WATCH: Skip College to Become an Apprentice? Vin Speaks with Founder of Praxis

By Vin Armani

WATCH livestream below. This week on the Vin Armani Show we are honored to welcome Isaac Morehouse.

Isaac Morehouse is the Founder and CEO of Praxis, an intensive startup apprenticeship program for entrepreneurial young people who want more than college. Isaac is the author of several books on topics ranging from liberty, to education, to entrepreneurship. He is also the host of the Office Hours Podcast, offering philosophical insight and actionable advice on how to take charge of your life and career.

Visit Praxis at
Follow Isaac on Twitter

Live free and succeed outside the rigged system at Counter Markets.

Vin Armani is the host of The Vin Armani Show on Activist Post, author of Self Ownership, agorist entrepreneur, founder of Bebi Vodka, co-founder Counter Markets, and lead developer of CoinText. Follow Vin on Twitter and subscribe on YouTube. Get the weekly podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. Available for interviews at email – Vin (at)

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1 Comment on "WATCH: Skip College to Become an Apprentice? Vin Speaks with Founder of Praxis"

  1. to stupid to ever do a smart move like this, FOOTBALL is the TICKET .lol
    STAY in HIGH SCHOOL until you are 35 years old like a MEXICAN street gang leader, never get a GED and go straight to collage. PLAY highschool football and lie about your age, MAYBE a NFL SCOUT is around.
    even SMARTER is to get your collage degrees for FREE in GERMANY where a collage degree is worth something.

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