5 Reasons To Question The Official Narrative Of The Florida School Shooting

By Aaron Kesel

Anytime a shooting happens, it’s a tragic event whether it was a false flag or a legitimate mass shooting by a lunatic; but just because people died doesn’t mean we shouldn’t question the veracity of the events reported. Here are 5 reasons why you should question the recent shooting and remain vigilant.

1. There was a drill planned the day of the shooting.

Coincidentally, earlier on the day of the shooting, teachers at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School were told there would soon be a ‘code red’ or ‘lockdown’ drill, to practice their response to an immediate threat, Miami Herald reported.

2.  The shooter claims he heard “demonic voices.”

The shooter Nikolas Cruz is claiming to have heard “demonic voices,” like previous mass shooting suspects – Sirhan Sirhan, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, David Chapman,  Jared Loughner, Aaron Alexis or any of the other shooters who heard strange voices before carrying out their acts of horror, according to Daily Mail. (See this writer’s article: “I HEAR VOICES: MKUltra? A Worrying Trend Of Mass Shooting Suspects Throughout History Before Committing Horrific Murders.”)

3. The shooter arrived in an Uber and left the scene blending into the crowd then peacefully surrendered.

Cruz, who is alleged to suffer from autism, depression and other significant psychological problems according to his legal team, arrived at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in an Uber ride. He then opened fire at the school, shooting into rooms 1215, 1216, 1214 … he then went back into 1216, 1215 and then to 1213 according to his arrest affidavit.

“The suspect then took the west stairwell to the second floor and shot one victim in room 1234 on the second floor. The suspect then took the east stairwell to the third floor … he then dropped his rifle and backpack containing extra ammunition and ran down the stairs … exiting building 12 and ran toward the tennis courts,” the affidavit continued.

“The suspect then arrived at a Walmart store and bought a drink at the Subway and left the Walmart on foot.”

According to the police timeline, he arrived at Walmart at 2:50 p.m.

“The suspect then arrived at a McDonald’s and sat down for a short period of time around 3:01 p.m. and he left on foot.”

“At 3:41 p.m., 40 minutes after leaving McDonald’s, the suspect was detained at 4700 Wyndham Lakes Drive in Coral Springs, by an officer with the Coconut Creek Police Department,” Sheriff Israel concluded.

Cruz was expelled from the school last year after students said he got into a fight with his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend and was caught with bullets in his backpack.

4. Witnesses claim multiple gunmen, while the media and police report a lone wolf narrative.

Three witnesses claim that there were multiple shooters, while one account is less detailed and based on meeting the shooter in the hallway and hearing gunshots ringing out. Another account of the shooting details multiple shooters where the woman states, “there were three shooters that’s what I heard … I saw some other kid and he was wearing some type of thing.”

5. The shooting is being used to take away our freedoms.

The fifth – and possibly the most important reason – the shooter allegedly posted on some random YouTube channel that he was about to carry out the disgusting mass murder, which the YouTube channel owner Ben Bennight then reported to the FBI and YouTube.

“I’m going to be a professional school shooter,” A YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz commented on a video on Sept. 24, 2017.

As a result of this, the county sheriff Scott Israel in charge of investigating the mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, pleaded with lawmakers on Thursday to give police and doctors more power to involuntarily hospitalize people for psychiatric evaluation over posts on social media that are deemed “violent and threatening.”

“if they see something on social media, if they see graphic pictures of rifles and blood and gore and guns and bombs, if they see something, horrific language, if they see a person talking about ‘I want to grow up to be a serial killer,” Israel said.

Then there are the consistent calls to ban guns and dismantle the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms … like banning firearms, a tool used to aggress or defend is going to do anything. One could argue that if someone in that school had a firearm the damage done could have been minimized.

Meanwhile, besides the shooting being used to attempt to take away Internet freedoms and to dismantle the 2nd Amendment, everyone is ignoring and distracted from the fact that France and many other nations including the U.S. are preparing for war in Syria over another chemical weapons attack. Additionally, the U.S. has destroyed a Russian tank in “self-defense” as well as blaming Russia for the chemical weapons inching us closer to WW3 with Moscow.

Fun fact: the last time the U.S. was ready to go to war in Syria over chemical weapons, the military stood up and said it wouldn’t fight alongside Al-Qaeda with a hashtag campaign #IdidntJoin … then a shooter shot up the Navy yard. In that shooting, the suspect carved into his gun “MY ELF WEAPON” and filed a police report (below) where he said: “the government was controlling my mind.”

So think of that what you will in light of this recent shooter also saying he heard voices that he described as “demons.” Then calming down and peacefully surrendering like nothing had happened…

With all this information, one should question whether Nikolas Cruz was a Manchurian candidate, a victim of mind control who was set up to be the fall guy in this situation, or at the very least just a shooter being used to eradicate our rights and distract us from an erupting dangerous situation in Syria. Taking advantage of a tragedy? No matter what way you look at this, we lose; as Rahm Emanuel once famously said “never let a good tragedy go to waste.”

An important note: if this was a false flag attack that doesn’t mean that people didn’t die, as history has proven from many suggestions of false flags such as Operation Northwoods against Cuba, or the false flag to go to war with Russia during the Cold War. In both, deep state groups within the government suggested murdering innocent Americans for political purposes.

Aaron Kesel writes for Activist Post. Support us at Patreon. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Steemit, and BitChute. Ready for solutions? Subscribe to our premium newsletter Counter Markets.

Image Credit: Indian Express/Associated Press

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76 Comments on "5 Reasons To Question The Official Narrative Of The Florida School Shooting"

  1. ” … Regulation by human discretion means an inherent risk of bias and
    unequal treatment.” — Lee Goodman, Federal Election Commission Feb.
    16, 2018

    “if they see something on social media, if they see graphic pictures
    of rifles and blood and gore and guns and bombs, if they see something,
    horrific language, if they see a person talking about ‘I want to
    grow up to be a serial killer,” Sheriff Israel, Coconut Creek Police
    Department, Feb. 16, 2018 – Desiring lawmakers to grant “give police and
    doctors more power to involuntarily hospitalize people for psychiatric
    evaluation over posts on social media that are deemed “violent and

    These will be the tolling knell which strip away the First & Second Amendments.

    Logically both arguments presented can be defeated categorically.

    First, regulation by human discretion equates to a policy, policies as are laws can be ignored via human discretion which considers such policies and laws unjust. Matter of fact Thomas Jefferson states that doing exactly that is a duty of any patriotic human being in America.

    Second, the Sheriff outlines what police, enforcers of policy and doctors will be looking to find in order to force people into psychology wards or asylums. As policies and laws can be ignored it’s assured that anyone then seeking to do ill will avoid espousing any of this such communication in public. Honestly, do they think the Son of Sam, or Boston Strangler went around some duration before committing their crimes telling anyone they were going to do so?

    Evil is evil, it is wont to do what it does, evil. There genuinely is not much anything one can do to guarantee one hundred percent safety from evil. If evil is meant done, it’ll be done. Gee, suppose that is part of human discretion as well.

    • Not to mention this will be used to lock up political dissidents by falsely posting stuff they never said.

      • That will be the next stage won’t it? If we are smart enough not to say anything absolutely damning(in the kakistocracy’s eyes), then we will be set up. Potentially, since it has happened many times.

    • Excellent assessment, intellectually and logically sound and I concur. Very astute indeed. There are cases where this has already happened. A man on the east coast and one man on the west coast have been psychiatrically hospitalized without a trial. Just because they spoke out what the kakistocracy didn’t wish to be spoken and had the ‘credentials’ to back them up. I believe Activistpost.com and Truthstreammedia.com both have done stories on this. Perhaps consortiumnews.com and globalresearch.ca as well.

    • Well they just forced the 17 year old brother of the shooter into a psyche ward for 12 hr hold and there is no indication that he was involved. They weren’t even living in same house.

    • freewheelinfranklin543 | February 19, 2018 at 12:18 pm |

      The Sheriff is a Chabad-Lubavitcher. Check them out.

  2. “but just because people died” ??? The story seems somewhat similar to the Las Vegas shootings, or even to the 9/11 mass mind control, in fact.. It can’t be just control over one mind, but mass mind control.. ‘The performers’ would need to coordinate everyone involved in order to minimize ‘clarity’ of that situation, and make everyone belief the end result. Like it happened with 9/11, until this very day!!!

  3. What took these columnists and bumkin pumpkin pundits so long to say this. I knew this a few minutes after what I seen on TV, when it happened. Every time it’s the same old line – the FBI was warned about them, that’s all one needs to know “FALSE FLAG”. All for the sake of the mid term elections… Deep State – HELL F’ing YES .Filthy
    Un – American turds and anti 2nd amendment GOD GIVEN RIGHTS scum!!!!!.

  4. A major factor rarely addressed in the media is what psych drugs shooters are on or have taken, if any. The worst ones in this respect are the SSRI antidepressants. Many if not most of the young and school shooters have been on one of these, such as Paxil. Especially dangerous is to stop them suddenly. But they can damage a brain, especially ones not fully developed (around 21 years and under). There’s a site that has collected and listed all kinds of stories related to SSRI effects. Worth a look: ssristories.net/

    In re the voices, another potential factor, claimed by physicist and former Royal Navy microwave expert Barrie Trower, PhD, is that a very low-power microwave weapon can be used to project an audible voice directly into someone’s head. So one does not need to be a Manchurian candidate, but maybe someone with serious mental/emotional challenges—and the SSRI’s don’t ‘hurt’ the process. Trower talks about it in this interview, shortly after 11 minutes: Search on ‘yoo toob’ for ’30 Minute Reality Update.’ His name will come up. It’s about 35 minutes, well worth watching.

    Some such incidents could well be staged or false flags, some are no doubt real (I suggest Columbine was, for example), but could easily be instigated. I agree with the motives stated in the article; but I suggest also that there is a rarely mentioned motive in the mind of controllers, other than threats to 2nd Amendment, etc. And that is just to create shock and macabre vibrations in the collective mind. These vibrations squelch the vibration of love and ’feed’ the psychopathic psyches comprising society’s manipulators. These effects strengthen their hold on society.

    • as far as psych drugs go, BIG Pharma has carte blanche, “pass go and collect $200” the US Government (and of course, you the taxpayer) takes all the hits

  5. Comment cancelled.

  6. More fake news:
    1. “Earlier that day at a staff meeting, teachers had been told there would soon be a “code red” or “lockdown” drill — in which teachers and students practice their response to an immediate threat — but they hadn’t been told the date.” The article claims, falsely, that ” There was a drill planned the day of the shooting.” In fact, the day was not specified
    2.The story that the shooter heard demonic voices and that other mentally disturbed and violent shooters have also had such experience is in no way evidence of a false flag attack. A person so unhinged is likely to have all kinds of strange mental episodes, and many mass shooters are mentally ill.
    3. The timeline ignores the fact that the shooter escaped by dropping his assault weapon and then running over to fleeing students and blended in. How does that suggest a black ops or false flag?
    4. Reports of multiple shooters: this is an assumption (no one claims to have seen multiple shooters) from confused people in a state of hysterical shock. The girl who briefly talked to Cruz did not say she heard shots while talking to him but afterwards.
    5.This point is totally reverse logic: it claims the reason for the shooting was to take away guns. No evidence is given for this. There have been thousands of mass shootings, 3 horrific in the last 4 months, and in none of these cases have guns been taken away. The logic that someone would risk being killed to FINALLY provoke a gun-grab makes no sense at all.

    The reason for such fake news is to smack down the demands of the majority of rational Americans for common sense gun laws such as banning assault weapons, universal background checks with a well-funded data bank, etc. A recent Quinnipiac poll (At rated for accuracy and lack of bias by 538) shows:
    “In the wake of another massacre, American voters today support 95 – 4 percent, including 94 – 5 percent among voters in households where there is a gun, universal background checks for gun purchases, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

    This is the highest level of support for universal background checks since the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll first asked this question in February 2013, in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre.

    American voters support 65 – 31 percent a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons, also a new high. Voters in gun households support a ban 51 – 43 percent.

    Voters support 60 – 36 percent stricter gun laws and a number of specific gun measures:
    91 – 7 percent for a ban on the sale of guns to people convicted of a violent crime;
    62 – 34 percent for stricter regulation of ammunition sales;”

    Activist post writers often act as shills for the NRA, which opposes it own members on universal background checks (4 polls found 3/4 of NRA members support UBC, as documented at politfact), in seeking to shift focus from the demand for rational gun laws to reduce gun violence and lethality from legislation to poison the well conspiracy theories that few believe but which muddy the water or….poison the well and promote the illusion of an informed discussion of what is to be done. We know what must be done, as proved by states, nations, and individual homeowners……make guns inaccessible to violent people, disturbed mental cases, domestic abusers, etc.

    Those who promote the inflammatory distractions and shifting of blame to those demanding rational gun laws (ie most of us) are complicit in the murders that lack of action enables.

    • Comrade Ruff is soooo soothing just makes you want to ignore all of history with governments murdering millions of unarmed sheeples.
      As far as your fake voter numbers, it is irrelevant , Repeal the 2nd if you can.

      • Comrade Ruff rejects the tyranny of both the state and the corporations, which under corporate fascism, work together. Quinnipiac reports its polling; the number are neither fake nor mine. Quinnipiac has an A rating for both accuracy and lack of bias (see rankings based on historical record at 538).

        I like your tactic: if a fact contradicts your cherished illusion, declare it fake. I wonder who you learned that from? (Goebbels? Trump (who studied the principles of propaganda when he read the book of Hitler’s speeches a friend gave him (“A Jew gave it to me.”).

    • “Those who promote the inflammatory distractions and shifting of blame to those demanding rational gun laws (ie most of us) are complicit in the murders that lack of action enables.” Wow, what a steaming pile, Dale, even for you. You can no more blame me or anyone else for the actions of others than I can blame you, so stop that silliness right now, please.

      The truth IS inflammatory, get used to it, and that is, those who want to take our guns haven’t any lawful authority to do so, so they pull staged events like this in order to scare us into submission. And then they kill us – history (below) proves it.

      They’ve been doing it all along, and guess what? We barely have any rights left according to them – we must ask permission and sign contracts to do EVERYTHING now, get married, have a baby, drive, fish, hunt, have a shelter, but their authority is artificial, that’s what I’m trying to teach you. It is a creature of the mind, an illusion, not real or valid, and learning that one fact makes ALL the difference in the world. Submit to them if you want, but you have no power to make me, and that’s the other place you go way wrong.

      So until you learn that basic truth, and about the true nature of those you seem to boot-lick, you’ll never get it, you’ll stay in your zombie pit of pretend, wallowing in slavery masquerading as freedom and security. You have nothing to fear from lone gunmen (or false flags, unless you’re there), you need to fear those who lie to you and enforce those lies with armed thugs and then stage or exploit events like this in order to trick (screw) you into giving them your only method of effective personal protection and then comply with unlawful codes of behavior that suit no one but them but cost us an arm and a leg.

      There is nothing rational about a foreign power pretending to have authority over us to tell us to do anything, let alone remove inherent rights like self-defense and morph them into privileges. “Here, Master, here is my inherent right to protect myself in the same manner you protect yourself, you can have it, and in return, please, I’d like to pay you money to tell me everything I can and cannot do.”

      Just a teensy look into history can teach you what happens after nations give up their ability to protect themselves via the same firearms the government will NEVER give up.

      1929: The Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929-1953, 20 million dissidents rounded up and murdered.

      1911: Turkey established gun control. From 1915-1917, 1.5 million Christian Armenians rounded up and exterminated.

      1938: Germany established gun control. From 1939-1945, 13 million Jews and others rounded up and exterminated.

      1935: China established gun control. From 1948-1952, 20 million political dissidents rounded up and exterminated.

      1964: Guatemala established gun control. From 1981-1984, 100,000 Mayan Indians rounded up and exterminated.

      1970: Uganda established gun control. From 1971-1979, 300,000 Christians rounded up and exterminated.

      1956: Cambodia established gun control. From 1975-1977, 1 million educated people rounded up and exterminated.

      In the 20th Century more than 56 million defenseless people were rounded up and exterminated by people using gun control.

    • I see the Deep State/FBI/CIA/NSA paid trolls have finally showed up….

      “rational gun laws to reduce gun violence and lethality “….

      Nope…since UK banned civilians from owning firearms violent buglaries alone have
      gone up 200%. Robbers now feel so safe they invade homes after the owners COME

      I can see you are trying to prop up this failing false flag…move along buddy…its over….

      • Libel is so easy when you wear a cybermask.

        In my five year studying gun laws and gun violence, I have heard this gun propaganda many times: Oh, sure the UK has 99% lower gun murder rates but it really is much more violent. Oi.

        I will use politifact’s investigation of such claims to show how absurd they are:
        “”The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports defines a ‘violent crime’ as one of four specific offenses: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.” By contrast, “the British definition includes all ‘crimes against the person,’ including simple assaults, all robberies, and all ‘sexual offenses,’ as opposed to the FBI, which only counts aggravated assaults and ‘forcible rapes.’ ”

        “it becomes clear how misleading it is to compare rates of violent crime in the U.S. and the U.K. You’re simply comparing two different sets of crimes.”

        Here are some facts to digest as you consider whether the UK is a more violent nation:
        The ratio of murder by gun in the US, compared to the UK is: 138:1. (ie 10,000 gun murders to 40)
        The US has 82% more total crimes than the UK.
        The ratio of overall murders, per capita, is 4 in the US for every 1 in the UK.

        And it is worth noting that in the UK, if you call the police and report a crime, such as spousal abuse or theft, it is counted as a crime, whereas in the US, it is not counted unless there is a charge, investigation, and determination that a crime has been committed.

        It makes sense that a nation without guns and 99+% lower gun murder rates and 75% lower overall murder rates will have more minor, non-lethal crimes such as fistfights. The same argument that in the US might well lead to a gun being used would in the UK more likely lead to a fistfight. As guns are used frequently in the US, in many cases to threaten spouses by domestic abusers, the lack of a gun in the UK might lead to a slap or a push. Shooting your wife to death and pushing her are both “violent” crimes but no rational person would consider them by any means similar.

        • And we’ve all heard your communist propaganda many times. We don’t care what you want, you are not going to get it. No “assault” weapon bans, whatever that means. You lost any tiny shred of credibility you might have had with that pure BS. And, I am not buying your fake poll about 65% of Americans wanting to ban semi-automatic rifles, pure, unadulterated BS, proven to be lies every time you communists pull a new poll out of your rears.

          As for you to claim that 94% want universal background checks, more lies. A majority might agree to that simple question, but when it is explained to them that means a trip to the FFL and a $25.00 plus fee just to shoot a borrowed gun at the range or to borrow a rifle for a hunt, your numbers approach zero.

          Then we have more BS:

          91 – 7 percent for a ban on the sale of guns to people convicted of a violent crime;

          Felons are already barred from legally purchasing firearms, this is an outright LIE!

          62 – 34 percent for stricter regulation of ammunition sales;”

          What does this even mean? Apparently not a dam thing.

          So, troll, not impressed with your distortions, ambiguities and outright lies. Go away and peddle your communist propaganda somewhere else.

      • Wow you saw right through him, I kinda got that same feeling, that’s a very sobering statistic you got there, yeah right Americans are going to give up their right to defend their homes and homeland, I don’t think so!

  7. Never trust this enemy run government. Murdering people around the world is their specialty

    • They (the government) will continue to murder us until we submit and agree like the Australians to give up guns and only allow them (the government) to have them.

      • Australia has had a 60% reduction in gun murders, a 50
        50% reduction in overall murders, and a 100% reduction in mass murders since buying back a million guns and banning assault weapons.

        The conservative pro-gun Heritage Foundation ranks Australia as the 5th freest nation, with the US as 18th for economic freedom. The conservative Koch-funded pro-gun Cato Institute ranks Australia above the US in “Human freedom.”

        Australians, by the way, are allowed to have guns (tho not combat weapons). with 14% owning guns (ranked 25th in the world). Tho their population has grown, they have as many guns as ever. (gunpolicy.org).

        What kind of bullshit have they been feeding you?

        • Excellent! move to Australia then. We aren’t disarming one gun or giving up one bullet, unless you and your Prog Commie comrades want to come a knocking. Then you can have lot’s of bullets.

          • Gen.. I live in Aus.. CRIMINALS are armed with guns, only law abiding citizens are disarmed ??
            In a nutshell a sheep like dale, & his irk, are ready for the slaughterhouse ??

            crime rates in Australia have increased substantially since the government instituted a gun buy-back program in 1997.

          • Comrade Dale expects the “Government” to protect him because he is socially correct and quite Progressive. “Useful Idiot” is the term Lenin had for such fools.
            I am so disappointed that the Aussies rolled over and allowed “their” government to disarm them, but many Americans would do the same rather than risk death in resisting. We will see if Mr. Jefferson’s tree of Liberty gets watered if our Feral Gov. tries something that stupid. I’m sure they will at some point, “When” is the question along with “What” happens in response.
            I do wish you well, and laws can be repealed when it becomes overwhelmingly evident the law is stupid. Prohibition in the USA being a prime example of an earlier Progressive era stupidity.

          • Yupp..GenEarly… W do have lots of useful idiots here in Aus ??
            e.g. They are greenies idiots, against power generated by coal, only want solar & wind & they get blackouts, & electricity prices here are the highest in the World ?? So then they whine about that they can’t afford power ?? When you tell them , the truth ?? Answer “I know what you telling me it’s the truth ? But ! I still don’t believe you ??
            All is done with “GOOD INTENTIONS” ?? & we know, what road is paved with GOOD INTENTIONS ??
            Another answer from those morons, It is all done to save the PLANET ?? I remember, it used to be, to Save the Gay Whales ?? Today it’s the Planet ?? Tomorrow ?? The Universe ??

          • “SOUTH Australia now has the most expensive electricity in the world providing a powerful incentive for households to install solar systems.

            Carbon and Energy Markets director Bruce Mountain crunched the figures and found South Australia’s power is three times more expensive than in the US and 50 per cent higher than the UK.”

            The reason: reliance on dirty fuels: “In 2003, coal-fired power plants generated 77.2% of the country’s total electricity production, followed by natural gas (13.8%), hydropower (7.0%), oil (1.0%), biomass (0.6%) and solar and wind combined (0.3%).”

            Today, dirty fuel is still the leading source: “Australia’s primary energy consumption is dominated by coal (around 40 per cent), oil (34 per cent) and gas (22 per cent). Coal accounts for about 75 per cent of Australia’s electricity generation, followed by gas (16 per cent), hydro (5 per cent) and wind around (2 per cent).”

            So Australia has the dirtiest fuel and the most expensive. Time for solar…………………and thank God most Australians are not as misinformed as you.

          • Yupp.. I hope that they are better informed than I when they get slugged with their power bill ??

          • Well, all the more reason to go off dirty fuels and go green.

          • Dale.. When did you tinted your T-shirt from Brown to Green ??

          • “When did you tinted?” Is that a failed troll?

          • Nahh.. Dale, I wear a shirt with a collar ??
            & do you know why ??
            Simple .. It is to hide my “red neck “????
            Brown is the new Green ?? So say your gauleiter Sarah Ugly-Young …

          • Trolls like you are a waste of time. You must be drunk…you are not even coherent. Your family must be proud of you. Now get lost, comrade fake name.

          • Stop lying Aussies are not disarmed. They sold back a million weapons voluntarily and about 13% own guns. Gun regulation in all other 34 advanced nations has resulted in gun murder rates 85-99.9% lower than in the US.

            Homes with guns have nearly 3 times more gun deaths than homes without, so my best protection is a home without guns. I am 77 and have never in my life been threatened with a gun or needed one. You are the useful idiot of the gun makers.

          • An armed man is a “citizen”, A disarmed man is a “slave”…
            There’s no better slave, than the one who think that he’s free ??
            Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
            Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) is a group dedicated
            to the preservation of gun rights in the United States and “to encourage
            Americans to understand and defend all of the Bill of Rights for
            everyone”. The group was founded by former firearms dealer Aaron S.
            Zelman in 1989. The JPFO interprets the Second Amendment as recognizing a
            pre-existing natural right of individuals to keep and bear arms. It is
            based in Hartford, Wisconsin.
            JPFO takes the position that an armed citizenry is the population’s last line of defense against tyranny by their own government

            Just one question dale ??
            Are you an “anti-semite” Holocaust denier ??
            IMHO I think that you are ??

          • The facts are: gun murders are down 60% and overall murders are down 50% (gunpolicy.org, which collects and publishes official crime data, since the gun buyback and new gun laws.

            ” The rate of gun deaths in the United States rose in 2016 to about 12 per 100,000 people, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a report released on Friday.”

            In October 2017, factcheck reported; “….the most recent government report on crime trends in Australia says, “Homicide in Australia has declined over the last 25 years. The current homicide incidence rate is the lowest on record in the past 25 years.
            With Australia’s population steadily increasing, the nation’s homicide incident rate has fallen even more than the number of homicides — from 1.6 per 100,000 in 1995-96 to 1 per 100,000 in 2013-2014, according to a government report on crime trends. That was the lowest homicide incident rate at the time in 25 years, as we mentioned earlier.

            The number of firearm-related homicides also has dropped substantially since the 1996 gun law was enacted.

            “The number of homicide incidents involving a firearm decreased by 57 percent between 1989-90 and 2013-14,” the government crime trends report says. ”

            Dale is not a sheep and lives without fear and without guns. You are an ignorant fool. You are probably lying about living in Australia; I have never met an Australian who didn’t know that the homicide rate is way down.

          • That a very stupid and trite comment. We should learn from Australia and end the mass carnage in this country so my grandchildren will not grow up in the most violent of the advanced nations. No one is asking you to give up your right to keep and bear arms (and called forth, organized, armed, and disciplined by Congress, as the Constitution states) but to join with the 94% of gun owners who support universal background checks and the large majority who want to see it make illegal for an 18 yr old mentally disturbed guy who can’t buy beer or rent a care to buy an AR-15.

            We want to make America safe and if you don’t like the new laws that will be enacted once Trump is forced out (by his own Party), then I suggest you move to El Salvador, where everyone has a gun. Your ugly fascist insults show why America is the horror of the developed world. I hold people like you responsible for preventing the gun laws most Americans want and deserve; I hold you complicit in murder. If you don’t like, it move to El Salvador where your views are mainstream.

          • If “you hold me responsible” come on over and knock on my door in person comrade Chicken sheet.
            I know you prefer to use government goons to do your wet work. Putz.

          • Gen.. Don’t mind him ? He’s an idiot Trotskyist, Greenie moron , which we do have a number in Aus ??

          • What would you do if I knocked on your door Comrade cyberhood?

          • knock, knock who’s there? ruff. ruff who? ruff tuff the cream puff commie
            sorry comrade you are blocked spout your bolshevikisms to someone who is stupid enough to listen like berne from Vermont.

        • dale, are you against the following ?
          Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) is a group dedicated
          to the preservation of gun rights in the United States and “to encourage
          Americans to understand and defend all of the Bill of Rights for
          everyone”. The group was founded by former firearms dealer Aaron S.
          Zelman in 1989. The JPFO interprets the Second Amendment as recognizing a
          pre-existing natural right of individuals to keep and bear arms. It is
          based in Hartford, Wisconsin.
          JPFO takes the position that an armed citizenry is the population’s last line of defense against tyranny by their own government


          As you are an “anti-semite” holocaust denier, I’m certain, that you will be against JPFO ??

    • Government policy on guns is controlled by the NRA, which represents the gun makers.
      “The National Rifle Association took a historic gamble in 2016, and it paid off in a huge way.

      The gun rights group placed multimillion-dollar bets on Donald Trump and six Republican Senate candidates locked in highly competitive races. It poured $50.2 million, or 96 percent of its total outside spending, into these races, and lost only one — an open seat in Nevada, vacated by the Democratic Minority Leader, Harry Reid. That race cost the NRA roughly $2.5 million.

      The NRA’s big night came as a tidal wave of white voters without college degrees voted overwhelmingly for Trump, leading to one of the biggest election-night upsets in memory. The reasons why this demographic turned out in such high numbers for the GOP nominee will be parsed for years, and it is not at all clear how much of a factor his embrace of the NRA’s hardline position on gun rights played into the outcome.

      But the NRA’s investment, which was more than any other outside group, paid for a slew of ads that directly targeted the same voters who propelled Trump to victory. ”

      Never trust a corporate fascist government.

      • the hillarious rotten one said “women’s rights are human rights” and never backed up her statement, but relied on her sychophants to repeat the mantra “if you don’t vote for hillary, you aren’t a woman!”
        donald Trump went out into the hinterland, he spoke to people, he listened, they didn’t always like everything he said, but they respected him
        do you really expect anyone to believe that the NRA won the election against the russians (yes there was collusion, just not on Trump’s behalf), the DNC, soros, the rothschilds, etc…? Bu!!cr@p, and you can take that to the bank

  8. extraordinary accusations require extraordinary PROOF that you don’t have

  9. Nothing would surprise me.

  10. A major factor rarely addressed in the media is what psych drugs shooters are on or have taken, if any. Cruz’s alleged issues, if true, make this likely. The worst ones are the SSRI antidepressants. Many if not most of the young and school shooters have been on one of these, such as Paxil. Especially dangerous is to stop them suddenly. But they can damage a brain, especially ones not fully developed (around 21 years and under). There’s a site that has collected and listed all kinds of stories related to SSRI effects. Worth a look: ssristories.net/

    In re the voices, dale ruff is correct; but another potential factor, noted in the article, claimed by physicist and former Royal Navy microwave expert Barrie Trower, PhD, is that a low-power microwave weapon can be used to project an audible voice directly into someone’s head. So one does not need to be a Manchurian candidate, but maybe someone with serious mental/emotional challenges—and the SSRI’s don’t ‘hurt’ the process. Trower talks about it in this interview, shortly after 11 minutes: Search on ‘yoo toob’ for ’30 Minute Reality Update.’ His name will come up. It’s about 35 minutes, well worth watching.

    Some shooting incidents could well be staged or false flags, some are no doubt real (I suggest Columbine was, for example), but could easily be instigated. Motives stated in the article could underlie a false flag, especially where ‘authority’ is given more power to violate rights at will. I suggest also that there’s a rarely mentioned motive in the mind of controllers, and that is to create shock and macabre vibrations in the collective mind. These vibrations squelch the vibration of love and ’feed’ the psychopathic psyches comprising society’s manipulators. These effects strengthen their hold on society, justifying and facilitating the onrushing surveillance/police-state human-control system.

  11. collette.robert@yahoo.com | February 18, 2018 at 4:29 pm |

    No home-schoolers were harmed in this “exercise” Do you really want your kids socialized into this kind of penal educational system?

    • “a study based on data from 2012 to 2014 suggests that, on average, 5,790 children in the United States receive medical treatment in an emergency room each year for a gun-related injury. About 21% of those injuries are unintentional…..
      From 2012 to 2014, on average, 1,297 children died annually from a gun-related injury in the US, according to the study, published in the journal Pediatrics on Monday.”

      Almost all occur in or near the home. By contrast, the murder total for school shootings is a drop in that bucket of blood:
      “Since 1990, there have been 22 shootings at elementary and secondary schools in which two or more people were killed, not counting those perpetrators who committed suicide. Whereas five of these incidents have occurred over the past five-plus years since 2013 claiming the lives of 27 victims (17 at Parkland), the latter half the 1990s decade witnessed 7 multiple-fatality shootings with a total of 33 killed (13 at Columbine). ”

      The purpose of this failure to look at the Big Picture is to redirect focus away from the real source of most gun violence and thereby to justify the claim that “gun regulation” is not the solution. It works in the other 34 advanced nations with a gun murder rate of 85% (Canada) to 99% (UK and Japan) lower than the US and an overall average of 80% lower murder rates.

      Does American exceptionalism mean we are too stupid to understand that what works in 34 other high income nations with equal or better freedom ratings than the US will not work here? If that is the case, then why do 94% of gun owners support universal background checks, and the vast majority of the public support banning assault weapons and banning domestic abusers and other dangerous individuals including the seriously mentally disturbed from gun ownership?
      And so we see that with the adults too corrupt to deal with the issue, the children are taking the lead.

    • Absolutely one of the best statements I have seen so far, home schooling would put an end to this madness for certain, if they are deep state PsOps staged murders they won’t be able to go into private homes and pull the same thing they do on the campuses.

  12. And you, sir, may or may not be pulling my leg.

  13. Way too much credence is given to gun control as a solution. The bigger problem is the vast amount of children labeled with some type of disorder and then given powerful psychotropic drugs (SSRI’s) to combat those disorders. Guns have always been available and will continue to be available far into the future as there are so many even if banned outright. Finding a different solution to drugging our children for an attention disorder ought to be top on the list.

    • I agree: the fact that it works so well in the other 34 advanced nations can be dismissed because…………….MAGA!!!!!

      “The National Rifle Association took a historic gamble in 2016, and it paid off in a huge way.

      The gun rights group placed multimillion-dollar bets on Donald Trump and six Republican Senate candidates locked in highly competitive races. It poured $50.2 million, or 96 percent of its total outside spending, into these races, and lost only one — an open seat in Nevada, vacated by the Democratic Minority Leader, Harry Reid. That race cost the NRA roughly $2.5 million.

      The NRA’s big night came as a tidal wave of white voters without college degrees voted overwhelmingly for Trump, leading to one of the biggest election-night upsets in memory. The reasons why this demographic turned out in such high numbers for the GOP nominee will be parsed for years, and it is not at all clear how much of a factor his embrace of the NRA’s hardline position on gun rights played into the outcome.

      But the NRA’s investment, which was more than any other outside group, paid for a slew of ads that directly targeted the same voters who propelled Trump to victory. ”


      • Unions paid billions in 2016 for DemocRats and Hilarity Clintoon., Comrade Duffy

        • Unions represent American workers. The NRA represents the gun makers. I note you are ashamed to use your real name, while making fun of me who is not afraid to use his real name Cybermasks are like the KKK hoods.

          • NRA represents millions of Americans, even…. Gasp! Police!

          • NRA has just over 4 million members, about 1 in ever 90 Americans. It is mostly funded by the gun makers. 3/4 of NRA members (according to 4 polls) support universal background checks, but the NRA opposes.

            You are a waste of time, a useless troll. I am blocking you as a whiff of foul air.

    • 99% of gun murders are not mass shootings like this, and so the drug problem is far less than 1% since most mass shootings are not in schools. It remains a fact that in in 100% of gun murders. a gun is involved and in over 70% of all murders, guns are used. We can deal with half of 1% of murders that involve psychotropic drugs while dealing with all due haste with the 99.% that do not.

    • No no the SSRI’s are not a problem where the deep state is concerned, they need to have more of those, big pharma makes out like a bandit from the sales and the drugs fall right into the old problem, outrage solution setup, so why would they want to go after the drugs instead of the guns?

  14. I’m not saying false flag or not…still tragic. Even more tragic if it WAS. It is really interesting that these shooting ALWAYS happen on days when there are “drills” planned.

    • There is no evidence a drill was planned on that day. The only report is that teachers were told there would be a drill “soon.” Soon can be a day, a week, perhaps in the next month. Who is feeding you this bullshit. If you are Defiant (a strange name for a person afraid to use his real name), you need to stand up to those lying to you.

      • However there is evidence they had recent drills just like they did in the community college in Umpqua in Oregon, and Parkland did have a fire drill earlier that day students confirmed it, but I get the feeling that no matter what someone says your just going to buy the BS narrative so why bother.

        • I refuted the claim made by Defiant that a drill was planned that day. How is that BS?
          Schools have drills all the time (I was a teacher for 20 years). Are you suggesting this was a fake episode? What are you implying by claiming I am “going to buy the BS narrative?”

          The real BS,in my view, is the fake narratives to redirect attention from the fact that people are allowed to buy semi-automatic assault weapons despite being the weapon of choice for mass murderers and having no real justification in civilian hands. I accuse you of being part of that misdirection and smear campaign.

          • Do you have any clue what a PsyOp is as far as a false flag is? I’m not suggesting any of these massacres are fake I’m implying they are are sponsored by those with a very sinister agenda, if you believe Oswald Killed Kennedy and was not a CIA Asset made Patsy, than you won’t get it. If you accuse me of being part of a smear campaign than like most of my fellow patriots I accuse you of being a deep state disinfo agent.

          • JFK was murdered most likely by a conspiracy of the CIA, LBJ, and mafia. Even the 9/11 Commission heads claim that the govenment lied to them about the events of 9/11 and the CIA stonewalled them.

            But there is no evidence these mass shootings are anything but hateful acts by violent people allowed to possess weapons of mass murder, a fact enabled by the NRA which represents the gun makers and controls policy and legislation through legalized bribes and the power of propaganda.

            Have you heard of poisoning the well? It means when absurd conspiracy theories are promoted to poison the well of legitimate theories and conspiracy facts. And who promotes these absurdities and benefits? The very people guilty of the real conspiracies. Lunatic conspiracy theories are used, employing gullible tools like yourself, to discredit the valid conspiracy allegations

    • Don’t forget this one just happens to happen on V Day and will be remembered even more for happening on a day when love should have prevailed and not hate.

  15. No, he’s just another communist useful idiot.

  16. As the great statesman Franklin once said “Believe None Of What You Hear & Half Of What You See” that counts today more than ever!

  17. You hear this and still wonder how people don’t see through the deception of False Flag Psyops false narratives conspired by the MSM being conducted for gun grabs and worse. Was he given stand down orders by some higher ups? Why didn’t the FBI do anything despite having been warned months ago? None of it adds up and the narrative gets les believable every day! If you are not familiar with UNODA https://www.un.org/disarmam… and small weapons disarmament than your gonna want be and soon, this is part of the UN Agendas 21 and 2030, yet’s it’s the left that wants gun control but they are being led by a global agenda and something very sinister!

  18. “As a result of this, the county sheriff Scott Israel in charge of investigating the mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, pleaded with lawmakers on Thursday to give police and doctors more power to involuntarily hospitalize people for psychiatric evaluation over posts on social media that are deemed “violent and threatening.”” i’m F$£ked, i commented on this post

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