
The Revolution From Above

Dees Illustration Paul Craig Roberts, Contributor Activist Post Today the Western peoples are experiencing the destruction of their well being that is comparable to what…

Trans-Pacific Partnership Takeover

Nile Bowie, Contributor Activist Post To commemorate Malaysia’s 55th Independence Day, Prime Minister Najib Razak published an article highlighting the nation’s various accomplishments, principally that…

France to Fund/Arm Al Qaeda in Syria

Meanwhile, US-backed terror rips across Iraq, as Saudi-Qatari coddled Iraqi vice president is sentenced to death.  Tony Cartalucci, Contributor Activist Post The French government has…

Legitimizing Illegal Spying

setyoufreenews.com Stephen Lendman, Contributor Activist Post On August 15, federal district court Judge Cormac Carney dismissed a class action ACLU of Southern California/Council on Islamic…