Idiocracy? The White House’s ‘Healthy’ Diet Plan for Kids, Brought to You by Subway

Daisy Luther
Activist Post

Hey kids, can you say “corporatism”? Now eat up (don’t read the ingredients, though).

If you need any more proof that our government is essentially a fascist vehicle for corporate interests, please look no further than Michelle Obama partnering with the nation’s second largest fast food chain Subway in a $41 million marketing scheme to support Obama’s Let’s Move! campaign — a movement supposedly designed to help eradicate childhood obesity.

Michelle’s face is apparently soon to be plastered all over Subways everywhere … and people are threatening to boycott.

While papers like the LA Times are touting this move as Obama simply “tapping” Subway to help get kids to eat better, a cursory glance at the restaurant’s nutrition guide shows that the average meal at Subway is anything but the paragon of health. Like all convenience food in this country, it has its fair share of chemical preservatives, artificial colors, food additives and genetically modified flavor enhancers like MSG (just to name a few).

But beyond that, this is only half a tick away from America *literally* having an Idiocracy government brazenly sponsored by corporate logos and insider interests…and, missing all the common sense cues for a healthy society, of course.

The U.S. government: by, for and of the mega corporations. Our “leaders” are essentially celebs in their own reality show: ‘Murica. 

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor. Her website, The Organic Prepper, where this first appeared, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at

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