Hillary Clinton Unveiled and Falling Apart at the Seams

clinton-emailAn Unusual Op-Ed Style by Catherine J Frompovich

The presidential campaign is getting more “down and even dirtier” than anyone could have imagined, especially in the attitudes and platitudes being offered by what’s called the “lamestream media.”

Since I’m a listener of all-news-radio, not call-in talk shows, I hear a lot of “talking heads” venting steam, which I think is their trying to sway the election in to the “I’m for Hillary” camp.

Probably the most egregious remark I heard was on today’s report where a political commentator was discussing how Hillary’s medical diagnosis was revealed and described as a true conspiracy, if not the lowest form of conspiracies.  Holy mackerel, Sapphire!  That prompted this Op-Ed because one only has to see many of the recent videos and photos of Hillary’s health compromises to realize she’s not a well woman, let enough a person who should be running around with handlers who have syringes in hand to inject her to keep from having seizures, as has been reported.

Does this look like a person who’s operating under her own power?

imagesPhoto Source: Reuters & Google

Alex Jones reveals the Secret Service contact and story regarding Hillary Clinton’s health.

The Secret Service contacted the Alex Jones news media with specific information regarding Hillary’s health and the modifications that had to be made to her official campaign vehicle so that she could step out of it.   The cost: $250,000.00!  Is such a modification necessary for a ‘healthy’ presidential candidate?


Here’s a questionable source regarding Hillary’s health status:


Questionable, I feel, because the MD’s letter could have been produced the same way that Obama’s famous birth certificate was found to have been produced (i.e., via a computer programmer’s expertise) rather than a legitimate attending medical doctor recording a birth.  We can’t put anything past anyone anymore in trying to influence public opinion and voters.

Former Secret Service Agent Gary J Byrne articulates as politely as possible how Hillary Clinton acts off camera in his newly-released book, Crisis of Character.

Byrne was a Secret Service detail man for the Clintons during Bill’s time as president and knows intimate details of what went on with both Hillary and Bill.


Domestic Violence Abuser, Hillary

Doctor Jekyll, Ms. Hyde Hillary Clinton * Domestic violence in the White House *  Hillary throwing a vase that splattered against a wall and Bill’s black eye shiner not very well hidden by makeup!  Shouldn’t Hillary be exposed as a Domestic Violence attacker, abuser and a person prone to violence?

Will hot-headed Hillary be the president to push the nuclear button?  Volcanic Hillary!

“A phony, fake, fraudulent human being.”   …. Sean Hannity

“People need to know the real Hillary Clinton…she habitually lies.” …. Gary J Byrne

How can American voters support this type of problematic person as the President of the USA?

Bill Clinton is addicted to sex, while Hillary is addicted to power!

Dolly Kyle, decades-long former girlfriend of Bill Clinton

And finally, do voters really want former Nazi sympathizer and enabler [1], George Soros, an obvious confirmed eugenicist, giving Hillary her marching orders during her tenure in the Oval Office?

The Hillary Clinton-George Soros-Connection & Black Lives Matter Link


George Soros obviously has “made” Barack Hussein Obama, and you see what we got.  Will Soros use his money to make Hillary the next president of the USA?  In my opinion, we can’t afford another four or eight years of Soros-financed presidential decisions.

What do you think?


[1] http://itmakessenseblog.com/2011/01/28/george-soros-says-he-feels-no-remorse-for-collaborating-with-nazis-during-wwii-to-send-his-fellow-jews-to-the-death-camps-steal-their-prop

Image Credit

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on Amazon.com.

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazon.com are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available

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17 Comments on "Hillary Clinton Unveiled and Falling Apart at the Seams"

  1. I don’t think the American people are in the mood for a continuance of an openly corrupt, lawless government. I think with Clinton as POTUS, this country will come apart at the seams.

    • That’s the idea, as floated in a Wall Street Journal, column last summer. Not just the US, though, all nation states are to be weakened and fractured.

  2. She is a coke head and deserves this fate. The dems are in idiotland to put this criminal elite on the potus ticket.

    Not to worry, The Donald is the most popular of all candidates, ever.
    …”I will fix it and fix it fast…” The Donald a few weeks ago at the ‘Wings over the Rockies’.

  3. Obviously the suspicion of the monitors is over the PH reference. How lame is that?

  4. What do I think? I think the American people have made a mess of their politics, a mess of their “judicial” system, a mess of the foreign policy and a mess of their society! That’s what I think.

    • Your comment would ring true if we were a nation ruled by the people; we are not. The people have progressive views on cutting defense spending, raising taxes on the rich, single payer healthcare, free college tuition in public schools, immigration reform, gun law reform (ubc), etc….all with majority support, in some cases up to 90% support.

      But none of these is even discussed or voted on in our Congress in which a conservative minority, representing (in 22 states) fewer people than California. 41 trumps 59: minority rule. And so we have no action on the progressive views of most Americans. The failure lies not in the people but in the system, which is designed to defeat the will of the people and promote the interests of the very very rich, as it always has.

      It is bad enough to be deprived of your right to equality and consent but then to be blamed for the evil results of this disenfranchisement is adding insult to injury.

    • No, not the American people. They’re only complicit in that they allowed themselves to be brainwashed and lied to by their educators, media, and own government. They have been deliberately dumbed down.

      “We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

      William Casey, Head of the CIA 1981-1986

      Time for everyone to wake up and start cleaning up the mess. It’s core is rapidly decaying.

  5. Craig Badcraigsnews Miller | August 20, 2016 at 1:49 pm |

    Haha. Love the reference to Amos and Andy.

  6. First, free yourself of fantasies about Reptilian Overlords. The predators are ordinary people best understood as capitalists through the “banality of evil” template.

    Once you have liberated yourself, read Marx, Perkins, and Chomsky to understand the real nature and origins of the ruling class. I also recommend A People’s History of the World.

    Replace your false consciousness with real conscioiusness!

  7. The Donald will turn things around and bring a new renaissance as in the 50’s and 60’s.
    This bimbo will do anything to get in and nothing for the good folks of the USA. She is a broken snake.
    He is America’s most popular candidate of all time.
    I’m all in with the Trumpster.

  8. My cousin coming to America with Hillary

  9. Hillary is a very dedicated woman that lives to serve. All the haters want to bash her for stepping up and serving. She is selfless and there should be more givers and community builders like her in the world.

  10. Since Bernie and all of America was robbed of having him as POTUS, the only candidate that shows any sign of having a functioning brain is Dr. Jill Stein. We have to get rid of the out dated 2 party system! #neverhillary

  11. Comment from Catherine Frompovich:

    Here’s a 20 minute video regarding Hillary’s apparent health problems.


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