Pentagon to Receive Smart Grid Upgrade

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Activist Post

The new Smart Grid program that is being rolled out across the world in the name of “saving the environment” has already come under fire on multiple fronts.

Writers such as Cassandra Anderson and Marti Oakley have addressed the documented negative health effects; the fallacy that costs will be reduced, the violation of the Commerce Clause, as well as the potential for intrusive surveillance in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution.

Consequently, there is mounting resistance among citizens to the implementation of Smart Grid technology, which has caused many communities to back off installations of these electric meters.  However, some stealth plans for implementation of Smart water and gas meters continues apace.

The Pentagon is evidently not bothered by much of what has been revealed by citizen investigations, and will be receiving an infrastructure upgrade from the team of behemoth military defense contractors Boeing and Siemens that promises to “improve energy access and security for the U.S. Department of Defense.”

Within this defense and energy initiative we can also see what Judy Marks, the head of Siemens U.S. Federal Business, highlights as “a vision for the United States’ energy future.”

Perhaps this initiative is moving forward as propaganda due to the flagging support of the public. Let’s face it, the Pentagon has never been much concerned with wasting money before (think $640 toilet seat), or accounting for the money given them by taxpayers (think 95% of Iraq reconstruction funds gone AWOL).

Rather, this seems like another inside deal that will be used to ram through a dubious green agenda and continue fleecing the American taxpayer.

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