Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association (CTIA) New Year’s “To-Do” List Includes More Small Cell Towers Near Homes

By Sue D. Crooks

Most people have never heard of the CTIA and have no idea what they do.  If you’re not okay with small cell towers being installed in residential yards and all over your community,[1] it’s in your best interest to get familiar with their mission as well as their influence over our government agencies, employees, and elected officials.

According to Wikipedia:

CTIA was established in May 1984 as the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association.[9] In 2000, the organization merged with the Wireless Data Forum and became the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association.[1][10] Its name was changed to CTIA—The Wireless Association in 2004.[1]

Tom Wheeler served as chief executive officer (CEO) of CTIA from 1992 to 2004.[11] He was appointed chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the United States Senate in November 2013.[11]

(FYI – After President Trump took office, Tom Wheeler left his position at the FCC and IMMEDIATELY started working again for the telecoms.)

CTIA has helped lead efforts to remove regulatory barriers,[weasel words] at all levels of government, to the deployment of wireless infrastructure, particularly small cells and distributed antenna systems (DAS).[25]

By removing these regulatory barriers, telecom companies may now put wireless infrastructure – including small cell towers – almost wherever they want.  This includes in front of homes, schools, hospitals, historic districts, etc.  So if any of this is being installed near your home and throughout your community, CTIA has had much to do with this.  Of course, they didn’t do it alone.  So here’s what we figure would be a new year’s “to-do” list by the seemingly heartless folks employed by CTIA:

1 – Send kudos and check to Senator Ed Markey, thanking him for providing the distraction of issues of privacy, security, and net neutrality for the wireless industry.

2 – Send kudos and check to Clintons via foundation in appreciation for Telecom Act of 1996 which eliminated municipal governments’ ability to stop the installation of all wireless infrastructure based on biological and environment risks.


Telecommunications Act of 1996

3 – Send kudos and check to the Bush and Obama administration’s charitable groups in appreciation for smart meter roll-out under the Economic Stimulus Fund, because it certainly stimulated our economics. [2]

4 – Send kudos and check to scientist, Peter Valberg, for his countless court appearances in defending and supporting no premarket health testing for all wireless devices including utility “Smart” Meters. Almost single-handedly Peter has all but nullified all other scientific and public input. It is amazing that the public ignores his work for the tobacco and chemical industries, while the cellphones/smart meter/small cell/surveillance industries are SMOKIN’. [3]

MICROWAVES SCIENCE AND LIES from Septième Factory on Vimeo.

5 – Get list of activists opposing 5G and smart meters and make arrangements to have multiple small cell antennas mounted in front of their homes and businesses.

6 – Make sure that the FCC is still on board with CTIA’s objectives. Then again, why would the FCC jump ship now?[4]

Source: Harvard

7 – Send a large fruit basket, kudos and checks to the FDA for downplaying the results of the NTP rat/mouse study. [5]

8 – Send a very large check to the American Cancer Society for continuing to not acknowledge or publicize research proving that all sources of wireless radiation cause cancer. [6] Doubt is our weapon; doubt is their message.

9 – Work to infiltrate the AARP and get them off our backs regarding retirement of landline phones, and installation of smart meters. [7],[8]

10 –Put small cells for 5G in front of every state’s AARP offices.

11 – Make arrangement to place a small cell in front of Senator Blumenthal’s and Senator Colbeck’s home and office as payback for their publicly questioning the health impacts of 5G. [9]

12 – Line up “campaign contribution” for Rep. Dunkin Hunter for introducing U.S. Congress H.R.7236 – Radiofrequency Radiation Site Safety Information Act of 2018[10]
“A person [company] described in subsection (b)(1) with respect to a covered facility shall not be liable in any civil action for an injury alleged to have been caused by radiofrequency radiation emissions of such facility,” (Source: Congress)

13 – Line up lawyers for Rep. Duncan Hunter, the House member who just introduced H.R.7236 – Radiofrequency Radiation Site Safety Information Act of 2018 because he and his wife were recently indicted on 60 counts of fraud and campaign finance charges.[11]

14 – Tell Senators Markey and Thune to fix the Hunter situation. Suggest ongoing focus/diversion:

  • tie 5G to solution to digital divide
  • tie 5G to solution to women’s rights issues
  • tie 5G to solution to racial equality
  • tie 5G to sustainability
  • tie 5G to urgent race with China
  • blame fossil fuels and chemicals for emerging health concerns
  • fallback position is always the need for more money for security and privacy protections.

15 – Shut down community cable station funding to censor engaged activism flow of information to public.

Source: The Berkshire Eagle

16 – Make sure to let Trump make some deals for us.

17 – Deposit checks from spectrum sales.

18 – Revisit tobacco playbook. It is no longer Marlboro Country, it’s Wireless Country.

Source: The Atlantic


[1] https://mdsafetech.org/problems/5g/

[2] Bush Jr. started the Smart Meter/Smart Grid roll-out in his 2005 and 2007 legislation.

His 2005 legislation was the first to mention AMI, and in 2007, Bush was the first to call it Smart Meter/Smart Grid and provide 3.4 billion, plus tax incentives for deployment, and put the project under the DOE. Obama provided 7.4 billion in his 2009 legislation, plus tax incentives, but the structure, the plan for deployment was already in place. Overall, both presidents are estimated to have contributed over 100 billion to the cause. Both parties are culpable for collusion with the wireless industry and lack of environmental and health stewardship.

[3] https://smartgridawareness.org/2014/08/30/microwaves-science-and-lies-documentary-reveals-a-product-defense-strategy/

[4] https://ethics.harvard.edu/files/center-for-ethics/files/capturedagency_alster.pdf

[5] https://www.fda.gov/newsevents/newsroom/pressannouncements/ucm595144.htm

[6] https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/radiofrequency-radiation.html

[7] https://www.aarp.org/home-family/personal-technology/info-11-2013/dont-drop-your-landline.html



[8] https://states.aarp.org/smart-meters-cost-too-much-not-needed/

[9] https://www.middletownpress.com/news/article/Blumenthal-Urges-Cancer-Study-of-5G-Technology-13439678.php


[10] http://scientists4wiredtech.com/2018-radiofrequency-radiation-site-safety-information-act/

[11] https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/watchdog/sd-me-hunter-indict-20180821-story.html

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