Ebola hoax: my FOIA request to the CDC
Jon Rappoport Activist Post “The Reality Manufacturing Company enjoys creating and selling components that are invisible.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport) Today, I sent a Freedom…
Jon Rappoport Activist Post “The Reality Manufacturing Company enjoys creating and selling components that are invisible.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport) Today, I sent a Freedom…
image source Jon Rappoport Activist Post I recently had an exchange of emails with David Rasnick, PhD. You can read Rasnick’s bio at his site,…
Dees Illustration Jon Rappoport Activist Post From time to time, I reprint my interview with Dr. Barbara Starfield. Each time I try to write a…
image source Jon Rappoport Activist Post “In any major covert op, there are always multiple objectives and levels of opportunity, and they are not wasted….
image source Jon Rappoport Activist Post Let’s see. Dr. Craig Spencer comes back from Guinea, where he’s been treating patients. In NYC, he takes the…
Jon Rappoport Activist Post To understand what the sellers are selling, you have to go back to the beginning of their story. You have to…
Jon Rappoport Activist Post A health worker who treated so-called Ebola cases in West Africa has been locked in an iso ward of a medical…
Brandon Smith Activist Post One of the most dangerous philosophical contentions even amongst liberty movement activists is the conundrum of government force and prevention during…
James Corbett Visit NewWorldNextWeek.com Visit CorbettReport.com Visit MediaMonarchy.com
Jefferey Jaxen Activist Post We are witnessing a stunning reversal of events in the face of the present Ebola scare consuming North America. The drum…
Brandon Turbeville Activist Post Amidst the propaganda surrounding ebola and the specter of forced quarantine, mandatory vaccination, the police state, fear porn exposing ebola around…
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Jon Rappoport Activist Post Once again, I’m detailing what is causing illness and death in West Africa, without reference to the Ebola virus or any…