Are You Ready To Become “Wetware”?

By Catherine J. Frompovich

If you think you’ve heard, or read, almost everything that is bizarre-like, then get ready to hear some information that directly will affect you and all things on Planet Earth, and connected to Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton apparently/supposedly ‘controls the button’ of a patent called “Wetware,” the term a patent program calls humans who will have implants placed into our bodies for tracking and control!  The Patriot Act was their crowning achievement that came out of this horrendous patent!

The 2005 Big Brother Patent controls everything!  Aggressive remote control filtered into one place.  The patent is two thousand pages long!  The technology provides that they can hit a button, control and stop everything, including humans!

The patent names and turns humans into biological machines they label as “Wetware.”

All the main technology inventions are now “weaponized”!

The Internet of Technology is denying humans their rights.

Learn about the scam at the U.S. patent office; are you surprised?

Learn about the totally dark side of all technology, how it controls and will affect you more directly!

“You will be implanted with Wetware.”

Douglas Gabriel Interview: 25+ minutes
Michael McKibben, CEO, Leader Technologies

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available.

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3 Comments on "Are You Ready To Become “Wetware”?"

  1. They are horrible and will stop at nothing to kontrol every living biped.

    • lightingstrikesthrice | March 4, 2018 at 10:13 am |

      Every living thing. I don’t think they like non GMO grass or anything else because it does not grow if and when THEY SAY it can grow. Men and women creating families will be the same as well. Great point sallyM.

  2. Thank you for this enlightening piece. My suspicions for the theft of my invention while in patent pending status is now confirmed. I am still concerned with a way to neutralize the nano-particles that are inhabiting my body. As a person with psychic abilities I can feel the bombardment that takes place upon me on a daily basis (high pitched aural frequencies, low level motor like tones) . My goal is to defend if possible and be to break free of the attack we all face. FIGHT THE FUTURE!! I am willing to experiment if anyone has suggestions that seem feasibly safe:

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