Reality and Consciousness: Writing Contest


Lyn Willmott
Activist Post

The most important aspect to waking up is to understand of the nature of reality! This was what I was pondering when I looked up and saw’ that the bird moving through the sky was mostly space moving through space! Just collection of feathers and bones assembled into the shape of a bird!

Maybe I should explain: Dusk was creeping into the small shelter where I sat dreamily listening to the night sounds. As I heard the birds settling I was able to pitch my attention towards what I have always felt to be a ‘Cosmic Intelligence’ but for first time I fully understood that this intelligence WAS the darkness! It WAS the energetic vitality inside the birds! It WAS both outside an inside me! As I felt the enormity of this Intelligence I seemed to slip sideways, so for a moment I was able to perceive that there was a cosmic intelligence inside the bird as it flew through the cosmic intelligence of the air. The bird was like a flutter of shadows flickering through a vibrating field of energy.

As this phenomena plunged into my deepest understanding I became aware that what we understand as physical existence is illusionary. This is the dream we are all dreaming. Science tells us reality is ninety nine percent space with a scattering of atoms forming matter; forming you, forming me, forming the trees, the night sky, the birds in flight – everything. It’s where we live; inside a dream but to fully understand we have to wake up!

So, in this 3rd dimensional world do we exist as cosmic entities attached to a programmed physical form? Are our minds similar to some computer program, constantly being re-written via our DNA? We appear to move physically through the events that make up our lives but we are not our bodies! This message has been reinforced by many shamans and gurus. We are more than our bodies!

It seems that science is joining in the chorus, suggesting our world could be a hologram.

Most of my ideas have been based on scientific theory, so to actually know that we are shadowy reflections within the field of cosmic intelligence momentarily released me from the bonds of my rigid, left brain rationale.

This brings me to the amazing life of Dr Jill Bolte Taylor. You can view her TED lecture on the internet. A blood clot in the left hemisphere of her brain burst and as the clot grew she found herself crossing from one cerebral cortex to the other, living momentarily in the logical left brain she calls a serial processor, then as the clot moved her awareness would switch to the right brain, where she found everything exists in a magnificent silence, with no mind chatter. She calls this right brain experience Nirvana. Jill’s fight to survive was a travesty for she kept shifting from the practical left brain to the floating spaciousness of the right brain, but as this trauma unfolded her understanding of brain function became unprecedented.

David Icke feels that understanding the nature of reality will help us wake up. He says we need to observe this world from the point of the observer, which is what Krishnamurti used to say. David explains it this way: our five senses pick up the vibrational information within the field of consciousness, decoding it into electrical signals which feed into the brain which then transmits the information into this construct we perceive as 3D reality. The mind decodes this illusion into a seemingly solid reality, yet the only place this world exists is inside our heads. Both the observed and the experiencer can be found within the program of the conscious mind.

His interview is here:

Recently, while listening to Anthony Peake speaking about Consciousness, my ‘bird’ experience made even more sense. In addition to space Peake was suggesting that because every electron knows the location of every other electron, they are all part of one ‘whole’ within the framework of matter. If we accept this idea that reality is a series of flat 2D pictures decoded by the brain into 3D, then every electron will be connected to every other electron! Also Anthony examined the question of how we use our senses. He explained that when we look out a window and see a tree, the actual image we are seeing is very badly distorted. I followed his logic until I looked out my own window at the tree in the garden and knew the trunk would feel solid!

“Trees are solid,” I muttered in despair.

So how can we accept this idea that we are constantly creating our reality when our senses tell us everything is solid? My excitement evaporated and I was back struggling with the observer is the observed. Then I remembered my ‘bird’ experience. Ninety nine percent of all matter is cosmic vibration so my solid hand touching the solid tree must be a frequency ‘thing’ created by this intricate mental program. Just as David Icke suggests; it’s a process controlling the body/ego consciousness, allowing us to function as if the illusion is real! So this scattering of vibrating atoms creates the mirage because in this dimension all frequency is on the same bandwidth.

Many psychically orientated people are aware of a host of dimensions. Graham Hancock, John Lilley, Don Juan and many others have used drugs to alter their brain’s chemical structure, opening up a vista of realities most are unaware of. Sargent Clifford Stone talks about this reality being held within a certain time frame, suggesting it is wise for us to simply live in this continuous reality. He talks about a natural barrier between this world and other probable realities and is certain that various entities inhabit the many dimensions that exist along side ours. Seems chemical alterations to the brain allow humans to experience other realities; places where people events and experiences are equally as solid as our own virtual reality. Trouble is, examining the results of ingesting substances like DMT, LSD, Ayahuasca, or Peyote raises more questions than answers.

Looking at the experiences of the Indian Yogi our perception changes yet again. A quote from the ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ where Yogananda is relating a story about the great Yogi, Trailanga:

Great saints who have awakened from the cosmic mayic dream and have realised this world as an idea in the Divine Mind, can do what they wish with the body, knowing it to be only a manipulatable form of condensed or frozen energy.

Science has discovered millions of tiny tubular proteins in our brain and these ‘microtubules’ send out photons of light causing quantum-like interference patterns. Science seems to think this photon stream might create a holographic image of the world. Peake agrees. Quantum mechanics asserts that everything at the quantum level pops in and out of existence. John Wren Lewis – who had an strange near death experience – actually experienced this. In an article called the ‘Dazzling Dark’ he says he has seen how the power of creation constantly creates us! He says we pulse on and off. David Wilcock suggests that particles are popping in and out of reality because time is not linear. Richard Bartlett of Matrix Energetics is saying that when we collapse the wave, we are actually collapsing our reality by allowing the mind to momentarily let go of it’s need for space/time.

So to make the leap into a full understanding of how we operate ‘something’ has to give. Do we try to let go of this deep subconscious programming that has led us to believe we are functioning as physical human beings or can we look towards the wise men, saints and yogis who seem quite at ease with the idea that we exist within the mind of some mighty Cosmic being?

David Icke suggests the ‘experience’ is what existence is all about; we live through a series of experiences which contribute to the collective consciousness. Having said that, I’ve realised that my experiences have come about because of who I am. Indeed if I survey my past, the pattern of who I really am is staring me in the face. It’s laughable it’s so simple.

But thinking of the body as a particle/wave construct, is there is a chance we can heal ourselves? If the mind holds a programmed construct of our physicality there could be a way of updating the old program. Many people have had spontaneous healings so there must be some mechanism that can be tinkered with to bring about physical renewal.

My flimsy understanding is grinding towards some vague realisation that could differ from other people’s awareness – and I honour that. Each perception is unique in this world of smoke and mirrors. Nevertheless we are making progress towards discovering who we really are, and this is vital if we are going to wake up.

This submission has been entered into a contest to win 2 premium tickets + $500 for travel to see David Icke at Wembley Arena, London — October 27, 2012.  If you like this article, please share it far and wide, as the winner will be determined by the total number of pageviews acquired before the end of the contest on June 15th.  For additional details about submissions, please visit our Contest Page.

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