Psychological Preparedness

Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

Given the current developments in the United States with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Fiscal Year 2012 and the indefinite detention provisions contained therein, I think taking some time to cover psychological preparedness is incredibly important.

Usually, whenever someone speaks of preparedness, they mean physical preparedness, and thus taking measures like securing food, water, protection, shelter, etc. in times of emergency.

While this is obviously very important, it is only a very small part of the picture; and in times of true emergency, you might be unable to take your supplies or whatever you might have stored away.

Under the NDAA, people like myself, and likely most people reading this, could be snatched up by the military at any moment.

There is the real possibility that we could be taken to one of the many detention centers erected around the nation, or even worse, to any foreign country.

The NDAA specifically states that you or I could be not only transferred to any foreign nation but any foreign entity, meaning that you could be transported to some even more brutal regime abroad to be tortured and killed with impunity.

These very real possibilities are too oft ignored by people promoting preparedness, likely because they realize that they’re not going to be able to sell you a year’s supply of food while telling you the reality of the situation in the United States.

Obviously, the military isn’t going to knock on your door and offer to help you carry several boxes full of canned goods to be transported with your person to a domestic or foreign detention center of some kind.

Nor will they offer to let you take your weapons, water, or any of the other many items you might have acquired in your efforts to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

This is where the concept of psychological preparedness comes in, and it is something that is either completely ignored, marginalized, or barely mentioned by far too many people in the so-called truth movement.

One can only speculate as to the reason for this, but I suspect it is because you can’t sell products for psychological preparedness, and some might see it as a defeatist attitude, while in reality it is the exact opposite.

One might argue that this is a defeatist attitude because you must accept that the absolute worst-case scenario could very well unfold at any moment and you must be psychologically prepared for that horrific possibility.

However, I believe that you can live a much more productive and healthy life if you accept that you could not only die at any moment, but also have your life turn into a reality so nightmarish that it is hard to imagine.

If you realize this, and psychologically prepare for the worst, you will find that you only end up being pleasantly surprised by every good thing that happens to you, no matter how small.

And if all goes well and the hellish possibilities never unfold after you have already accepted that the worst could happen, I bet that you will likely find that you’re happier and more prepared in every way than you would have been otherwise.

On the other hand, if you only prepare for an economic collapse by stocking up on storable food, protection, fuel, and so forth, and suddenly you find yourself completely unprepared for the situation you are in, you will likely be psychologically overwhelmed.

Some find that even considering the possibility of having your door kicked down and being dragged off kicking and screaming to a prison camp is depressing or otherwise untenable, but to ignore this possibility is to ignore reality.

Contrary to what many in the establishment media might tell you, preparedness is not something to be demonized or otherwise made out to be radical, extreme or relegated to the lunatic fringe.

There are only benefits that can be reaped from being prepared both physically and psychologically, while there are no benefits to be found from failing to be prepared in any way.

Just imagine for a moment what it would be like to find yourself in a situation you had convinced yourself was relegated to dystopian works of fiction and would never become a reality.

Do you believe that taking such an approach would benefit you? Would you really like to delude yourself until you wake up in a tiny cell in a prison camp somewhere in the United States or abroad?

I recommend that you take the simple steps to psychologically prepare for this worst-case scenario now, instead of waiting until the situation has already presented itself.

Getting psychologically prepared is free, easy, and only takes a bit of imagination and creativity. You do not need to spend thousands of dollars on storable foods; in fact, all you need to do is sit down and accept that life as you know it could change or end completely at any moment.

This is somewhat like preparing yourself for the possibility that every time you drive, someone could come careening around a corner out of control and smash into your car, killing you instantly.

While it is relatively unlikely, it is statistically very possible that such an atrocious situation would occur at any time when you leave your house.

Even more unlikely, but also possible, is that a car could come crashing through your living room and hit you while you sit on your couch.

These are just a couple of examples illustrating that you must accept that life as you know it could radically change or end altogether at any point in time.

By realizing this, you cannot be taken off guard or truly surprised by anything that comes your way; no matter how horrible or unimaginable it might be for others.

This is not depressing as some would say; this should really be seen as empowering, as it gives you the ability to be ready for and deal with whatever life might throw your way.

And if all goes well, as we all hope it will, then you can simply say that you were prepared and thankfully you did not have to see the worst unfold.

However, if the NDAA is utilized as so many of us have realized it can be, you will be well aware and prepared for the grim possibilities that could present themselves at any moment.

The most important aspect of psychological preparedness is to not live in fear. To be ruled by fear is to give those in power exactly what they want, which is to be easily manipulated and controlled because of it.

Being prepared both physically and psychologically should allow you to live without fear of anything, as you have already accepted the worst that life can throw at you.

If you do nothing else, take a few moments out of your day to be grateful for whatever you have while accepting that it could all disappear without so much as a moment’s notice.

This will serve to make you impervious to whatever curveballs are thrown your way, no matter how wild and unlikely it may seem right now, while also making you that much more appreciative of whatever good life brings your way. 

This article first appeared at End the Lie 

Madison Ruppert is the Editor and Owner-Operator of the alternative news and analysis database End The Lie and has no affiliation with any NGO, political party, economic school, or other organization/cause. He is available for podcast and radio interviews. If you have questions, comments, or corrections feel free to contact him at

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