Inept ‘Fact Check’ by Science Feedback Shines Further Light on U.K. Met Office’s Junk and Fabricated Temperature Measurements
By Chris Morrison, The Daily Sceptic Republished by David Icke After a year of damaging revelations about the state of the Met Office’s temperature measuring network, the Green Blob-funded ‘fact-checker’ Science Feedback has sprung to the defense of the state-funded U.K. weather service. It has published a long ‘fact check’ seeking to exonerate practices that have […]

The Monster of American “Healthcare”
I was raised by much older, chronically sick parents. I saw far too much of hospitals as a youngster, which gave me an early insight into the healthcare system. My father was a hospital patient as often as he was at home with his family. For instance, as a seven […]

EXCLUSIVE: Fentanyl Ravaging New Mexico – ‘It’s Enslaved the Community’
Fentanyl is pouring over the U.S. southern border as drug cartels push the deadly synthetic opioid throughout North America, destroying countless lives in the process. New Mexico has been hit particularly hard by the drug, which has transformed “The Land of Enchantment” into a dystopic wasteland crawling with fentanyl ‘zombies’ […]

What Was Your Score On The Real COVID Test?
By Neenah Payne, Activist Post “Truth crushed to Earth shall rise again” William Cullen Bryant Most people didn’t realize that the COVID years (2020-2023) were a global Compliance Test. Like all tests, people scored along a Bell Curve as shown below. A — A+: A tiny minority (2-10%) didn’t comply […]

Bill Gates unleashes plan for new series of gene-based injections that will target Africa
Global depopulation agenda moves forward Posted By: Leo Hohmann via Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is rolling out a plan to use Africans as guinea pigs for an expanded series of new genetically altering mRNA injections. He calls them vaccines but we know they are not vaccines, at least not in […]

Pfizer and Other Sociopaths
Martin Hanson, OffGuardian “…if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.” Winston Churchill spoke these […]

The Pandemic Planners Come for Hoof and Hen…and Us Again
Brownstone Institute by Clayton J. Baker, MD On December 31, 2024, the world received a year-end parting gift from the good folks at NIAID, Anthony Fauci’s old fiefdom at the National Institutes of Health. NIAID – the same unaccountable and secretive agency that Fauci used to fund the gain-of-function research of […]

The Glaring Hypocrisy and Embedded Deceptions of the Global Food Giants
Colin Todhunter, OffGuardian Bryce Martinez (18) from Pennsylvania is mounting a legal challenge against major food companies, alleging that their ultra-processed foods (UPFs) led to his development of Type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease at the age of 16. The 11 firms listed in the lawsuit are Kraft Heinz, […]

Trump to Withdraw from World Health Organization
by Martin Armstrong Armstrong Economics The World Health Organization (WHO) is a globalist entity forcefully pushing members into a One World Government under the premise of health. The members of the organization are unelected, and yet, they have proposed countless measures that dictate how the people of the world should […]
The COVID-19 Pandemic Was An Illusion
by Rhoda Wilson The Expose & SHTF Plan This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Exposé under the title: The COVID-19 Pandemic Was An Illusion; Those In Power Deliberately Ignored Science To Impose Their Will On Populations to Dominate and Control Them “There’s no way that they cared […]