Australia To Search Out And Prosecute Anti-Vax Nurses And Midwives; Calls For Public To Turn Them In

anti-vaxBy Brandon Turbeville

While Australia whines about the lack of democracy and freedom in places like Syria, it is doing everything in its power to ensure that nothing resembling either of those things is allowed within its own borders.

Apparently having found itself in a race with France, Germany, the UK and the United States, for which country can eliminate personal liberties, freedom of speech – or even thought – while launching wars all across the world on the basis of protecting those things, Australia is proving itself to be a capable competitor.

The examples of Australia’s thought control policies are legion, but the most recent is surrounding the vaccination hysteria in the ability of free adults to choose whether or not they accept toxic chemicals (or life-saving medicines with no side effects) into their bodies.

According to a report by the Guardian, the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia has announced a fatwa of jihad against nurses and midwives who discourage vaccination or are critical of vaccines.

After releasing “vaccination standards” the board’s statement reads:

The board is taking this opportunity to make its expectations about providing advice on vaccinations clear to registered nurses, enrolled nurses and midwives. The board expects all registered nurses, enrolled nurses and midwives to use the best available evidence in making practice decisions.

Of course, when the board says “best available evidence” it means vaccine fanaticism and unquestioning adherence to faith-based science.

Under Australian law, promoting false, misleading or deceptive information will be prosecuted by the Australian health practitioner regulation agency. The NMBA is specifically targeting nurses and midwives who question the safety or effectiveness of vaccination via social media.

The statement goes even further by urging members of the public to report nurses or midwives who are doing so – even on social media.

Obviously, Australia must consider one of its founding documents to be George Orwell’s 1984although we are afraid Australian leadership may have missed the point of the book.

Professor of Midwifery at the University of Western Sydney, Dr. Hannah Dahlan supports the new policy. She says, “I agree that they have a very serious obligation to provide the best available evidence, and it is of course concerning that some are taking to social media in order to express a position not backed by science.”

But Dahlan also says that she is worried that the policy may have some unintended effects.

“The worry,” she says, “is the confirmation bias that can occur, because people might say: ‘there you go, this is proof that you can’t even have an alternative opinion.’ It might in fact just give people more fuel for their belief systems.”

Actually, this is undeniably proof that you can’t even have an alternative opinion. In case Mrs. Dahlan’s degree did not require an understanding of logic, banning someone from expressing an alternative opinion does indeed serve as proof to them that they are not allowed to have an alternative opinion.

In all fairness, neither Dahlan nor the NMBA are saying you cannot have an alternative belief that contradicts the Borg. They are merely saying that if you express that belief even on social media, you will lose your job, have your license to practice taken away and possibly be sent to jail.

If anyone ever proved Voltaire’s statement that in order to learn who rules over you – simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize – the NMBA has closed the case.

Remember, when Dahlan worries about positions that are not backed by “science,” she does not mean science, but Big Pharma, the NMBA that Big Pharma owns and the Australian government. Coming from a government that only 40 years ago did not even consider its indigenous people to be humans, we definitely say there is room for error.

Predictably, the Australia Medical Association is getting in on the act too. The AMA President, Dr. Michael Gannon stated, “Immunization saves lives. That is an undeniable fact.” Notwithstanding the redundancy of the latter part of the brilliant Dr. Gannon’s statement, that immunization saves lives is very deniable and is in no way a fact.

Gannon also touted the government’s no jab, no pay policy as having improved public health because 6,000 children whose parents who had previously registered as conscientious objectors were effectively threatened with the possibility of not being able to feed those children, losing them, or losing their homes – into vaccinating. Of course, Gannon’s statement proves nothing, except that 6,000 children were vaccinated, not that public health was improved.

Indeed, according to Gannon’s logic, we could disembowel 795 million people and claim that we eliminated world hunger. Thankfully, no one is arguing to do that, but let’s hope that Dr. Gannon is never made president of the World Food Program.

In all seriousness, however, the new initiative by the NMBA is just yet another example of the downward spiral of Australia and most of the Western world into authoritarianism and into a scientific dictatorship. While Westerners shiver in fear over Vladimir Putin defending his borders, they are none the wiser as their own countries march directly down the same path as Russian in the early 20th century.

This article (Australia to Search Out and Prosecute Anti-Vax Nurses and Midwives; Calls for Public to Turn Them In) can be republished under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Brandon Turbeville, source and Natural, keeping links and bio intact.

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Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies,Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria,and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 600 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

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9 Comments on "Australia To Search Out And Prosecute Anti-Vax Nurses And Midwives; Calls For Public To Turn Them In"

  1. Putting these toxic vaccines into your children’s bloodstream is one of the dumbest, most dangerous things you can do as a parent. Read the damned package insert for crying out loud!!!!!

  2. …….this is ‘Soft Kill’ democide in progress…the adjuvants contain a plethora of toxic chimera’s that do not have your best interests in health in mind…the argument is deeply flawed & appeals to the deliberate confusion generated by ‘cognitive disonnance’ attacking your common sense ‘core beliefs’ with Government /pHARMaceutidcal outright mendacious propaganda bullshit from misinformed rabid talking heads.

  3. What do you expect from a tyrannically run country that would make it’s citizenry turn in their guns?? A freedom orientated govt and country by and for the people?? Although this IS about Australia don’t make me laugh…

    • Where I live in Australia i’m expected to apply to my local council (with a hefty fee attached) to chop down a tree on my own property even though the town I live in is in the middle of a National Park full of millions of trees.With the bushfire season coming soon you can see the whole system is geared toward extracting more money from rate-payers, common sense doesn’t enter into it. Like with everything the establishment imposes on it’s citizens it all comes down to money. Vaccines are no different. A sick and poisoned population won’t live to see their superannuation nor will they have to rely on the state for the old-age pension. When applying for a job in politics being a psychopath is a prerequisite.

  4. These vaccines are designed to kill the auto immune system.
    By doing this they create a host of all these exotic types of disease from neurological to cancer.
    What’s worse is that once these vaccines get under your skin (so to speak) they are not detectable. It’s no different than eating out and getting a gut ache when you get home. What proof could you offer that the restaurant caused the stomach ache.
    This is the reason the CDC is the center for disease control, they inject disease.
    Synthetic meds attack organs,
    My best advice – just say no.
    see: nagalase,gcmaf, cas9/crispr, glysophate, adjuvants, sv40, human(baby) tissue.

  5. Anyone pushing vaccines deserves to be injected with Drano.

  6. Thanks for the excellent but alarming article!

    I have long ago arrived at the conclusion that vaccination is an organised criminal enterprise dressed up as disease prevention by means of junk science.

    It is important to note that when observing this insane push to get everyone jabbed, one is not looking at an effort to improve public health, but a particularly vile form of organised crime and arguably outright bioterrorism aimed against the public and our children in particular.

    I consider it vitally important that everyone, regardless of whether pro- or anti-vaccine – takes a stand against medical tyranny and medical fascism in both the US and Australia, or anywhere else for that matter.

  7. “While Westerners shiver in fear over Vladimir Putin defending his
    borders, they are none the wiser as their own countries march directly
    down the same path as Russian in the early 20th century.”

    This last sentence in your article s grammatically incorrect. The word ‘Russian’ should be ‘Russians’.

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