
Are Jobs Obsolete?

Douglas Rushkoff CNN The U.S. Postal Service appears to be the latest casualty in digital technology’s slow but steady replacement of working humans. Unless an…

The War on Terror is a Fraud

A decade of war started, and both fueled & fought by the same corporate-financier interests.  Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post From the beginning, even…

Here is Your Future (Charlie McGrath Video)

YouTube — crabbydogtrix http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/b3f31b92-da07-11e0-b199-00144feabdc0.html#axzz… http://www.egovmonitor.com/node/43585 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124536757998629319.html http://www.cfr.org/business-and-foreign-policy/trichet-global-governance-toda…