Alternate opinions and their related dangers? Writing Contest


Michael Orr
Activist Post

What is truly 100% certain, is that the methods of governance today via media controls, NCO’s, lobbyists and multinational organisations is having a profound impact on how we interrelate in the world’s dynamic system.

Much of what drives human behaviour, is still derived from our instinctive mindset developed over thousands of years ago.

One must learn to ask the question of why, rather than seek to assume and fall prey to the peer group pressure.

When I was studying accountancy, we had all these areas of financial regulations rammed down our throats.

It was when I studied the area of financial management, that things started to get clouded.

Basically, as accountants we should constantly be looking to minimise our cost of capital and maximise our internal rate. Why?

Well, the explanations I received was to benefit our shareholders. In fact it is the complete opposite.

I do not wish to bore you with masses of financial jargon here, but the upshot is, in order to reduce the organisation’s cost of capital, you need to introduce more debt into the business.

Many years later, I was working at the head office of a major oil company. We had our own library in there and I spent hours reading many pieces of literature which the average person never gets a chance to lay his/her eyes on.

When you work in a real time, global environment, one day dealing with people in Malaysia, the next with people in Houston, the world really does become a small place.

I am a true proponent of a global economy. But, the true methods of implementing such a mechanism is not happening at all.

Globalisation, if designed in a true way, could lead to a way of living which would benefit everyone.

Yet what is actually happening is morally abhorrent.

The reason why it will not work in its present form is down to seven basic things which drive the negative side of human behaviour. I am not overtly religious, rather I see much of what religion has brought is merely a facade of corruption.

However, the seven virtues and its related vices are the key to making globalisation work. It sounds crazy, but yet, it is key to its existence. Why?

I am not talking about everyone going around hugging each other etc…these virtues are basic traits which ensure the survival of our race. Economics will only work because people follow the essential requirements of life. People need food, shelter, safety and connection. When products are introduced which allow coercion and dominance, this equation is out of balance.

Now, the equation reads: Food + Shelter + Safety + Connection + Power = Life + Gain

Gain, has to happen. Where you have more gain, you have less existence for others.

Around the time of the 1990s, I started to see the word “more” appear all forms of life. In advertisements, in the way we consumed and in the way we lived. Even in our relationships and the way we pleasure ourselves. Don’t have one partner, have two, three…why not try swinging, have an orgy! All these practices are designed to control and brainwash.

Globalisation can be a truly wonderful, liberating force. But, you cannot have it where only the powerful dictate the way it is rolled out.

Imagine a world, where strong control was present to ensure our safety. Where children and the elderly are respected. Where passion, education and talent are pushed. Where new technologies are provided to ensure our progress. All these things are really within our grasp.

Ask yourself these basic questions.

How much do you actually need to exist and have a happy life?

Try and think of all the things you would acquire which would make your life better. What is my true potential?

If money was limitless, what would you do with your time?

Have we really progressed as human beings? If anything, we have become worse. As it stands, Mr Icke is truly correct, in that we are at a tipping point in our existence.

The way we currently allocate our resources is not working effectively. The reason why we will fail as a species, is that we continually listen to our primitive voice.

People will ask, why should I not have an Audi or BMW?

People only desire luxury because those who control it, flaunt it.

Let’s take a scenario…a boy sees through his eyes a successful man, who has a large house, expensive clothes, a huge yacht, drives a Bugatti, beautiful wife. He believes this is the key to a happy existence. In a way it is, this man has no barriers to anything. He can buy his goods, his happiness and his friends.

But it is through perception, mass marketing, advertisements, media etc…that this view of happiness is derived. All these desires are driven by media, control and what information is impressed upon our young.

Now, let’s take the scenario to a new level…

Imagine a global world based upon virtues, morality and the pursuit of talent.

A quick reminder of what the virtues are…

The four key ones are Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance. There are three others which are classed as theological, Faith, Hope and Charity.

But, it is the first four which are essential, as the other three are linked more to religious faith than with basic human existence.

OK, let’s take our young boy. He is educated at home and school with the basic virtues underlying his daily living.

What does this mean?

Prudence – determines the practicalities of obtaining good behaviour. Right actions in all circumstances.

Justice – showing the correct attitudes to respecting each other.

Fortitude – ensures firmness in difficulties and consistency in doing the right things.

Temperance – moderates the actions of pleasures and provides balance in the use of created goods.

Now, if you educate him in following basic skills essential for all things, maths, reading, writing and allow him to taste many other related subjects, he will form a neutral opinion about most things, yet his talent will rise to the top. His true talents are those things in which he shows a natural ability. He my be a natural leader. He may be creative, he may be sensitive or he may be physically better than other pupils his age.

Over time, being allowed to follow those areas (along with the essential subjects  which test and challenge his being, are essential to him being able to reach his true potential.

When he reaches adulthood, he is able to read, write and logically assess his existence. When he is encouraged to follow what really brings him satisfaction, happiness and pleasure with temperance, a truly remarkable thing takes place.

You have an unknown quantity here…no one truly knows what direction this individual will follow.

No one knows because in our present epoch, the only thing that exists are barriers created by capitalism/communism and the power elite which divide and rule our lives.

Clearly, you do need some form of mechanism that keeps us in check, but it should be done in a form which neither inhibits or represses our existence. Hence, the virtues.

I am not advocating here a stone age philosophy, you can have a world, filled with technology, luxury and comfort. But, it needs to done in a way where no dominant group or individual can pursue agendas for their own gain.

It is that simple four letter word, GAIN that undermines our progress. When man first understood that he could enjoy more, he has spent that last million years developing mechanisms to ensure that his desires are met.

Follow the virtues and life begins to take on a whole, new direction.

I love my life and I love what I have and what technology has brought for me. I enjoy good food, I like good conversation and I enjoy the company of my wife, child and members of my community.

I want a future where advances are made, successes championed.

I too, want to taste the fruits of this planet in all its forms.

Terrorism, crime, and gain are all logical outcomes to a flawed model of human life.

Now, let me finish rewriting our one, true economic and social equation.

Food + Shelter + Safety + Connection + Virtues = Life + Gain – Vices

People only follow bad paths in pursuit of illogical gains.

This submission has been entered into a contest to win 2 premium tickets + $500 for travel to see David Icke at Wembley Arena, London — October 27, 2012.  If you like this article, please share it far and wide, as the winner will be determined by the total number of pageviews acquired before the end of the contest on June 15th.  For additional details about submissions, please visit our Contest Page.

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