempt to rekindle the Cold War that was defused in 1989 with the fall of the East German wall.
Yep, piss-poor choice made by all involved. They will face opposition from the Russians in front of them and the awakened Americans they mistakenly expect to stand behind them.
It is more appropriate to refer to the criminal parties involved as the alien(extraterrestrial)/military/industrial/complex. At this point in time there have been enough government involved officials (international) and employees of the US military that have already claimed government/extraterrestrial collusion.
In wars bankers never lose.
Just like 9-11 the Muslims were the scapegoats, the “D.C. Terrorist” were the ones responsible !!
It is interesting that “wikispooks” dug up a long list of the “DC Terrorists that were responsible_
https //wikispooks com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it
I would suggest that it makes more sense for the US to set up Iran as the culprit for a false flag attack. In that way they would “justify” the assistance of their Middle Eastern “allies” such as Saudi Arabia and, of course, Israel. The Russians are no fools; as it is, they are rumored to have superior weapons; they prefer subversion just like Israel — “By way of deception thou shalt do war”.
how on earth :”an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. ” can write anything with a nano-content of some truth…? What are all these posts about, setting up, the readers..? Btw. all these stars in these flags, have only 5-fold symmetry. The only difference between russia and usa is, that russia managed to protect its country from GMO invasion, while usa didn’t. On the contrary, the GMO deception and the accompanying genocide, grows exponentially, with every month, here in usa, where the SICK POPULATION SUFFERS MOST!
The US is both physically and mentally sick, and it has made the rest of the world suffer their malady. The US has now become the leading terrorist Organization in the world – it threatens our very existence.
– perhaps not the “U.S. citizenry” but rather the .0001% of Zionist, dual citizens who pledge 1st allegiance to a foreign entity rather than the U.S.
The list of US force flags goes up daily, and the more documents are declassified the more will surface.
Most are to create havoc in the world for easy pickings, and then it’s tired old strategy of Problem, Reaction, Solution…
“When reading the above documents, one should be naturally inclined to begin questioning every single war America has ever entered. It becomes perfectly clear that the US government cares not about deceiving its own citizens and killing innocent people so they can send our brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers off to other countries to die so the fat cats in DC can bolster their war portfolios on Wall Street.”
amongst the most memorable – WMDs in Iraq
You might enjoy reading War Is A Racket “WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”
That from a twice awarded Congressional medal of honor granted, Major General of the United States Marines. He knows exactly of what he speaks.
Tom Clancy got it wrong in his novel Red Storm
it was the Americans who would have been the perpetrators, the ones to use a maskirovka (masquerade) to “justify” their actions
IT is not just THE US that does this, most every nation has and will do this to justify whatever they think the means are. BUT the USA has done it for quite some time and are very criminal in this endeavor
– amazing how much chicanery is traced to the group that secreted about 10,000 NAZI with family into the US via “Operation Paperclip”, 1947-1952. The secretive influence on the C.I.A. of the 41st occupant of the POTUS slot and the USNavy requires some careful digging to discover. Some of Bush Sr.´s subterfuge is publicized by former DOJ attorney, John Loftus, in his “America´s NAZI Secret”. Bush Sr. restored the Muslim Brotherhood to the US Payroll in 1984, as VP to moviestar, Ronald Reagan. 1984 was a busy year for the CIA, Bush Sr., William Clinton and a host of CIA stooges that were involved in the Iran-Contra drug-smuggling via the CIA airport in Mena, Arkansas. Former CIA station chief, John Stockwell, presented a video that summarizes the world-wide destruction of the C.I.A., 1950-1980_
– – amazing how much chicanery is traced to the group that secreted about 10,000 NAZI with family into the US via “Operation Paperclip”, 1947-1952. The secretive influence on the C.I.A. of the 41st occupant of the POTUS slot and the USNavy requires some careful digging to discover. Some of Bush Sr.´s subterfuge is publicized by former DOJ attorney, John Loftus, in his “America´s NAZI Secret”. In addition to other secrets Loftus revealed that Bush Sr. restored the Muslim Brotherhood to the US Payroll in 1984, when Bush was VP to moviestar, Ronald Reagan. 1984 was a busy year for the CIA, Bush Sr., William Clinton and a host of CIA stooges that were involved in the Iran-Contra drug-smuggling via the CIA airport in Mena, Arkansas.
Former CIA station chief, John Stockwell, presented a video that summarizes the world-wide destruction of the C.I.A., 1950-1980_ Stockwell´s “The Third World War” provides a summary overview.
Recently, in Syria, the US was caught painting fighter jets in Russian colours, which could be/been used to set up a false flag against Russia by using these jets to bomb say, Israel or to bomb US troops.
Perhaps the only reason this false flag was not carried out was the viral reaction to the news on the web.
A repeat of “REMEMBER THE MAINE.” The Spanish government did not bomb the ship. It was done to give the USA a reason to start the Spanish American War!
From Pearl Harbor to 9/11, Sandy Hook, Boston marathon, Las Vegas and several others in between the CIA, FBI, ATF, TSA, DHS, NSA, NSC and others really like to scare the general populace.
We pay taxes for what?
Many False Flags, saddest is probably 9-11, and the USS Liberty attack, orchestrated by lbj, the criminal
The left hand of the uniparty said that cyber warfare on Hilary’s leaky servers was the same as an attack on critical infrastructure.
The right hand of the uniparty says , ‘uranium one.’
Each new administration is a logical continuation, of the previous administration, in terms of every policy.
If you are brought up watching Hollywood movies, you will think the US Government is on the side of the angels. The US Government is at least as corrupt and unfeeling as any other gangster entity in history. Reading books by Smedley Butler and John Perkins will soon clean your brain of Hollywood propaganda. It is unfortunate for the US population that they have to be governed by such reprobates and get drafted into committing war crimes on behalf of the worst kind of people that ever lived.