Radioactive Rats, Nuclear Techno Geeks And Life In The Damage Control Continuum

[T]here is no such thing as society. – Margaret Thatcher, England’s prime minister, 1987 (1)

If there is a single, metaphysical idea that I have dedicated my life’s work to [exposing], it is that the greatest evil, the greatest destructive force, in terms of thought, is nominalism…the idea that there is no intrinsic connection among objects in classes of things….that the only thing that exists in the world is the individual. It’s the case in science, it’s the case in political theory. – Matt Johnson, Ph.D. (2)

Dees Illustration

Richard Wilcox, Contributor
Activist Post

This is really shaping up to be a 500 or 1000 year drought. How long can the atmosphere tolerate chemtrails, HAARP, and massive, ongoing emissions of methane from both seabed and continental land masses?

A great being from India once said that the indiscriminate Nuclear Testing of the last 70 years would profoundly affect the weather patterns around the world. And so it has. Perhaps this is because an ongoing, imperceptible nuclear apocalypse has been irrevocably altering the ‘morphogenetic field’ of Planet Earth. We simply can’t do Nuclear Testing without HUGE unintended consequences in the form of pervasive collateral damage to the environment.

When we find ourselves in such an intense crucible like Fukushima, we are given the opportunity to spiritually advance ourselves in amazing ways. We’re watching this happen all around us, especially where disaster and calamity strike without warning. The shock to our consciousness creates an opening for miracles to occur, yes?– Cosmic Convergence Research Group (3)

A new documentary film featuring Koichi Oyama, a particularly brave and diligent city council member from the region affected by the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, sums up the attitude of Leviathan, The Regime, the Hostile Criminal Elite, the Nuclear Cabal as it were, especially as it relates to the predicament Japanese people find themselves:

“I would like to explain something historical to better your understanding. Japan used to be ruled by a king, the emperor. Parents and teachers told children the best thing they could do was die for their country. Kamikaze pilots in the war embodied this spirit. In World War II they always told us we were winning every battle. No one knew about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The same thing is happening now. The current government not telling people what is happening is the same we have had since World War II. Keep your country alive by killing yourself. I think the way to save the children at Fukushima is to get the world involved. If we don’t protect our children now, it will be too late when we are the second Chernobyl. Not allowing the children to escape is murder” (4).

This attitude permeates Japanese culture to varying degrees. Although a majority are in favor of phasing out nuclear power (5), their conviction is superficial and overly patient, in my opinion. Belief in sacrifice for the good of the whole is marred since it is really for the rich and powerful, not the national welfare. One young lad told me that my pointing out that certain regions in Japan are radioactive is “prejudiced.” I asked him if facts are prejudiced even if they are scientifically verifiable and he admitted they are not. When the whole story of the dangers of nuclear power is explained, people cannot deny the reality. One clear-minded Japanese writer recently sounded off:

“[D]espite all the terrible consequences of nuclear meltdowns, there are people who want to push on with nuclear power generation. Why? Because they can make money by generating electricity domestically, by building and exporting nuclear reactors, and by investing in the nuclear power industry” (6).

The international nuclear crime-gang operate by the same rules everywhere.

“Nuclear construction companies are often a kind of shell vehicle in which finance experts play with huge sums of money and different rates of interest” (p. 199). In new nuke construction “[n]o one stands to lose money–except the public, of course.” Wall Street banks including “Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and Morgan Stanley–informed the US Department of Energy that they were unwilling to extend loans for new nuclear power plants unless taxpayers shouldered 100 percent of the risks,” and they got “100 percent coverage of debt at up to 80 percent of the project cost,” according to the book, The Doomsday Machine (p. 200) (7).

The Regime (8), as Matt Johnson of the Orthodox Nationalist refers to the “powers that be,” is not necessarily a secretive cabal–their crimes are often carried out in plain daylight with guns blazing *(watch this clip from the film “Heat” (9) as a political allegory)–it is a literally and figuratively descriptive name. The Regime carried out 911; Yugoslavia/Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya/Syria war mass genocides; BP Gulf of Mexico oil ecocide; and the 311 accident-waiting-to-happen nuclear disaster. These are the 0.01 percent of people in the world who have unleashed human suffering and environmental destruction writ large. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, as Lord Acton said.

The fact that billionaire gangsters (10; 11) can bid to buy their respective presidential candidates with hundreds of millions of dollars attests to Total Political Corruption in USA. The real economy that people depend upon for life is being robbed of trillions of dollars, no one blinks an eyelash (12). On “January 21, 2010, the US Supreme Court” granted “corporations the freedom to donate unlimited amounts of money to political candidates.” Since it is well known that the “candidate who spends the most money wins in 9 out of 10 races,” the political process is bought, lock, stock and barrel (13).

“Whoever Controls The Media Controls The World…the New York Times – is responsible for starting more wars than any other single newspaper in world history” (14). The 2003 Iraq War was not carried out “to get the oil” as many liberals complained, but for International Zionism, whose interests actually went against Big Oil (15). For that matter, many people still don’t know who carried out 911, and I can tell you it was definitely not 19 Muslim hijackers (16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21). The full understanding of this blood thirst is not for the weak lamb and only for the lion hearted to know (22). Excuses and hand waving aside, recall the fact that it was Albert Einstein who urged the United States to develop nuclear weapons (23).

Less than a year before the 311 Fukushima nuclear catastrophe the BP Gulf Oil disaster devastated one of the richest marine ecosystems in the world (24). There may or may not have been sabotage involved, but the important point is that the behavior of BP after the disaster closely resembles that of Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Company)– callous disregard for health and safety. I don’t think sabotage was involved with 311, given the pattern of earthquakes that naturally occur in Japan combined with Tepco’s appalling safety record, but maybe they were given a nudge?

Hang ‘em high!

Just as with Sultzberger Family (25) lies to start wars for the Regime, the Fukushima nuclear disaster produced its own truth casualties. Professor Robert Jacobs summarized the Japanese government’s pathetic explanations at the time of 311 as “lies, they’re absolutely lies” (26).

Finally, after over a year, large crowds protested in front of the Prime Minister’s residence and in central Tokyo. The government restart of the Ooi reactors, which are dangerously located over potential earthquake faultlines, drew tens of thousands of sincere folks shouting for the abolition of nuclear power (27). To give credit, the Japanese government has issued reports from independent committees admitting that the nuclear disaster was “man made” and that the public was “misled” about the dire consequences of spewing radiation (28; 29). The Japan Times noted in an editorial that “[i]rreparable damage” was caused “[b]ecause the government and the power utilities, including Tepco, were biased by the safety myth, thinking they would never ever face such a serious accident, they were unable to realize that such a crisis could occur in reality” (30). There are also now measures to prosecute those responsible for these high crimes against humanity and the environment: “The anger directed toward TEPCO and the Japanese government is quite substantial, there have been several popular books published calling for the criminal prosecution of the company and the nuclear industry….If TEPCO executives are prosecuted for criminal neglect, it will not be the first time power company officials have faced such charges.” The USA let’s the biggest criminals run their country, and even when they are caught, as with Bernie Madoff, they are sent to “country club” facilities. Will Japan be able to bring the top conspirators to justice or will it be a few mid-level scapegoats? “Most criminal sentences in Japan also include hard labor as punishment.” (31).

The Banality Of Evil

As nuclear researcher Paul Zimmerman comments in his must-read 778 page book debunking the nuclear mythology *(my apologies to Paul in an earlier article, I mistakenly referred to him as “Robert,” I must have had Bob Dylan on the mind– “it’s a hard rain that’s gonna fall”):

“Mischief is afoot in the science of radiation effects. An epic deception has been created to deflect criticism from those who scatter radioactive material over the Earth. This deception, created to fulfill a political agenda, has corrupted the understanding of what constitutes a safe level of exposure to radioactive atoms drawn into the human body from nuclear pollution. As a consequence, the health of vulnerable populations around the globe is being eroded” (p. 17) (32).

As if to prove Zimmerman’s point, the “Yale-educated president of Tepco,” was aptly described by Reuters reporters as being “baffled” by scathing criticism of Tepco’s Keystone Cop antics during the nuclear disaster. Despite Tepco’s well documented history of collusion, graft, greed and falsification of safety records, the new president disingenuously claimed “[w]e have read the report and seen this word ‘collusion’. However, on what basis, or for what reason, this word is being used we have not been able to fully grasp” (33). A top official at the precarious Ooi reactor, which was the first restart since 311, became upset that protesters would block the road to prevent his entry to the facility– “It’s not that I don’t understand people have different opinions, but I want them to observe the rules” (34). Of course, the very purpose of a protest is to cause disruption to the “smooth running” of business as usual. The great Mario Savio famously spoke: “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part!“

Anton Checkhov warned in his brilliant stories over a century ago that the madness of modern society and advanced technology is that one does not know what unpredictable event, caused largely by the uprooting of tradition, might destroy a person’s life (35). This has actually happened to hundreds of thousands of people in the Fukushima region who were forced to evacuate or who now live in dangerously radioactive environments. Empty promises from the promoters of a better future, and mistakes, disasters and continuing failure are no reason for reconsideration. The nonchalant, smug arrogance of the technocracy is an unsurprising feature of power and privilege and of those who dwell in insularity. One government engineer admitted that while the Unit 4 spent fuel pool is still dangerous, it’s nothing to get riled up about. “If we are asked whether things are completely safe, we cannot say that…If there is another major earthquake, we don’t know what may happen, although we hope for the best” (36). This person has not learned the lesson: one does not simply hope for the best in the face of Mother Nature’s stern warnings.

Of course, it is not only the bureaucratic personality, but corporate strategy that thrives on deception. Tepco finally “announced it will bow to pressure and release hours of teleconference video taken in the days after last year’s post-tsunami meltdown.” The reason to hide or “lose” records is obvious due to their lack of disaster preparation. One lawyer commented that “Tepco executives purposely delayed pumping seawater into the damaged reactors. The tapes will prove they did this because they knew pumping in saltwater would force them to decommission the reactors” (37). When video footage taken during the Fukushima nuclear emergency was very recently released “99.3. percent” was deleted, with the remaining video heavily censored. Only “select journalists” approved by the nuclear village are allowed to watch the uncensored video (38; 39).

Nukes On The Loose

The Nukle-Heads know they are well guarded by apologists in academia and the media, ultimately controlled by the Rothschilds Consortium of Global Central Banks and Media Monopoly (40). The ministrations of the Economist magazine console readers that a mother’s “fear of radiation may be more harmful than the radiation itself” (41). But as nuclear critic, Dr. Chris Busby, pointed out just after 311:

“Since the Fukushima accident we have seen a stream of experts on radiation telling us not to worry, that the doses are too low, that the accident is nothing like Chernobyl and so forth. They appear on television and we read their articles in the newspapers and online. Fortunately the majority of the public don’t believe them….There is a gap between them and us. Between the phoney scientists and the public who don’t believe what they say. Between those who are employed and paid to protect us from radioactive pollution and those who die from its consequences. Between those who talk down what is arguably the greatest public health scandal in human history, and the facts that they ignore” (42).

Scientific facts are a pliable game, depending on whose interests are at stake. From a legal standpoint McGarity and Wagner worry that:

“[S]cience no longer proceeds in a straight and insulated path through a closely supervised pipeline of scientific oversight; the pipeline is instead much more porous and vulnerable to a range of tricks developed by determined advocates to bend science to their own ends” (p. 5) (43).

But there are limits to Environmental Armageddon even for the elites, who presumably will continue to inhabit this planet in their human form. Former Prime Minister Naoto Kan came out swinging against nuclear power after the accident, and was then promptly removed from office for his anti-nuclear, pro-renewable energy stance. Kan is leading the charge against the nuclear village, albeit, in a way that might not fully satisfy protesters, given that he allows nuclear power to continue until 2025. But at least there is a road map and his admission that “infinite damages” can occur “in the event of an accident” while “lack of final disposal measures will end up leaving future generations piles of radioactive waste” (44). A Japanese physics professor recounted that in the post WWII era, due to the bitter experience of the atomic bombings along with the uncertainty of the new technology, “The Japan Scientists Council” recommended that the government not adopt nuclear power. But the “peaceful atom” propaganda of the day prevailed and nuke plants were rapidly put in place (on top of or near faultlines). Cohen and McKillop note that “over the years there have been many nuclear accidents at plants in Japan, accidents that generally are badly mishandled and clumsily covered up” adding to “public dislike and suspicion of the industry” (p. 129 – 130) (Op. cit.).

Money In, Garbage Out

Tepco, who were bailed out by taxpayers even after contaminating the archipelago with thousands of trillions (petabecquerals) of radiation, recently received another gift of $12.8 billion (45). We pay while they play! The excellent Ex-SKF web log notes that:

“The Noda administration has successfully passed the legislation to increase Japan’s sales tax from current 5% to 8% (then to 10%) with the help of the opposition parties, and the ostensible reason was to “reform and improve the public safety net.” It was BS as it stood, because the money will be taken from the very people Prime Minister Noda says he wants to help. Now, according to Tokyo Shinbun [newspaper], the administration has much better use of the money that they will have: public works” (46).

Surely some of this lucky treasure trove will go to prop up Tepco with the enormous decommissioning costs for Fukushima and for lucrative retirement packages for its executive managers.

Public works spending is what has turned Japan into an oblong block of concrete without solving its economic woes, although one could argue that Japan’s building of bridges to nowhere is a bit less destructive than the American neo-Keynesian system which is based on the military spending and endless wars. In 2002, Gavin McCormack, an expert on Japanese politics wrote about wasteful and environmentally destructive public works construction projects:

“While the construction industry and its financial backers fattened on the artificial life-support system sustaining the doken kokka [the construction state], sustenance has drained from the rest of the economy—especially from the small and middle-sized business sector in which most people are employed….Paradoxically, Japan is still one of the safest, most convenient and prosperous of countries; but its fiscal and banking foundations are eroding. The faultlines are manifold” (47).

Geological faultlines and financial calamities abound, the writer was more prescient than he could have imagined. Near where I live in central Tokyo the government is using tax money to build a hideously elaborate Tax Tower of Babel Building to house the new ward offices and for apartment rentals. This will complement the new Tokyo Skytree tower that looks eerily like an Illuminati-inspired landing station for ETs when it lights up at night. Local residents struggle to pay their city taxes and keep up with rising living costs. Pensioners can’t receive the rightful benefits they paid into their entire lives as the government increases regressive taxation on the poor and middle class.

In the meantime, Japan continues to harass Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepard Society for his attempts to protect whales in the Southern Ocean Sanctuary where Japan illegally kills hundreds of whales (48). As if Japan, which has contaminated the Pacific Ocean with petabecquerals of radiation has nothing better to do! Perhaps Japan should be figuring out ways to solve the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear site where workers are falling ill due to depression. A psychiatrist warns that the stressed mental state of workers may cause them to carry out sabotage on the reactors. This is a human rights crisis and a potential environmental catastrophe — who is going to work in the High Sievert Zone unless they can recruit Tepco Executives to do the dirty work? (49; 50).

Tea Time

Thankfully, anti-nuke protesters in Japan have been making progress despite the formidable obstacles to change. The noisy Friday night protests in front of the prime minister’s residence, which were giving the poor old fellow headaches, has pressured him into meeting with the protest organizers to discuss the future of nuclear power (51). As Ghandi said, first they ignore you and then they invite you in for tea.

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A fish rots from the head down 

Rats desert a sinking ship 

Richard Wilcox has a Ph.D. in Environmental Studies from a social science, holistic perspective. He teaches at a number of universities in the Tokyo, Japan area. His articles on the Fukushima nuclear disaster have been published at Counterpunch, Global Research, Dissident Voice, Activist Post and His most recent interview with Jeff Rense is available at the website Many of his environmental articles are archived at:

References :
1. Prime minister Margaret Thatcher

2. Matt Johnson, The Orthodox Nationalist: René Guénon

3. Cosmic Convergence 2012

4. It’s murder not allowing children to escape — It will be too late when we are the 2nd Chernobyl

5. Fears that Tepco may erase recordings

6. Nuclear power justification fails

7. Martin Cohen and Andrew McKillop, The Doomsday Machine: The High Price of Nuclear Energy, The World’s Most Dangerous Fuel (Palgrave, 2012, 242 pgs.)

8. The Orthodox Nationalist: 9/11; John the Baptist; Human Vice

9. Heat – Shootout Scene

10. Soros & Rich Libs to Donate $100 Million to Dem Groups for Obama

11. Sheldon Adelson Willing to Spend $100 Million to Beat Obama

12. Exhaustive Study Finds Global Elite Hiding Up to $32 Trillion in Offshore Accounts

13. USA: Hooah

14. Whoever Controls The Media Controls The World

15. Zion-power and War: From Iraq to Iran. The Deadly Embrace

16. Mark Dankof’s America July 25 2012

17. 9/11:Israel did it

18. Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World, Reviewed by Robert A. Sungenis

19. Israel did 9/11 – All the Proof in the World

20. Did Jewish Extremists Commit 9/11?

21. “The Five Dancing Israelis”

22. The Jew World Order Unmasked

23. Albert Einstein

24. BP Gulf Oil Spill Revisited

25. Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr.,_Jr.

26. “These are lies, they’re absolutely lies”

27. 170,000 people at rally in central Tokyo

28. Report calls Fukushima disaster “man-made”

29. Government Panel Report; Public Misled

30. Obsession with a safety myth

31. Prosecutors Have Opened a Criminal Investigation of the Fukushima Disaster

32. Paul Zimmerman, A Primer in the Art of Deception: The Cult of Nuclearists, Uranium Weapons and Fraudulent Science (778 pgs., 2009).

33. Japan’s Tepco baffled by criticism of its role in nuclear disaster

34. Senior Vice Minister Is Displeased with Ooi Protesters Who Blocked His Land Route to the Plant

35. The Orthodox Nationalist: Anton Chekhov (1860-1904)

36. “We hope for the best”

37. TEPCO release post-meltdown recordings

38. Tepco released video of emergency TV meeting

39. Fukushima Watch: Highlights of Video From Inside Tepco’s Nuclear Crisis Center

40. Economist Group

41. Japan and the atom Nuclearphobia

42. Deconstructing Nuclear Experts

43. Thomas D. McGarity, Wendy E. Wagner, Bending Science: How Special Interests Corrupt Public Health Research
(Harvard University Press, 2008, 384 pgs.)

44. “Infinite” damage can be caused by a nuclear power accident

45. Japan utility gets $12.8B nuclear crisis bailout

46. Noda Administration May Be Planning to Use Sales Tax Proceeds for Large Public Works Projects

47. Breaking Japan’s Iron Triangle

48. Japan is Seeking to Extradite Watson

49. Doctors: Japan nuclear plant workers face stigma

50. Nuclear power plants: A hidden world of untruths, unethical behavior

51. Noda to meet the organizer on 8/8/2012

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