By Vin Armani
In this video, Vin Armani explains the trade-off with vaccines. Like any pharmaceutical they have side effects. A brand new study on homeschoolers shows unvaccinated children have significantly less health problems as vaccinated children. Is the small chance that your child gets measles or mumps worth a lifetime of hay fever or asthma?
Watch the full broadcast here
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Vin Armani is the host of The Vin Armani Show on Activist Post, TV Star of Gigolos on Showtime, Agorist entrepreneur and co-founder of Counter Markets. Follow Vin on Twitter and subscribe on YouTube. Get the weekly podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. Vin is available for interviews at email Vin (at)
Great segment on vaccines! Thanks to your video I was able to get a copy of the study that was published and then quickly retracted regarding the health of unvaccinated children vs vaccinated children. I have watched Dr. Patrick Gentempos Vaccines Revealed and Ty Bolinger’s The Truth about Vaccines. Both are great series. RFK Jr. who is pushing for ‘Safe’ vaccines has been quoted as saying that the CDC owns 20 vaccine patents. Sayer Ji of Green Med Info did research on that claim and found that the CDC actually owns at least 56 patents. Isn’t that a conflict for a government organization responsible for the health of U.S. citizens to own the product that they require? Also, former CDC Director Julie L. Gerberding moved on to Merck as the revolving door between government and corporations continue….
Hi! I would love to have a copy of that study! Could you email it to me at . Thank you 🙂
The post is on the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute website, scroll down to Breaking News post on May 5th. The 2nd paragraph has the link. I just tested it – still there.
Thank you so much! I downloaded it, and printed it out for safe keeping! You are the best!
Isn’t it amazing. The kosher media keeps vital information about the poisons the kosher pharmaceutical corporations use to shorten Goyim lives. Much like the kosher media’s silence on revealing the evil of kosher Monsanto’s NON-kosher, (selective poisoning) GMO/Glyphosate/terminator seeds etc. You’ll excuse me if I find all this a bit “suspect”?
This alone should make people feel a bit suspicious about the global warming agenda and just about every OTHER “scientific truth” fed us by same. pardon my political (in)correctness.
“Amazing” is not quite the word I would use. Vaccines are touted by the PTB as “safe and effective” (and in many places becoming mandatory) while marijuana is labelled a “dangerous drug” despite it’s well documented health benefits and never a single fatal overdose! Pharmaceuticals are the “safe” and only legal option for most who don’t want a criminal record for driving under the “influence” despite their well documented record of killing millions. Meanwhile if you insist on having some kind of recreational drug in your life they have alcohol and tobacco both of which kill millions worldwide whilst raking in $billions in taxes. “Amazing” doesn’t quite describe the hypocrisy and bullshit this World is built on but I give you credit Paschn for identifying it’s source. The PTB are correct in taking us goyim to be idiots!
After forty plus years of walking off well paying jobs, fist fights or being called the latest bullshit name for speaking nothing more than documented truth, you have no idea how good it makes me feel to have someone realize that truth is color blind, apolitical, void of hate AND able to stand on it;s own w/o laws to imprison a human being for daring to reject a lie.
Thank you.
My kids do not allow my grands to be vaccinated and they never get more than a sniffle.
Parents stop this form of child abuse. You child may become lethargic and may not snap out of it.
These soups contain contaminates that destroy the auto immune system and cause disease from cancer to neurological (down syndrome and autism).
If you live in California, move.
The list of new ailments is beyond the power of description. Aliments I never knew existed all requiring some new weirdly named “pharmaceutical” pill or potion. The TV ads are non stop. All of them show people [visuals] having fun and frolic on the beach etc. while the verbal part of the commercial is entirely dedicated to the risks of these drugs many of the risks up to and including death. And the inhabitants of lemming land gobble them up. How can every doctor possibly keep up with all these drugs and their side effects? They can’t. Instead, they rely [wrongly trust] the medical establishment including the FDA and the drug companies who fund the research thus receiving the drug efficacy and safety verdicts they seek. The number one industry for “political campaign ”
contributions is the pharmaceutical industry.