A Revolution of Resolutions: Writing Contest


Daniel C.
Activist Post

My Awakening

What got my attention was the law allowing 750,000 pus cells to exist in eight drops of cow’s milk. That…that’s just gross. At least I know now why so many wild crimes happen in Florida; they have the highest ratio of pus to milk in the nation, at a whopping 130 million pus cells per 8-oz glass. No wonder milk is so creamy.

After learning that and dying a little on the inside, you can guess the cascade of information I read next. End the Lie, the Health Ranger, Project Non-GMO Verified, Otpor, the Bilderberg group, Alan Watt, FW Engdahl, Austrian economics, and the man who ties it all together like no one else, David Icke. Topics I knew nothing about, and some stuff I was grossly unprepared for. Thanks, government education!

A few years of research – hair-pulling, infuriating, sometimes baffling research – later, these and related topics have held my attention. Here is my long-winded rant on a few topics that concern us all, and a suggested solution.


Farmers like Mark Baker of Michigan are being forced to murder their own piglets or face felony charges. Felony charges for what? Pigs that haven’t been genetically modified by a megacorp are now classed as an Invasive Species. Finally! Meat should be smothered in synthetic estrogen, excitotoxins and insect genes.

America, where time-honored laws from the era of serfdom flourish with detached, impersonal titles like Eminent Domain. “Willkommen im Vaterland, where we don’t lower taxes to attract more business; instead, we take your homes by force and destroy memories for profit.” Our current government enables us to dream the American dream, but not to live it. So the economy sucks but at least we’re safe, right?


Is the world more or less safe than it was 30 years ago, or even 10 years ago? Depends on who you ask. Department of Ze Fatherland (DHS) would have us believe terrorists are everywhere. And terrorists are no longer young male pseudo-Islamic nuts. Sweet, 85-year-old black grandmothers in wheelchairs carry bombs, white European toddlers are drug mules, and middle-aged bespectacled Asian businessmen all smuggle nuclear secrets for Chinese intelligence. “Anyone can be a terrorist!” we’re told. That’s creepy stuff.

Professional Fearmongering

The message you receive every time you watch breaking news is that the world is on the brink and you’re helpless to stop it. “Nuclear, chemical, biological attacks. Terrorists everywhere. Watch for fetus bombs, implanted boobie nukes. See something, say something.” These are problems that individuals can’t personally do anything about. You need a government with a strong military to thwart nuclear and chemical attacks by that massive, well-funded spider web of terrorist sleeper cells all over the world.

That’s the message – a sales pitch for why you need to buy more government. Too many of you ignore the siren’s call to live in fear, so they’re rolling out DHS alerts to your cell phones, which reminds me….

Traditional TVs. In case you haven’t heard, get ready for full blown Orwellian telescreens with built-in video and audio capture hardware, recording movement and sound for advertising purposes. Intelligence agencies wouldn’t use this platform to gather intelligence in real time. Well, even if they did it would be to Keep America Safe. Speaking of safety, I made this t-shirt for when I fly:

I <3 TSA

On back it says “u can grope me twice if ur nice” and exclaims “Probing is Patriotic!” on front. If not for those fearless TSA gropers, a toddler would smuggle his terrorist daddy’s neutron bomb on flights to Lost Springs, Wyoming! Great-grandmothers with crippling arthritis would hand their homemade electromagnetic pulse cookie bombs directly to our hereditary leaders and revert civilization to a dark age of barbarism! Quick, take that old woman’s wheelchair and check her adult diaper for explosive residue!

Over the many years we’ve been at war, democrats and republicans continue to disagree on almost everything. “You can’t reason with terrorists,” they agreed to, amazingly enough. Maybe we can’t reason with terrorists, but should that mean we can’t reason about terrorism?

Learn why that mindset exists, what fuels it, and find the assholes who use their cash to turn those ideas into mass murder. Unless you understand the correct why and what, you might be bombing the wrong who. Well, world leaders can’t seem to go twenty years without enjoying a massive blood sacrifice anyway.


Why, what and who…these used to be questions TV journalists asked, but PR is the focus nowadays. Ask a sharp communications grad who the father of public relations is and she will say Edward Bernays. Read the beginning of Bernays’ short 1928 book, Propaganda, the first chapter, Organizing Chaos. Some of these folks are on an ethical crusade to make you submit to authority in every sense of the phrase.

You know what product placement is, a brand of drink in the star’s hand, etc. Behavior placement is an idea instead of a product. Does behavior placement work? Yes. Hitler’s propaganda minister wrote (paraphrased), “Make the lie big, keep it simple, repeat it often, and the people will grow to believe it.” As with product placement, behavior placement spans television and radio networks. Everyone around you is uploaded simultaneously with the same big, simple story. Sometimes for years on end.

That’s a load of problems for a country to have. Makes me wonder…when we need outside help from a nation larger or more stable than our friends, do we want them to treat us the way we’ve treated them and their allies? We operate 900 military bases on 130 foreign, sovereign properties, taking up space that could have been used for farming or anything productive locally. Think opportunity costs and the revenue those locales have lost over the decades to our military presence. There’s no shortage of folks who would like to do unto us as we have done unto them.


Middle Eastern civilizations have existed for over 1,400 years. According to the Prophet Mohammed in the Holy Koran, the church creates and ordains the state. When we tell them to separate church from state, to abandon their deep culture and long history for a secular democracy, they don’t hear “property rights” and so on. What they hear is, “Turn your back on God.” Now, about that Arab Spring….

Watch The Revolution Business if you don’t know what Otpor is. Color revolutions never increase freedom; freedom fighters either die or become the police power of a clinically insane regime. Economic sanctions don’t starve rulers; they starve the ruled. People don’t start wars; psychopaths in religion and government start wars. Kill the psychos who start wars instead of “accidentally” murdering civilians for years or decades on end. Declare the war, kill the psycho(s) and come home.

Speaking of war, how does one even win a War on Terror or Drugs anyway? When terror gives up? When drugs turn themselves in?

This isn’t about war. This is response management, repeatedly presenting a threat to facilitate a desired behavior. It’s a long game of tweaking stimulus and measuring response.

The solution….

…is a revolution of resolutions. Every single problem, foreign and domestic, can be solved with a simple behavior change: Stop leaving important decisions to so-called experts. It’s always their advice that gets us into these messes. Participate in local government, at meetings and related events. Take charge, unless you want to be lorded over by incompetent ne’er-do-wells who assume a birthright to reign in any capacity they can.

Regaining local control is necessary. Rulers have abused morality for centuries as a tool of control; subjects follow The Law while the rulers respect no law. They claim the right to rule, by birthright or spooky divine mandate. They start wars foreign and civil when their populations begin to starve. Their relatives write books on how to kill millions, read one. It’s high time their ‘God-given’ authority either takes its God-given responsibility seriously, or they can chuck their family crests into the dustbin of history for all I care.

Like Ron Paul emphasizes, we gotta stop this nonsense and follow the Constitution. Stop bombing brown people, come home, and print our own debt-free currency. Then we can comfortably sustain a proud global standard of prosperity and liberty.

To the old timers who for years and decades have exposed these corrupt souls, putting your own good names and much more on the chopping block of uninformed public opinion, thank you. To those new to these topics, welcome to…Here, somewhere outside the matrix. Good to have you. I’ll meet you on the front lines or wave to you from them.

This submission has been entered into a contest to win 2 premium tickets + $500 for travel to see David Icke at Wembley Arena, London — October 27, 2012.  If you like this article, please share it far and wide, as the winner will be determined by the total number of pageviews acquired before the end of the contest on June 15th.  For additional details about submissions, please visit our Contest Page.

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