Liberty Movement Needs More Innovations To Counter Technological Tyranny

By Brandon Smith

The great lesson from history that each consecutive generations seems to forget is that the tools of tyranny used outward will inevitably be turned inward. That is to say, the laws and weapons governments devise for supposed enemies abroad will ALWAYS and eventually be used against the people they are mandated to protect. There is no centralized system so trustworthy, no political establishment so free of corruption that the blind faith of the citizenry is warranted. If free people do not remain vigilant they will be made slaves by their own leadership. This is the rule, not the exception, and it applies to America as much as any other society.

The beauty of the con game that is the “war on terror” is that such a war is ultimately undefinable. An undefinable war has no set enemy; the establishment can change the definition of the “enemy” at will to any culture, country, or group it wishes. Thus, the war on terror can and will last forever. Or, at least, it will last as long as corrupt elitists remain in positions of power.

As I have outlined in past articles, most terror groups are creations of our nation’s own covert intelligence apparatus, or the covert agencies of allied governments.

ISIS is perhaps the most openly engineered terror organization of all time (surpassing Operation Gladio), with U.S. elites and purported anti-Muslim terror champions like Sen. John McCain and Gen. Paul Vallely making deals with “moderate” Free Syrian Army rebels who immediately turn out to be full fledged ISIS fighters (I’m sure they were not “surprised” by this outcome) and the Obama Administration blatantly funding and arming more “moderates” which again in turn seem to be crossing over into the hands of ISIS. Frankly, the whole idea that there is a moderate front in places like Syria where alphabet agencies reign supreme is utterly absurd.

The bottom line – our political leadership, Republican and Democrat alike, created ISIS out of thin air, and now the American people are being expected to relinquish more individual liberties in the name of stopping this fabricated threat. Apparently, the Orwellian police state structures built under the auspices of the Patriot Act, the AUMF, the NDAA, FISA, etc. have not been enough to stop events like the Chattanooga shooting from occurring. So, what is the answer? Well, certainly not a reexamination of our insane foreign policy or an investigation into government funded false flag terrorism; that would make too much sense.

Instead, the establishment claims we need MORE mass surveillance without warrants, tighter restrictions on individual freedoms, and even, according to retired General Wesley Clark, internment camps designed to separate and confine “disloyal” Americans from the rest of the population.

Remember, all of this is being suggested in the name of stopping ISIS, but the language being used by political elites does not restrict such actions to ISIS related “extremists”. Once again, the war on terror is an ambiguous war, so ambiguous that internment camps supposedly meant for those the government labels POTENTIAL Islamic extremists could also be used for potential extremists of any group. Once the fuse is lit on the process of rendition, black bagging, internment, and assassination of citizens, any citizens, without trial, there will be no stopping the powder keg explosion to follow.

I believe that the power brokers that dictate legal and political developments within our country are preparing to turn the full force of the police state machine against the American people, all in the name of protecting us, of course. I do not need their brand of “protection”, and neither does anyone else.

It comes down to this – in the face of an increasingly advanced technological control grid, either liberty movement activists and freedom fighters must develop our own countermeasures, or, we will lose everything, and every generation after us will blame us for our inaction, if they remember us at all.

Keep in mind a countermeasure must be decentralized. Bitcoin, for instance, is NOT a practical countermeasure being that it relies on a centralized and monitored global Internet in order to function. It also does not encourage any tangible production capabilities or skill sets. Therefore, it does not provide for the function of a true alternative economy. It is a false solution and a useless countermeasure to a fiat currency based economy.

A real countermeasure to a controlled economy, for instance, would be a localized barter economy in which people must develop ways to produce, rather than play make believe with digital cryptocurrencies.

Countermeasures do not always have to be high tech. In fact, I am a staunch believer in the advantages of low tech solutions to high tech tyranny. As many are already aware, with the aid of Oath Keepers I recently developed a long term wearable cloak system which defeats FLIR thermal imaging, including military grade thermal imaging. Something which has never been offered on the civilian market before.

But this is only one countermeasure to one major threat. I will continue to work on defenses in other areas in which I feel I am best qualified; however, the movement needs more R&D, and we need it NOW before it is too late. I would like to suggest some possible dangers, and how people with far more knowledge than myself could create tools for defeating tyranny. I would also like to examine some simple organizational countermeasures which EVERYONE should be undertaking right now.

Community Defense

This is an amazing countermeasure for the liberty movement because it removes the monopoly of state control over individual security. Nothing pisses off the establishment more than people taking individual and community defense into their own hands. Fear is the greatest weapon of a corrupt government, and if they can’t keep you afraid because you are your own security, then they have lost considerable leverage over you.

This dynamic is represented perfectly in the Oath Keepers Community Preparedness Team model, which has been utilized successfully in places like Ferguson, MO. Today, in the wake of the Chattanooga shootings, Oath Keeper teams are volunteering across the nation to stand guard (discreetly) at military recruiting offices. The recruiters themselves, who are forced to remain disarmed by the DoD, appear to be thankful for the Oath Keeper presence. This kind of effort shows those in the military that the liberty movement is not the great homegrown monster that the government and the SPLC have made us out to be. It also throws a monkey wrench into the use of false flag terrorism or terrorism funded by covert agencies (as ISIS is) as a means to herd the masses into totalitarianism in the name of safety.

You might not be an engineer, or a tactician, but anyone can and should be organizing security teams for the places they live. Nothing could be more important.

Community Food Reserve

Am I talking about feeding your entire neighborhood or your entire town during a crisis? No, not necessarily. But, if you found an innovative way to make that possible, the rest of the movement would surely be grateful. Preppers do what they can for themselves and their families, but the bottom line is, if you are isolated and unorganized, all your prepping will be for naught. You are nothing more than an easy target and no amount of “OPSEC” is going to hide the fact that you will look well fed and healthy while everyone else doesn’t. The solution to this is to organize community defense, as stated above, but to also organize a community food reserve.

I highly suggest approaching already existing groups, like your local churches if they are willing to listen, and discussing the idea of food stores, water filtration, and shelter scenarios. If you can convince at least one community group to make preparations, you have just potentially saved numerous lives and stopped the exploitation of food scarcity as a means to dominate your local population during disaster.

WiFi Radar

Active WiFi-based radar systems have been developed over the past several years which can see through walls (to a point) and potentially detect persons hiding in an urban environment. The number of radio frequency based radar projects coming out of the dark recesses of DARPA have been numerous, and each project appears to revolve around the goal of complete surveillance ability, or total information awareness. Such measures are not as effective against a technologically advanced opponent, but they could be very effective in dominating a lower tech civilian population.

WiFi radar in particular is a rather disturbing concept, and not a field in which I am personally well versed. I have seen some examples of radio-wave based personnel tracking and have not been all that impressed with the visual results, but this is only what has been made available to the public. Sometimes, the DoD will present a technology that does not work as well as they claim in order to strike fear in the minds of their enemies. That said, sometimes they also use tech tools that work far better than they let on.

Luckily, radar countermeasure information is widely available to the public, and WiFi blocking and absorbing materials exist also. Liberty champions would do well, though, to look into active countermeasures along with passive, and devise methods for jamming WiFi radar altogether.

RFID Matrix

RFID chips are a passive technology but rather dangerous under certain conditions. With a grid of RFID readers in place in an environment such as a city, or a highway, a person could be tracked in real time every second of every day. He might not even know he is carrying a chip or multiple chips, the trackers being so small they could be sewn behind the button of a shirt.

This is one threat which would probably have to be solved with higher technology. I have seen RFID jamming and “spoofing” done by civilian computer engineers, mostly from foreign countries. But, this should not just be a hobby for computer experts in technical institutes. The Liberty Movement needs portable RFID jamming and spoofing capability to ensure that these chips, which are set to be ingrained in almost every existing product in the near future from clothing to cars to credit cards, can be rendered useless.

Drones Vs. Drones

The predator drone is not the biggest threat on the block anymore in terms of surveillance ability. DARPA has been working on other drone designs similar to the A160 Hummingbird and the MQ-8 Fire Scout; lightweight helicopter-style UAVs that can stay in the air for up to 24 hours and provide overwatch in a 30 mile area. And lets not forget about JLENS surveillance blimps (also ironically referred to as “ISIS” Integrated Sensor Is The Structure project) which can and are outfitted with high grade cameras and radar that can be used to track people from 10,000 feet up in the sky.

This is the future of combat operations and the lockdown of populations. Standard military units will be reduced as much as possible while UAVs will be deployed en masse. Air power has always been the biggest weakness of civilians seeking to counter corrupt governments, but this is actually changing.

While they may be lower tech in certain respects, civilian based drones are actually keeping pace with military projects, if only because military projects are restricted by bureaucracy and red tape while civilians are encouraged and emboldened by profit motive. Range and elevation limitations in the civilian market are purely legal right now, and such limitations will be of no concern once the SHTF. For the first time in history, common people now have the ability to field an aerial defense.

The DoD is well aware of this, and is already working on measures to counter enemy drones through their Black Dart and Switchblade program. The Liberty Movement needs its own Black Dart program.

Long Distance Radio And Codes

Regardless of the region they live, liberty activists should be developing their own radio code methods for secure communications. There are a few existing frequency hopping and coded radio systems out there on the civilian market, but these are short range units usually with around 1 watt of power. This makes them ideal for quick operational comms and difficult to listen in on simply because their range is so limited. That said, longer range radio communication will likely be essential for the spread of information from one region to the next, and no one should assume that regular phone and Internet will be available in the future. News must travel somehow.

This means HAM radio, using mobile repeaters to avoid triangulation, and old school coded messages. The R&D portion of this issue I believe needs to be in the use of an Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) for the liberty movement regionally and nationwide. This is a kind of “texting” through HAM radio, and combining this with traditional low tech cipher coding may be our best bet for long range secure comms. It could also help defeat drones that intercept standard messages and use voice recognition software to identify targets.

Decentralized Internet

Information sharing makes or breaks a society. Without the Web, the liberty movement would not have found the success it has today, and the alternative media would not exist, let alone be outmatching the readership ratings of mainstream media sources that have otherwise dominated news flow for decades. Unfortunately, the Web is NOT a “creative commons” as many people believe. It is, as Edward Snowden’s revelations on the NSA proved, a highly controlled and monitored network in which there is essentially no privacy, even with the existence of cryptography.

The great threat to the establishment is the possibility that people will begin building an Internet separate from the Internet; a decentralized network. Recently, an inventor named Benjamin Caudill was slated to release a device called “Proxyham”, designed to reroute WiFi signals and remove the possibility of government monitoring of digital communications. Strangely, just before the release of Proxyham, Caudill pulled all devices with the intent to destroy them, and will not be releasing the source code and blueprints to the public as planned.

Clearly, something or someone scared the hell out of Caudill, and he is rushing to appease them. We don’t know who for certain, but my vote is the NSA. And if this is the case, it means his project and others like it are a threat to the surveillance state, and must be released to the public ASAP. If Caudill doesn’t have the guts to do it, then the liberty movement must.

An alternative Internet would be a holy grail in the fight against tyranny, if only to show the world that people can indeed decouple from the system and create advanced networks themselves, and do it better than the establishment.

These are just a few of the areas that require immediate attention from those with ingenuity in the liberty movement. The time for talk is over. The time for tangible action has begun. Beyond the need for immediate local organization by those preparing for social and economic breakdown, there is a desperate need for out-of-the-box thinkers to develop countermeasures to technological fascism. It’s time for the movement to go beyond mere intellectual analysis and provide concrete solutions. There is nothing left but this.

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2 Comments on "Liberty Movement Needs More Innovations To Counter Technological Tyranny"

  1. altInternet SoundsGreat | July 23, 2015 at 6:52 am |

    the U.S is the only 1st world country that offers nothing – in the way of safety for all it’s folks. Except of course the gubbers (government worthless scum – offer nothing to the folks that send good faith taxes for their odious debt and self preservation).

  2. War on Poverty, War on Drugs, and War on Terror is another control tool practiced by the powerful to contrive a need to reduce personal liberties and privacy for the benefit of the state. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? With the demand for reductions in personal protection equipment, weapons, and armored bunkers by authorities worldwide, makes you wonder what is planned, and what is part of natural evolution.

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