Globalist Agenda

BBC, Libya, and Cluster Bombs

Globalists want to expand Libya war- rhetoric fortuitously changes in tandem. Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post Bangkok, Thailand April 16, 2011 – The ink…

Libya: The Hard-Sell is Coming

New York Times op-ed piece by Obama, Sarkozy, and Cameron Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post Bangkok, Thailand April 15, 2011 – When presidents are…

China Calls it a Western Plot

Iran, Syria, and Belarus join China in condemning West for meddling. China’s first aircraft carrier: the ultimate expression of projecting geopolitical power, it represents China’s…

Exposing the International Arbiters

The corporate funded exploitation of freedom, democracy, and human rights. Supposedly mapping “freedom” Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post Bangkok, Thailand April 10, 2011 –…