North Carolina Files Bill to Place Kratom on Controlled Substances List

kratom-leavesBy Brandon Turbeville

Wherever there is a good thing, the police state is never far behind. Generally, that police state is made up of uniformed agents throwing peaceful people into cages but also of bureaucrats and parasites working together with corporate hawks to ensure profit, panic and punishment for all.

Such is the case now in North Carolina in regards to the popular plant known as Kratom. For those who may be unaware, mitragyna speciosa (aka Kratom) is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family which is native to Southeast Asia.

Although not an opiate itself, Kratom can be used to manage pain and anxiety as well as alcohol dependence. It is possible to use Kratom recreationally, but the effects are generally too mild to classify it as anything resembling a drug.

But that’s not stopping Senator Tom Mcinnis and other members of the North Carolina senate from attempting to make sure that no one is able to alleviate pain, addiction or stress or even (gasp!!!!!) entertain themselves through natural means without permission from government agencies, drug persecutors and drug pushers (with degrees, of course).

Senator McInnis’ bill SB 830 was filed in the Senate by McInnis on May 10, 2016. The bill will add Kratom to the list of controlled substances and appropriate funds for the State Bureau of Investigation so that the SBI will be able to open another front in the costly, tragic and counter-productive War on Drugs.

While Senator Mcinnis and SB 830 supporters may find mass incarceration of non-violent people an attractive aspect of North Carolina, many others do not. We highly encourage the readers, particularly North Carolina residents to email and call members of the Senate Healthcare Committee for the North Carolina Senate and demand that this insane bill be abandoned.

You can visit The American Kratom Association at and the North Carolina Chapter on Facebook

Phone numbers and email addresses for the relevant individuals are provided below:

North Carolina residents please email and call members of the Senate Heath Care Committee OR the North Carolina Senate.

Bill Sponsor Senator Tom McInnis 919-733-5953

Co-Sponsor Senator Joyce Krawiec 919-733-7850

SB830 adds Kratom to the Controlled Substance List.

1) EMAIL the Senate Health Care Committee:

Mass email: ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Ralph Hise (Co-Chairman) 919-733-3460

Louis Pate (Co-Chairman) 919-733-5621

Tommy Tucker (Co-Chairman) 919-733-7659

Jeff Tarte (Vice-Chairman) 919-733-3050

Deanna Ballard 919-733-5742

Stan Bingham 919-733-5665

David L. Curtis 919-733-3038

Don Davis 919-733-8363

Jim Davis 919-733-5875

Fletcher L. Hartsell, Jr. 919-733-7223

Paul A. Lowe, Jr. 919-733-5620

Floyd B. McKissick, Jr. 919-733-4599

Ronald J. Rabin 919-733-5748

Shirley B. Randleman 919-733-5743

Gladys A. Robinson 919-733-3042

Bob Rucho 919-733-5655

Terry Van Duyn 919-733-3001

Trudy Wade 919-733-5856

Andy Wells 919-733-5876

Mike Woodard 919-733-4809

2) EMAIL The North Carolina Senate:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The American Kratom Association has provided a letter template that might be used in contacting the relevant members of the Senate.

To the Honorable Members of the Senate Health Care Committee or North Carolina Senate,

My name is ________, I’m a __-year old _________ from _________ and I’d like to voice my concern about SB830

How you came to use kratom (did you learn about it in a chronic pain support group, etc?)

What ailments you suffer, what treatments haven’t worked (prescriptions, surgery, etc.), how long you’ve been dealing with your condition, how long you’ve been using kratom and how many/what medications you’ve been able to quit.

What kratom means to you (has it given you your life back, have you gone back to work, can you play with your, exercise or travel, etc., something anecdotal about why kratom is important and should be available).

-Conclusion: Kratom is a safe alternative to pharmaceutical drugs with important medicinal uses and has changed my life, so I’m asking you to please vote against SB830.

If you have questions about kratom, please visit Thank you for your time and service to the state.


— Include your name, address and phone number.

***Please be professional and polite, keeping it as short as possible. Their aides are probably reading these and the moment they notice anything irrational, disrespectful, or get lost due to length, they’ll just move on.

2) CALL NC residents – Click HERE to find your senator.

NC Senate Member List with full contact info Click HERE

Photo credit: Ahmad Fuad Morad via Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC-SA

This article (North Carolina Files Bill to Place Kratom on Controlled Substances List) can be republished under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Brandon Turbeville and Natural

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies,Five Sense SolutionsandDispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 600 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

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9 Comments on "North Carolina Files Bill to Place Kratom on Controlled Substances List"

  1. what are they going to do, outlaw east Asia because that is where it comes from, the only people who do not want you access this is big Phama that is controlled by the DUNG BEETLE ELITE FAMILIES OF THE ROTHSCHILDS and the ROCKERFELLERS, they do not want you to live healthier and longer, the want you to die as soon as possible, if there are ay benefits to be had they want it for themselves exclusively, all you will have is their toxic Flu vaccine’s and poison medicine’s, that is why they control governments, so all you will have is the life shortening Monsanto GMO’s, and the streamlined AIR of Chemical Aerosol spraying,

  2. Again!!? They banned kratom a few years back here in Tn & since then the opiate problem has grown exponentially. Even before the ban, not many people even knew about it. Captain kratom products weren’t flying off the shelves of headshops. States pass these blanket laws banning synthetic drugs & jammed kratom up in the middle of the fray. Its A plant,man!! You’ve got people out here leading normal lives, unencumbered by dopesickness thanks to kratom… I kinda get the feeling pharmaceutical manufacturers have been lobbying states to push for the ban, to keep methadone &suboxone clinics relevant, all the while laughing merrily to the bank. In my former life as a junky id had a great degree of success using kratom for maintenance & recommended it to all kinds of folks… Its not like the stuff sold itself anyway, its a word of mouth sorta thing here & the average addict just aint sittin’ around thinking ” what can i use to get off dope?” i can think of a handful of drugs that can be used to successfully reverse the effects of addiction & most of them are banned under the csa. It would seem that the system has a vested interest in addition, but what do i know?

  3. More reaction solution crap. I have no doubt Prince was (inadvertently?) murderer by that hospital visit.
    Hospitals are legal genocide.

  4. Oh, Mother of God ! Whatever you do don’t let our North Carolina Legislator critters know that the Hispanic, Black and elderly folk here have been getting high for decades smoking kudzu. The vengeful Right Wing Nut Jobs will loose their little pea brain if they find out they have been missing that one and the poor blacks have really pulled the wool over their eyes making them think that Kudzu was imported to feed the cattle.

  5. Besides, a large percentage of the United States Columbian Crack supply enters the US via NC beaches. That is why a large part of our coastline is ether parks or un-populated public land , The Drug lords keep pay Raleigh well to see it stays that way. Ancestors of Pirates we are …

  6. We called Senator Tom McInnes’ office and had a lengthy, far reaching discussion regarding our dissatisfaction with SB 830. We received lots of pushback, but didn’t give an inch. The Senator knows exactly how we feel.

  7. This will increase the use of opiates “heroin” which is where the real money the government controls comes from. Afghanistan poppies anyone?

  8. The U.S. and nation state governments claim that their authority comes from the people.
    No person has the authority to violate the Declaration of Independence and immutable Bill of Rights to deprive another person of any medication that they want.
    No person can convey an authority that they don’t have to any agent, including to a government.
    No government has the right to harm innocent people by depriving them of medication.

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