Drug War Deceit from the Christian Left

Dr. William L. Anderson
Lew Rockwell

The Drug War is a disgrace. The Drug War is racist, and the Drug War is evil. Few readers will disagree with these statements, or at least those readers who already are inclined already to see the Drug War as being yet another government tool of oppression.

However, it is also possible for people to denounce the results of the Drug War without attacking the underlying premises of that war, which is that government has the duty and must have the authority to carry out such wars for “our own good.” People who operate in that sphere thus condemn the Drug War while quietly supporting it at the same time, and those are the people for whom I have the most contempt, because they quietly support this abomination in a most insidious fashion.

I recently received an email from Sojourners which on the surface seems to attack the Drug War. It reads:

Blacks and whites use drugs at about the same rate, yet African Americans are 10 times more likely to be imprisoned for drug offenses. This is the unbalanced and inhumane effect of America’s “war on drugs” – a dirty secret that nobody wants to talk about. The discriminatory treatment of minority drug users has been virtually ignored by the media, politicians, and the rest of us.

But this month Sojourners is taking on the truth about America’s justice system, where the color of your skin determines your sentence. Subscribe now to read “Cruel and Unequal” in the February issue of Sojourners. (Emphasis theirs)

There is nothing in that paragraph that is untrue, except for the claim that the racial discrimination in this situation “has been virtually ignored.” In fact, this injustice has been front-and-center for a long time in the media. The problem is not that the racial disparities of the Drug War are ignored, but rather that they provide moral theater for the Left instead of being a reason to abolish the Drug War altogether.

In other words, I am making a serious accusation against Wallis and others of his ilk, for I am saying that far from being a voice against oppression by the state, he and his allies are using the issue simply for fundraising purposes and have no intention of seeing that anyone deals with the larger and underlying issues. Black Americans imprisoned for “drug crimes” are nothing more than props in Wallis’ show of religious statism.

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