Look at How the Media is Scripting Charleston to Push a Race War and Gun Control



This is how a psyop works. Now, because of what has hallmarks of an MKUltra shooting, we’re supposed to believe we’re in a race war and none of us should be allowed to own a gun.

Check out how Reuters took basic reporting on what we were told are the “facts” of the Charleston shooting on the evening of June 17th and in a whole day took a kitchen sink approach of adding everything from slavery to Sandy Hook to homegrown domestic extremists and even 9/11 to the narrative to politicize this story in every way possible to push a race war and gun control in the same sentence…

Also this needs to be questioned: Tell-Tale Sign of a Crisis Actor?

Aaron and Melissa created TruthstreamMedia.com as an outlet to examine reality and the news, place it in a broader context, uncover the deceptions, pierce through the fabric of illusions, grasp the underlying factors, know the real enemy, unshackle from the system, and begin to imagine the path towards taking back our lives, one step at a time, so that one day we might truly be free…

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