Man Proves TSA Policies Are Unconstitutional
Traveler bypasses body scanner and invasive pat down after near 3 hour debate with TSA supervisor, airport police Paul Joseph Watson — Prison Planet Blogger…
Traveler bypasses body scanner and invasive pat down after near 3 hour debate with TSA supervisor, airport police Paul Joseph Watson — Prison Planet Blogger…
PRNewswire The United States Supreme Court will soon issue a landmark decision on the validity of the Constitution. The Supreme Court will consider three petitions…
YouTube — george4title RELATED VIDEO: TSA Fondles Women and Children Who Refuse Airport Naked Body Scanners
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” — Albert Einstein Human World Order Activist Post Obviously it is…
Lydia Saad Gallup PRINCETON, NJ — Record- or near-record-high percentages of Americans are critical of the size and scope of government, as measured by four…
Richard Anatone Activist Post (NOTE: In light of recent events with CPS taking the newborn child away from a couple merely because the father was…
Richard Anatone Activist Post In Part 1 of this essay, I showed that the Department of Justice’s glossary “Investigating Terrorism and Criminal Extremism: Terms and…
Jacques Ex Deos Libertas Activist Post Never in the history of our nation have we faced so great a danger to our liberties, to our…
Greg Evensen NewsWithViews The countdown clock and the last chance for “The Founder’s Legacy” of patriotic Americans willing to lay it all on the line…
Dr. Ron Paul Campaign For Liberty This week marked six months since Congress passed the healthcare reform bill in what has become all-too-typical legislative chicanery….
Charlie Savage The New York Times Federal law enforcement and national security officials are preparing to seek sweeping new regulations of the Internet, arguing that…
William Petroski DesMoines Register The FBI’s surveillance of a protest group in Iowa City prior to the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., two…
Ron Paul Campaign For Liberty This past week the administration announced its choice for the first credit czar at the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau….
YouTube: DrRonPaul2012