“8 Dumb Things to Boost Your Cancer Risk: #5 Keeping the Keypad Turned Away.” Cell Phones Emit More Radiation Through Their Backsides.

By B.N. Frank

Last month, posted “Cell Phones & Cancer: 8 Dumb Things to Boost Your Possible Cancer Risk” 

#5 on their list: Keeping the keypad turned away.”

Cell phones typically emit more radiation through their backs than through the keypad side. So if you hold the phone so that its back is facing you, you may be getting an extra dose of radiation,” Dr. Davis says.

There has been credible U.S. military research since 1972 that cell phone radiation and other sources of wireless (WiFi) radiation harm our bodies AND in other ways besides boosting cancer risk.

The World Health Organization classified it as a “Possible Carcinogen” in 2011.

Cell phones and other wireless devices come with user guidelines so this isn’t actually a new warning.  Many of us are guilty of not reading, remembering, or following the guidelines. Dumb Thing #2 is carrying a cell phone too close to your body.  If you want to do this anyway, remember the keypad needs to be against your body so you don’t absorb as much radiation.

Of course, now everyone else within close proximity to the backside of your phone – pets, children, loved ones– is being exposed to more radiation than before

We can’t hear, see, smell, or taste cell phone radiation.  But without it, our cell phones and other wireless devices won’t work.  We’re all being exposed to this more of this than ever before in history.  Even if you feel fine now, radiation exposure is cumulative.  You may not feel fine forever.

Even though boosting cancer risk is no laughing matter, I can’t help but think about fart jokes when I read “Dumb Thing #5”.  Maybe that’s because cell phone radiation exposure disrupts the blood-brain barrier which can lower impulse control.

I really miss the days when people only turned on and used their cell phones during emergencies.  It actually wasn’t all that long ago.

Additional related links: 

“Dear Cell Phone Radiation Warning Naysayers, MeThinks Thou Protests Too Much”

“ Sleeping with Your Cell Phone is #1 Dumb Thing to Boost Your Possible Cancer Risk

“ #3 Dumb Thing to Boost Possible Cancer Risk is Encouraging Kids to Use Cell Phones”

“ #4 Dumb Thing to Boost Possible Cancer Risk Addresses Those Who Gab and Drive: Using a Cell Phone When Signal is Weak”

“CBS News Posts 8 Dumb Ways to Boost Possible Cancer Risk.  Experts Still Not in Complete Agreement.”

“It’s All Fun & Games Until Your Wireless Products Malfunction, Catch Fire or Explode – Apple AirPods The Latest”

“Whose Research Is It Anyway? Meet One Scientist Who Gets Paid to Defend Both Tobacco and Wireless Products

 “Popular Science” Magazine Still Blows Off Cell Phone Radiation Warnings Despite Reports From The World Health Organization, Dr. Oz, Stephen Colbert and Others

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