92,000 Coloradoans to Lose Health Insurance as More Companies Quit, Hike Rates Because of Obamacare


By Melissa Dykes

The implosion of the private health insurance system in this country continues… by design.

Some 92,000 individual plan holders of not one but four health insurance companies in Colorado are going to have to start looking for new health insurance coverage in 2017 thanks to Obamacare.

According to the Colorado Division of Insurance, Anthem, UnitedHealthCare, Humana and Rocky Mountain Health Plans will no longer be offering individual coverage in that state.

The Washington Times reported that Colorado’s Insurance Commissioner Marguerite Salazar described the upheaval as part of the “stabilization phase” — really? It’s the fourth year of Obamacare… doesn’t it seem like this situation should be “stabilized” by now?

Meanwhile, other companies are proposing rate hikes in Colorado of up to 40%. In fact, pretty much of all of the health insurance companies left in Colorado are asking for steep rate increases:

Most of those remaining on the exchange are asking the board to approve steep price increases. One health care provider, Golden Rule, is seeking a 40.6 percent rate hike while Rocky Mountain HMO wants to raise its rates by 34.6 percent and Colorado Choice is asking for a 36.3 percent jump.

That’s a 40.6% increase that no one can afford to pay as wages for the bottom half of income earners in this country have actually fallen by 4.6% since 1973 and stagnated for everyone since 1999, while the cost of living in nearly every area including food, shelter, and energy have continued to rise.

This story is similar to what’s happening in other states across the country. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, the largest private insurer in the state, is asking for a 60% rate hike. When a division of the same health insurance company asked for a similar hike in New Mexico and was denied, they pulled out of the state, forcing all of those people to find new health insurance.

And, as I previously reported, this is all happening by design, a problem-reaction-solution to force the country onto a single-payer federal health care system.

Obama talked about how much of a fan he was of that idea back when he was first on the campaign trail.

And this is how he’s accomplishing it.

Chief architect of Obamacare, Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of Chicago mayor and former Obama staffer Rahm Emanuel, has been gleefully championing the destruction of private health insurance companies in America ever since Obamacare passed:

Emanuel writes that Obamacare is already causing insurance companies to either die or evolve into something else…

Obamacare was not sold to the American people as a means of destroying private health insurance companies or even forcing them into turning into a different type of company. It was sold as a means of bringing insurance costs down while increasing access. It has turned out to cause about 6.2 million Americans to lose their insurance while forcing some Americans to buy insurance or pay a fine to the IRS. “If you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare,” President Barack Obama repeatedly promised.

Emanuel’s article provides more evidence that the president was knowingly lying, and that people like Emanuel, who were close advisers while Obamacare was being written, knew that it would cause chaos for millions of Americans and their insurance…

Ezekiel has consistently predicted, after Obamacare became law, that it would kill insurance companies.

Wonderful considering he’s the same guy who thinks we should all kill ourselves by age 75…  Death panels, anyone?

ezekieldie75That’s right. Obamacare was intentionally designed to fail because it was the only way they could force the country onto a federal system of socialized medicine. Rep. Michael Burgess even said so. Now we’re all watching it happen.

Melissa Dykes is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

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14 Comments on "92,000 Coloradoans to Lose Health Insurance as More Companies Quit, Hike Rates Because of Obamacare"

  1. So the plan is working. Nice wtg, DeCeipt – ya bunch of commies and the no-name potus and his queen are still sneaking around being funded by the great taxpayer.
    Move to Colorado (despite insurance) and imbibe for the health of it.

  2. Congrats Colorado who have turned your self into the Stepsister to CA!

  3. It doesn’t matter because in Colorado they have legal access to the best medicine there is and they don’t need doctors and their expensive and useless drugs.

    • Don’t get me wrong herb is great and all, but I wouldn’t call it “the best medicine there is”…

      • I would, particularly when it’s used as a preventative and combined with good nutrition.

        • That’s all and good, but if you have a virus or an infection, a bowl isn’t gonna help you out too much. It’s like people forget about malaria, measles, tetanus, meningitis, syphilis, polio etc. Weed is great at helping to cope with symptoms, but that’s about it. IMO antibiotics and vaccines are “the best medicine there is”.

          • Well, that’s fine for you if you believe allopathic medicine keeps you healthy. I haven’t taken an antibiotic since sometime in the 1970’s and I’ve never had a vaccine, but I also don’t spend my life worrying about what “might” happen to me. Mindset acts as both a negative and positive placebo so be careful what you worry about.

          • My statements are concerning “the best medicine there is”. “Best” is a relative term, but as it relates to medicine, common sense would dictate the “best” is determined by the amount of lives saved and deaths prevented. If you were living 600-700 years ago and were one of the 75 to 200 million people that died from the Black Plague, I think you would feel differently about “natural medicine”. Say you were suffering from the bubonic plague and I offered you an antibiotic that gave you 1% mortality rate or I offered you some pot and vitamins that will give you a mortality rate of 40–60%, I’m pretty sure which you would choose. These aren’t just numbers I’m making up, this is science and statistical data. All I’m saying is that in our modern era of time it’s easy to live in a clean world and talk about how the mind affects health and rely on “natural medicine”, but it’s a no brainer that antibiotics are by far “the best medicine there is”.

          • Fine Jason, but that’s still your opinion and you are surely entitled to rely on lab-created pills and shots if it makes you feel safer. I don’t live in fear so your scary scenarios don’t work on me. In the rare instance I am not in perfect health, I rely on nature’s plants instead… and if I had the black plague, I would not take your antibiotics because I know for a fact there are plants that work better without the residual gut problems associated with antibiotics that kill off all bacteria, including the good ones. Plant medicine is a knowledge base I have spent a lifetime studying and you have not, so your opinion is really the “no-brainer” since it comes directly from pharmaceutical companies. Please feel free to try not to change my mind, if you don’t mind.

          • Agree to disagree I guess because up until modern medicine, people were doing things the way that you suggest. Millions of people died while using natural remedies. But hey, you got something figured out that all of those lost souls over hundreds of years don’t right? If we both had the Black Plague, you would unfortunately be a lost life and I would be laying in a hospital bed recovering. This isn’t an opinion, this is science and statistical data. It wasn’t weed that cured polio, it was a “lab-created” solution. Your ideology is the same to me as those stubborn parents that allow their children to die or suffer, because they are opposed to using medicine, even though it will completely cure their child of their ailment. Lab-created pills and shots don’t make me feel safer. They make me feel physically better on a biological level. What makes me feel safe is the statistical data and the science behind the medicine.

          • And you remind me of the programmed drones that do not realize scientism is a religion, a belief in a higher power. To me, injecting dozens of vaccines into a young child is nothing but voodoo witchcraft that creates pain and suffering children are literally forced to endure. Some tolerate it better than others… and then we have autism, which is a medically created condition for which science has no cure. For every scientific “fact” you believe, there is tons of research to show otherwise, and you have clearly chosen to just believe. I dropped out of med school in 1971 because I refused to “just believe” that drugs are the answer to health.

            Many people died of illnesses in the past because they lacked sanitation, clean water, knowledge of hygiene, and such common things as soap and their lives were mostly filled with stressors you cannot know or understand, so their immune systems were not healthy enough to fight off disease. The strong people with functioning immune systems lived or else you would not be here arguing with me. You also believe the human body is flawed, not fully prepared properly to live a long, healthy life and must rely on the medicine priests to exist. I believe just the opposite. You also seem to be ignoring the fact that antibiotics don’t always work at all, and there is tons of research to show that vaccines not only don’t work, they cause harm and destroy the immune system. So while you’re lying in a hospital bed getting filled with chemicals, I would not have gotten sick in the first place.

          • I hear you OldeSoul, I just cannot deny the vaccines that have been created that have saved millions of lives. To say herb is the best medicine, just is an illogical statement in my humble opinion. How could one even defend the argument that herb has saved more lives than antibiotics? Let me say, I’ll be the first to spark a joint. I LOVE HERB. I do agree that there are remedies and natural solutions that have been shown to work wonders, but as it stands, modern medicine still appears to have it beat. I agree that autism is probably a man made condition. It obviously shows that we have a long way to go to figuring out the correct formulas and that there is major corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, but this also goes to natural medicine. For example, how many people harmed themselves by rubbing different plants on themselves until they finally figured out that Aloe actually soothes sun burns? How many “natural rememdies” have we heard about that are just scams? You have me mistaken if you think I am a mindless follower of man. I don’t believe that the human body is flawed, but I do believe it is in an environment that constantly challenges it and continually beats it. Mother nature is just stronger. For every one thing out there that helps us, it seems like there’s 10 things that hurt us. I see the human body as something amazing, but incredibly fragile. I won’t accept the idea of survival of the fittest in modern society. We no longer have to live this way, everyone can have a chance to have a happy healthy life. Not just those that were born with better dna.

          • Well lookie here…. you and I struggled to find some common ground and succeeded. I will gladly admit that modern trauma medicine is amazing. We can repair injuries now that years ago would have killed people (even though probably 95% of that knowledge came from patching bodies up during wars.) But that is a far cry from the rest of the medical system that wants to keep us in poor health in order to profit from our misery. I never said herb cured more people than antibiotics; you selectively waltzed right past my word “preventative.” The serious curing properties will unfold now that the medical establishment you have placed your faith and fate in can no longer deny it has no medicinal value at all. They lied to you intentionally, yet you still rely on all the other lies they are telling you? Why?

            I don’t think your concept of “mother nature being stronger” is viable because we are part of mother nature, we have just been convinced we are apart and separate. We are not. We are extremely powerful beings when fully invested in our own power and not looking outside ourselves to a higher power, whether scientific, religious or galactic. I suppose there was some poor indigenous person who rubbed the wrong stuff on their arm, certainly poison ivy is a bad trip, but the experience only made them smarter. Wrong doses of certain mushrooms will really ruin your organic meat suit but they can also open your mind to vast powers of perception and healing. Sure there are plants that kill us. My advice to you is learn which ones they are and don’t eat them. Eating a bottle of aspirin isn’t good for you either. Since you’re so informed, I’m sure you know that aspirin is really willow bark. I have a beautiful willow tree in my back yard. It has lots of free bark plus it keeps my house cool in the summer.

            There is also the fact that all healing (ALL healing) takes place in the body via the body’s innate ability to heal itself. If your mind can heal a wound without any assistance on your part, what could it do with the knowledgeable assistance kept from you from the day you were born in a hospital? There is also the fact that DNA is mutable, meaning it can be changed by the mind. Not many people know this (or “believe” it) but the thoughts we have about ourselves create our reality, the mind/body connection happens to be the strongest force in our lives. I say, “I am always healthy” and you say, “I need drugs and shots when I get sick.” Seems like a no-brainer to me. At the very least, I save a ton of money.

            So is marijuana the best medicine? Being “the best” is a qualifying negative anyway because it implies anything less than best is worthless. I guess it depends on your perspective, experience, beliefs, and attitude. I haven’t been to an allopathic witchdoctor in over 30 years (and I’m “old” by most standards) because I never get sick… mind over matter, as they say.

  4. Blue Shield and Blue Cross in MN want a 60% increase! I think next year we get the RFID chip!

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