Is Egypt On The Verge Of Engineered Civil War?

Brandon Smith
Activist Post

For thousands of years, Egypt has been one of the primary pillars of the Eastern world. When Egypt falls into turmoil, a shockwave is felt by all other nations that heralds great change and perhaps even great catastrophe. The West’s longtime interest in maintaining a solid foothold in Egypt is based on this reality; even in our modern age, when Egypt is in your corner riches can be accumulated, and power can be gathered.

Our government along with European governments have gone to incredible lengths in the region in order to ensure Egyptian compliance. In the 1940s and 1950s, Britain sought to dominate the country through force of arms. The U.S. set out to buy Egypt with massive foreign aid as well as military subsidies for leaders that held pro-western views. However, it appears that in the quest for “globalization”, western interests now see a destabilized and violent Egypt as more useful to the grand plan. The Egyptian revolution in 2011 which highlighted what many call the “Arab Spring” was heavily manipulated by U.S. and European governments, but such sociopolitical engineering is still limited to the whims of the target population.

No one can create a revolution or civil war out of thin air. Years or even decades of popular angst and anger has to be fostered. The citizenry must already be near the tipping point of mass dissent. Globalists do not make revolutions occur, they simply find a revolution already brewing, and then attempt to direct the preexisting energy of the populace towards an end result that benefits the establishment the most.

Egypt is now ripe for internal conflict far beyond civil disobedience into the realm of Syrian-style civil war, and I believe our government is well aware that such a calamity is brewing…

The ousting of President Hosni Mubarak was driven in part by a distaste amongst the general Egyptian public for the U.S. government’s influence over the political dichotomy of their society. U.S. funding had, in their view, given foundational support to Mubarak’s reign, which had resorted to police brutality, martial law, lack of free elections, crackdowns on free speech, and corruption in order to retain control. This coupled with high unemployment and price inflation inevitably led to citizen dissent, which saw the U.S. as a staunch ally of their abusive oligarchy.

Even after the revolution and the election of Mohamed Mursi (a primary supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood whose political platform calls for the removal of western influences within predominantly Islamic cultures), the U.S. government continued to send $1.6 billion in foreign aid to the region.

After the military overthrow of the elected Mursi in recent months generated in part by the Egyptian people’s anger over western influence, our government is STILL pushing for the continuance of American tax dollars to Egypt, and, still refuses to acknowledge that the latest transition of power is by every definition a “coup”.

Every regime in Egypt the U.S. touches becomes subject to revolution or military overthrow.

A U.S. envoy sent to discuss diplomatic ties with the new military leadership under General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as well as other organizations was snubbed by various political groups who were furious over American support of Mubarak, Mursi, and the General.

Barack Obama has responded by making matters worse (perhaps knowingly so).

Obama has tapped none other that Mr. John “Bomb-Bomb-Iran” McCain and civil liberties-hating Senator Lindsay Graham to be his front-men in Egypt, meeting with both the military power and the opposition in order to “address the turmoil convulsing the country”:

I would like to point that it was also John McCain (and Joseph Lieberman) that Obama sent after the Tunisian revolution in order to bribe the new government there with promises of U.S. monetary and military aid:

And, it was John McCain that was sent to meet with the Al-Qaeda controlled Syrian opposition now using U.S. funds to destabilize that country:

These men are widely outspoken proponents of violent U.S. military intervention in the Middle East. They are also widely outspoken proponents of military intervention WITHIN the United States against American citizens. Politicians like McCain and Graham are middle-management power addicts with ideological ties to globalization. Sending them to Egypt to offer American assistance is like sending a pair of cloven hoofed demons to watch over a daycare center. The Egyptian public will not be amused, and maybe that’s the plan…

The latest news indicates that the Obama Administration will be moving forward with joint U.S./Egyptian military exercises despite the coup which occurred only weeks ago. That is to say, it does not seem to matter to Obama who is actually in power in Egypt, we are going to give them money, weapons, and even military training regardless. If this is not a message to the Egyptian people that the West is never going away, I don’t know what is. In the meantime, protests continue to escalate, and the current military regime has responded with violence. Officially, the White House has condemned such oppression, but U.S. money and military assistance still flows into the Sisi government, just as it always has:

The Muslim Brotherhood, which is the largest and most effectively organized political movement in the country, has just had their democratically elected representative deposed. The West is rushing to support the military junta. Egypt’s interim government is in deadlock, and the Brotherhood refuses to recognize their authority:

“It’s an illegitimate government, an illegitimate prime minister, an illegitimate cabinet,” said Brotherhood spokesman Gehad El-Haddad. “We don’t recognize anyone in it. We don’t even recognize their authority as representatives of the government.”

Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, once the Egyptian military envoy to Saudi Arabia, has now conveniently accrued Saudi monetary support in the form of $12 billion dollars in cash, loans, and fuel. Yet another signal that could be construed by the Egyptian citizenry that Sisi is in the pocket of the West.

In August 2012, the newspaper al-Tahrir also reported that Gen Sisi had “strong ties with US officials on both diplomatic and military levels”.

He had studied in Washington, attended several military conferences there, and engaged in “co-operation with regard to war games and intelligence operations in recent years”:

Mursi supporters and Muslim Brotherhood activists have responded with large scale protests. The military has reacted with force, killing several protestors and galvanizing opposition even further towards a violent methodology:

The U.S. government does not necessarily need to actively engineer a crisis as they did in Libya, or Syria; all they need to do is throw money at whoever ends up in charge, and let insurgency take its natural course. But where is all of this headed? What does Egyptian chaos and civil war mean for the rest of the world? And why would the U.S. knowingly irritate an already explosive situation?

A similar event occurred in 1952, when a hot revolution in Egypt overtook the pro-western monarchy of King Farouk. At that time, Great Britain dominated the Middle East as well as the global oil market. The pound sterling was considered the “world reserve currency” of the day (at least, the currency with the largest share of global trade), and was required in most global transactions when petroleum purchases were made. Sound familiar? That’s because the United States is in the exact same economic condition today.

American hegemony over Middle Eastern oil markets is undeniable. The dollar is not only the petrodollar, but also the world reserve currency. Like Britain in the 1940s and 1950s, we too are embroiled in quagmire after quagmire in the cradle of civilization. And like Britain, we too are seeking to prop up power structures in Egypt which are destined to end in collapse and conflagration. Britain’s defeat in the Suez was not just a military one, but also a financial one.

American and French bond holders (central banks) threatened to dump British treasuries and the pound sterling in the wake of the Egyptian revolution of 1952, which was, coincidentally, led by the Muslim Brotherhood. The sterling lost its petrodollar status over the course of several years, quickly replaced by the U.S. Greenback. Inflation of the sterling struck in the late 1960s, and from that point on, Britain remained a second tier economy. When one understands how the central banking cabal operates, the cycle of history becomes clear.

The pound sterling’s day was done. International bankers sought to introduce the age of the U.S. dollar. Britain (either knowingly or foolishly) set the stage for its own currency debasement. Central banks took advantage, and changed the very structure of the world with the rise of the Federal Reserve Note. Oil prices have been rising steadily ever since, and general inflation in goods and services has been slowly boiling the population alive. I believe the dollar, like the pound sterling, is being set up for a grand fall similar in nature but far more devastating, and that Egypt may yet again play a major role in this disaster.

Before being overthrown, President Mursi was openly building closer ties with Iran, as well as staging possible deals with Russia to build nuclear power plants. Mursi wanted energy independence and likely mutual defense treaties. Iran (as well as Turkey) was enraged by the latest military coup. Political signals indicate that a civil war in Egypt would probably result not only in a shut down of oil shipping through the Suez Canal, but also the Straight of Hormuz if the U.S. was seen as an instigator in the event. At least 30% of the worlds oil supply would be delayed or halted as war erupted. Gasoline prices would in turn skyrocket.

The U.S. dollar, already on thin ice with foreign investors (China has been dumping the dollar in bilateral trade with multiple countries since at least 2010), would come under intense scrutiny as the petro-currency, not to mention the world reserve. Enter the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), already waiting in the wings today to overtake the dollar as the reserve mechanism, thus clearing the way for a global economic system under the control of an unelected corporate banking bureaucracy.

The signs are all present. With the Egyptian military shutting out the entirety of the Muslim Brotherhood and related political groups from all government participation, and the atmosphere of the streets growing more vicious everyday, it is only a matter of time before the real shooting begins. If this does not occur before or during the U.S. joint exercises set for September of this year, I will be pleasantly surprised.

When one examines the impending disaster in Egypt, it is important to avoid using a narrow lens and take into account the bigger picture. An Egyptian civil war will not ultimately be about Egypt. Rather, it will be about catalyzing the whole of the Middle East towards breakdown and drawing in larger nations in the process, including the United States. It will also be about triggering energy price increases designed to give cover to the collapse of the dollar’s world reserve status. If globalists within our government and within central banks allow the dollar to die today, THEY will be blamed for the collapse that follows. THEY will be painted as the villains. But, if they can create a crisis large enough, that crisis becomes the scapegoat for all other tragedies, including dollar debasement. Egypt is just one of many regions in the world where such a crisis can be fabricated. Right now, it seems to be the most opportune choice for the elites.

You can contact Brandon Smith at:  Alt-Market is an organization designed to help you find like-minded activists and preppers in your local area so that you can network and construct communities for mutual aid and defense. Join today and learn what it means to step away from the system and build something better.

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