Life Under Occupation by U.S. ‘Drones, Death, and Terror’

Activist Post

Drone warfare and surveillance has expanded exponentially since their arrival in 2004 over Pakistan for use in targeted killings. Drones are just one of many vital issues for those who seek peace and freedom, but should be near the top of the “red alert” warnings for Americans, as not only have human rights groups and studies stated that they are instruments of state terror, but they have been embraced by Congress to create unfriendly skies over America as well.

Even the warmongering Brookings Institution has concluded that there are 10 civilians killed to every 1 “militant” in Pakistan alone.  Obama denies this, and a range of other documented evidence, when he states that only “precision strikes against al Qaeda and their affiliates” are undertaken. Obama has been an unrepentant murderer by employing drone strikes at his whim, and has even gone so far as to make jokes about their use. The truth is that at least 884 civilians, including 176 children have died in the North Waziristan region of Pakistan alone. These were innocent people where no war has even been declared.

As with all imperial endeavors and the accompanying treatment toward the targets “over there,” drones are already having a boomerang effect upon the American people … and we are literally paying for them to conduct surveillance on us, and perhaps one day kill us if they (autonomously) decide anyone is a threat to the State. The video below is a moving example of what this type of world looks like.

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