TOP 5 New Tips To Never Get Busted by Barry Cooper

By Luke Rudkowski

In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews the former top narcotics officer in the U.S, Barry Cooper about the war on drugs and how to never get busted again. Barry is an anti-drug-war lecturer, film maker, criminal defense expert witness and law lecturer known for his DVD series, “NeverGetBusted” and his Internet reality show, KopBusters.

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2 Comments on "TOP 5 New Tips To Never Get Busted by Barry Cooper"

  1. The ‘war on drugs’ is a complete failure – besides who are the ‘law’ makers that can tell someone in a free country what they can or cannot ingest – but take yer vaccines and turn into a 7 years and out zombie.

    BTW: move to Colorado and imbibe all day every day – just for the health of it…we have great sunsets.

    suggested reads:
    ‘Barry and the boys’ -Hopsicker – hint poor ole Barry thought he had it made.
    ‘the Committee of 300’ J.D. Coleman – hint the Royals have owned the drug routes for hundreds of years.
    fast and furious – is the way the scum parasites feed their worthless agency(s).

  2. No government has the authority to block people from using any medicine that that person wishes to use.
    No government has the authority to force any medication on anyone.
    The U.S Declaration of Independence makes it clear the Creator given individual rights overrule government force.

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