Stephen Hawking: Governments are Engaged in an AI Arms Race That Could Destroy Humanity

artificial-intelligence-fear1By Matt Agorist

On Monday, English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge, Stephen Hawking went on the Larry King show. He was less than optimistic about the future of humanity.

Six years ago, Hawking was on the King show and said, “Mankind is in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity.” When asked if he thought humanity has changed since their last visit, Hawking replied, “We have certainly not become less greedy or less stupid.”

In summarizing the last six years,

Stephen Hawking said, “Six years ago, I was warning about pollution and overcrowding; they have gotten worse since then.”

Hawking’s faith in humanity is apparently dwindling as the theoretical physicist predicted little more than doom and gloom. “The population has grown by half a billion since our last interview, with no end in sight. At this rate, it will be eleven billion by 2100. Air pollution has increased by 8 percent over the past five years. More than 80 percent of inhabitants of urban areas are exposed to unsafe levels of air pollution,” he said.

Hawking says that addressing pollution is a major concern, but we’ve yet to do so.

“The increase in air pollution and the emission of increasing levels of carbon dioxide. Will we be too late to avoid dangerous levels of global warming?” he said.

If humans don’t kill themselves with pollution, according to Hawking, it will be the robots that do us in. When King asked Hawking about the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI), Hawking explained that when government is involved in technological evolution, the outlook is bleak.

Governments seem to be engaged in an AI arms race, designing planes and weapons with intelligent technologies. The funding for projects directly beneficial to the human race, such as improved medical screening seems a somewhat lower priority.

When King asked Hawking about his views on Ray Kurzweil’s theory of The Singularity, Hawking shot it down as “too optimistic.”

“I think that his views are both too simplistic and too optimistic. Exponential growth will not continue to accelerate, something we don’t predict will interrupt it as has happened with similar forecasts in the past,” he said.

As he continued, Hawking alluded to the fears that some people hold about AI wiping humanity from the earth because of having differing goals.

Hawking said.

Once machines reach the critical stage of being able to evolve themselves, we cannot predict whether their goals will be the same as ours.

King goes on to ask Hawking, “Will artificial intelligence ever go on to render human society obsolete?”

Artificial intelligence has the potential to evolve faster than the human race. Beneficially AI could co-exist with humans and augment our capabilities. But a rogue AI could be difficult to stop.

After claiming humans are stupid, greedy, and AI will destroy the world, Hawking noted that it is still important to pursue the cause of AI as it will be highly beneficial to humans in the future.

Matt Agorist is the co-founder of, where this article first appeared. He is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world.

Also Read: Global Drone Arms Race Spreading Quickly

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3 Comments on "Stephen Hawking: Governments are Engaged in an AI Arms Race That Could Destroy Humanity"

  1. Let’s heed Stephen Hawking’s advice & increase our protection & prevention of deadly pollution with implementation of clean green energy solar,geothermal,wave & more increase & invest more into science & technology education to help people & the world learn about our planet & peoples problems & solutions with love & respect for all if we come together dignity,respect,love & intelligence there’s nothing we can’t achieve for the betterment & beauty of humanity life liberty & the pursuit of justice & listen to great minds such as Stephen Hawking & take his warnings & instructions seriously & implement his solutions & other intelligent thought & action for the good of humanity with peace & love for all. <3

  2. While I wouldn’t presume to challenge someone reputed to be among the most intelligent human beings alive, it occurs to me while watching the video of Mr. Hawking’s responses that we have no real assurance that he’s not just a complete vegetable being cruelly used as someone’s sock puppet.

  3. im not sure i agree with steven hawkings thoughts.

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