The Emergence of Vaccine Induced Diseases
Marti Oakley, Contributing Writer Activist Post On virtually every level, whether it is food, water, medications or the contamination of our environment across the board…
Marti Oakley, Contributing Writer Activist Post On virtually every level, whether it is food, water, medications or the contamination of our environment across the board…
Capri – ‘millionaires playground’ with DNA database The Daily Mail The ‘millionaires playground’ Italian island of Capri will use a DNA database to identify pet…
Dees Illustration Activist Post After we released the article, DNA “Genetic Patdown” Introduced to Airports by DHS, we quickly received a TSA comment on our…
NetBio — Rapid DNA Analysis Solutio Jean Bush Before It’s News In an article written by Nicholas West, DNA Genetic “Patdown” Introduced To Airports By…
Mike Adams Natural News As if it’s not enough for the TSA to feel you up at the airport, now they’re experimenting with rapid results…
NetBio — Rapid DNA Analysis Solutions Nicholas West Activist Post A new level of invasive screening is scheduled for airports this summer: a portable DNA…
Dr. Mark Sircus IMVA Medical viciousness, which flows like a river out of doctor’s arrogance and ignorance, drags many people to death’s door including the…
Experiment spots spooky quantum imprinting effect John E Dunn Techworld A Nobel Prize winning biologist has ignited controversy after publishing details of an experiment in…
image source Phil Brennan Much has been written this year about Rockefeller Foundation annual reports going back decades showing plans on how to sterilise undesirables…
“Barcode Gene” identified in plants — animals next? Michael Edwards Activist Post It is official: in the name of “clean energy, pollution control and medicine,”…
DNA Can Be Influenced And Reprogrammed By Words And Frequencies Russian DNA Discoveries Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf Mayan Majix The human DNA is a…
image source AFP An expert panel convened by President Barack Obama advised vigilance and self-regulation as scientists seeks ways to create new organisms that could…
Kim Evans Natural News As scientists are busy manipulating the genes of edibles including corn, soybeans, canola, papaya, zucchini, and now rice and salmon, an…
A controversial chemical used for decades in the mass production of food containers and baby bottles has been linked to male infertility for the first…