U.S. schools grooming students for the surveillance state
PogoWasRight Schools are increasingly invading student privacy both in school and outside of school. Are schools grooming youth to passively accept a surveillance state where…
Spy Satellites to be Used in the U.S.
CNN, YouTube — DrRonPaul2012 RELATED ARTICLES: 10 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased Is Military Spending Saving or Enslaving? The Ultimate Betrayal: Police…
“Monetary Shock and Awe”: Fed prepared to launch most Radical Intervention in History
Mike Whitney BlacklistedNews The equities markets are in disarray while the bond markets continue to surge. The avalanche of bad news has started to take…
We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Gold Standard
Michael S. Rozeff Lew Rockwell At Davos in January of this year at a G20 meeting, President Sarkozy of France called for a new global…
Sotomayor Says Court May Rule to Limit First Amendment in Response to Wikileaks
Kurt Nimmo InfoWars On Thursday, talking to students at the University of Denver, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the Wikileaks case will result in…
India halts vaccine programmes after the deaths of four children
Blitz Vaccine programmes grind to a halt in India once more, when four children died after they received the measles vaccination in Lucknow. The four…
The Moneyless Man: One Man’s Experiment in Living Without Money
Matt Ford CNN For most of us it seems that money makes the world go round. But not for Mark Boyle, who has turned his…
Mass Assassinations Lie at the Heart of America’s Military Strategy in the Muslim World
Greatly expanded U.S. military Special Ops teams, U.S. drone strikes and private espionage networks run by former CIA assassins create a threat to our security. …
Beware of That New Credit Card Offer
Jessica Silver-Greenberg Wall Street Journal Amid all the junk mail pouring into your house in recent months, you might have noticed a solicitation or two…
Beware of That New Credit Card Offer
Jessica Silver-Greenberg Wall Street Journal Amid all the junk mail pouring into your house in recent months, you might have noticed a solicitation or two…
The Rich Vs. The Middle
Jonathan Chait The New Republic Chuck Marr goes through the CBO’s inequality data and pulls out this striking finding: This wouldn’t be such a big…
Man Arrested For Holding “Impeach Obama” Sign
Note: It is an absolute disgrace what the police and private security forces have become in the United States. Their brutality is escalating, and no…
Fidel Castro Claims Osama bin Laden is a US Spy
Photograph: Alex Castro/EPA Chris McGreal London Guardian FLASHBACK: CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July 2001 FLASHBACK: Bin Laden Family ‘Evacuated’ From US FLASHBACK: Bush Senior…