BREAKING: Police Are Raiding Standing Rock Camps

By Derrick Broze

Cannonball, North Dakota – On Wednesday afternoon police with the Morton County Sheriff’s office and surrounding counties entered the north entrance of the Oceti Sakowin camp, north of the Cannonball River. The Oceti camp, along with the Sacred Stone Camp, have been one of several sites of resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline since last summer.

Early Wednesday afternoon, the Sacred Stone Camp posted the following status and video:

“Militarized Police are massed at the entrance of the Big Camp on 1806 with humvees, armored vehicles, and lots of personnel. SHARE! #NoDAPL #DeFundDAPL #MniWiconi #WaterisLife #Resist#HonortheTreaties 

The Oceti Sakowin Camp also posted live video confirming the presence of law enforcement.

In yet another video posted to Facebook, heavily militarized police dressed in riot gear can be seen standing together. There are also multiple reports of the return of the LRAD sound cannon.

As Anti Media previously noted, the plan to remove the remaining people at the resistance camps was set into motion by both the local authorities and the Standing Rock Sioux who voted unanimously to close the camps down to due flood risks. Still, water protectors, as the pipeline opponents prefer to be called, worry that the shutting down of the camps is part of a larger push towards friendly relations with the oil industry under the newly inaugurated President Trump. The camps have been plagued with violence from police as they attempt to stop the construction of the controversial DAPL.

Stay tuned to Activist Post for details as this situation develops.

Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist and liberty activist. He is the Lead Investigative Reporter for and the founder of the Follow him on Twitter. Derrick is the author of three books: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1 and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2

Derrick is available for interviews. Please contact

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13 Comments on "BREAKING: Police Are Raiding Standing Rock Camps"

  1. freewheelinfranklin543 | February 1, 2017 at 6:01 pm |

    BS Fake news article. Can’t wait til Trump cleans these Soros sponsored Insurrectionists out!

    • what is fake about it?

    • Pity poor Freewheelinfrank, he drank the cool-aid, and will now have to spend the final days of trump’s administration defending his error . . . with biting attacks like this? ouch, indeed.

    • It’s not fake news – it’s an unprecedented case of presidential conflict of interest, despite the fact that Trump has sold his shareholdings in the pipeline venture:

      President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to advance the embattled Dakota Access Pipeline, prompting the Standing Rock Sioux tribe to accuse the president of disregarding treaty rights.

      Donald Trump, as a businessman, had investments in Energy Transfer Partners, the Texas company building the pipeline.

      According to CNBC, in December, he sold his entire stake in the company as ownership in it could be perceived as a conflict of interest.

      CNBC reported that Energy Transfer Partners’ owner, Kelcy Warren, “gave $100,000 to Trump’s joint fundraising effort with the Republican Party.”

      According to The Washington Post, in 2015, Trump’s share in the company was “between $500,000 and $1 million.”

      Trump also owned “between $100,000 and $250,000 in Phillips 66, which has a one-quarter share of Dakota Access,” CBS News reported.

      In another bad sign for the pipeline’s opponents, Trump chose former Texas Governor Rick Perry as his energy secretary. Perry sat on the board of Energy Transfer Partners.

  2. The police up there are just terrorists. The US President is known for bombing terrorists. What will President Bannon decide to do?

  3. Arcturian_and_Pleiadian | February 2, 2017 at 5:19 am |

    Fake news says the misguided Fool franklin543, Soros would not hire people to defend native Americans lands, but the Riots in New York that’s something they would support.

    In fact he’s been reported as Dead and has not been seen in public for ages, guess we will see at this years bilderberg.

  4. CLUB them like a BABY seals !!! fukc yea … libshts

  5. Donnie is raiding them… yep the tyrant strikes again…

  6. This article states that the tribe voted unanimously for them to leave, so why then, are they still there? It makes no sense.

  7. Now here’s an interesting, appropriate question for this forum: If this was taking place in a nation “governed” by anarchoCapitalism, how would this situation unfold?

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