Does This Apparently Explain CDC’s Modus Operandi?

By Catherine J. Frompovich

Nothing I would write or say probably could explain more thoroughly the reasons and actions the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) take regarding pharmaceuticals, vaccines and medical technologies than the fact the CDC is listed as a “business” on the U.S. stock exchange; see the Dun & Bradstreet report below.


The CDC’s Nasdaq listing as of January 5, 2018 was $46.64 showing a current yield of 7.1% and a Share Volume of 69,586.  Interesting?

Since the CDC obviously is into business models, it looks like the CDC will be pushing “blockchain technology” as the next frontier in healthcare.

However, isn’t the CDC supposed to be a federal government agency [1] within the Department of Health and Human Services, so why is it listed as a corporate-like business?



Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available

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10 Comments on "Does This Apparently Explain CDC’s Modus Operandi?"

  1. “However, isn’t the CDC supposed to be a federal government agency [1] within the Department of Health and Human Services, so why is it listed as a corporate-like business?”
    wouldn’t their being a government department allow / require public participation and auditing by the public, but as a corporation they can keep their secrets private!!!

  2. holy shit batman…
    hold the press

  3. You’d be surprised which entities have a Dunn and Bradstreet listing. Most likely your local school board is listed as it can generate the creation of currency/debt making it a corporation. Certainly all municipal, state/provincial and national governments are listed as corporations. Canada is listed as a LLC registered in Washington D.C. just as most nations on the planet are. Some folks have figured out that even individual persons have been ‘corportized’ by entering into a contract with a government corporation by the birth registration process which encompasses both benefits and obligations. Perhaps these folks have found some sort of legal loophole when they ‘correct’ their status and end this contractual agreement restoring individual sovereignty that cannot be abridged by uniform commercial code law. Skip ahead to the 01:30 mark to miss the noise filled introduction.

  4. Although the stock ticker says “CDC,” the actual entity is represents is the “VictoryShares US EQ Income Enhanced Volatility Wtd ETF.” You can see this for yourself in the top right corner of the linked NASDAQ page in the article. Here is the official website for this ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund). The link is broke to avoid Disqus censors. /investment-professionals/victoryshares-etfs/our-victoryshares-etfs/detail/victoryshares-us-eq-income-enhanced-volatility-wtd-etf?fund=CDC

    After reading the official ETF website and spending 15 minutes Googling, I can’t find a single connection between this ETF and the actual Center for Disease Control. I won’t claim that no connection between the two exists, but if it does, then Ms. Frompovich needs to explain it because it’s not readily apparent. Otherwise this looks like legit “fake news,” and that hurts us all because there are plenty of easily verifiable things that are wrong with the CDC. We don’t need to discredit ourselves by spreading bad information.

  5. Although the stock ticker says “CDC,” the actual entity it represents is the “VictoryShares US EQ Income Enhanced Volatility Wtd ETF.” You can see this for yourself in the top left corner of the linked NASDAQ page in the article. If you Google this exact name, you can read the official website and portfolio for this ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) and see that it is managed by an investment firm called “Victory Shares.” I’d link to the official website myself, but Disqus won’t let me.

    After reading the official ETF website and spending 15 minutes Googling, I can’t find a single connection between this ETF and the actual Center for Disease Control. I won’t claim that no connection between the two exists, but if it does, then Ms. Frompovich needs to explain it because it’s not readily apparent. Otherwise this looks like legit “fake news,” and that hurts us all because there are plenty of easily verifiable things that are wrong with the CDC. We don’t need to discredit ourselves by spreading bad information.

    • Reply from Catherine,
      Seriously, if you look closely you will see on the NASDAQ page “Find a broker to begin trading CDC now” listed directly under the CDC price quote. That does not indicate any other identity to be offered/traded except CDC, regardless of who offers or manages it! No explanation necessary; case closed!
      Thanks for your try at trying to define “fake news”.
      Catherine J Frompovich

      • It’s an objective fact that the NASDAQ “CDC” stock ticker represents the “VictoryShares US EQ Income Enhanced Volatility Wtd ETF.” The information is right there in the top left corner of the NASDAQ page you linked to. If you can’t see it, then you’re either blind, lying, or simply ignorant of how to read basic stock information. If you don’t understand how to read stock information, then go look up the NASDAQ pages of Apple (AAPL) or Microsoft (MSFT) and compare to the CDC page. See how it gives the full name of the company above the AAPL and MSFT stock ticker symbols? Now do you see “Center for Disease Control” anywhere on the CDC ticker page? No.

        Clicking “Find a broker” takes you to a list of investment firms verified as legit by the NASDAQ. It is absolutely irrelevant to any of my questions.

        All I want is the truth. I have no problems holding the mainstream media accountable just as I have no problems holding alternative media accountable. Saying “Case closed!” without actually addressing the issue (i.e. the NASDAQ “CDC” stock ticker does actually not represent the “Center for Disease Control”) is a CNN-level tier of censorship. If your claim has merit, then you will have no problems defending it with facts. Since all you can do in response is point to an advertisement and yell “Case Closed!,” then it’s reasonable assume there is no merit to this story.

        To anyone else reading this, please prove me wrong.

      • I see that you’ve decided to turn off the Disqus comments from that article instead of actually addressing the facts. Curiously, the Disqus comments still work on other articles on The Activist Post.

        This is the type of censorship and petty behavior that I expect from the mainstream media and social media giants. I expected more of The Activist Post and am unsubscribing accordingly.

    • Dear Sadie, nothing the USA government does surprises me anymore so why would it to you? You seem to be a savvy reader and attacking the messenger here has no merit. Your self assigned task was to disprove what she wrote and by your own admission were unable to do so. How can you prove something that is held secret to begin with? Did not our author Catherine begin with offering a question as food for thought? The answer may still lie there to be explored and found.

  6. It takes a very special kind of callous to destroy children with there ever worsening crap they put into each vile, must be why they are vile.
    Parents it is child abuse to have your kids vaccinated.
    Have your babies at home as my daughter successfully did and the baby is now ten and has never been sick enough to stay home from school.
    We have all we need at birth.

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