Understanding Stealth Economic Warfare

Dick Eastman

What is the connection between Wal Mart, the trade deficit, foreclosures and the end of domestic middle-class ownership of the means of production?

After careful economic survey of your town’s economic environment one or more Wal Mart stores are built. Wal Mart with economies of scale, a surplus war chest for cut-throat competition and advantages in the import of foreign produced goods, Wal Mart focuses on driving each locally owned or domestically owned competitor out of business. People may not want to shop at Wal Mart but their own budgets and deflation which makes “making ends meet” progressively more difficult forces them to give in sooner or later. Only after the local competition is bankrupt will prices climb to monopoly pricing levels. What you don’t know is that this is but one aspect of a grand strategy for conquest without war waged by an international elite against us.

In the days of regulated international trade what is being done would be called “dumping.” Where one industrial country’s monopoly corporations dump their unsold surplus on another. (The surplus is unsold because the workers of those countries are deprived of purchasing power, it being drained off in taxes and interest payments, and monopoly pricing.) Dumping undercuts what the local producers can profitably produce and so forces the replacement of self-sufficient local production with international dependency — dependency on foreign supply. But there is more to what is happening today than that.

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