Syria Shoots Down Israeli Plane After Israel Launches Air Operation In Support Of ISIS

By Brandon Turbeville

Only a week away from a number of Israeli officials making statements suggesting the buildup to a war with Hezbollah, the Israeli Air Force once again launched airstrikes in Syria, alleging that the strikes were taken against a weapons convoy of the Lebanese militia coming through Syria. Four airplanes took place in the operation according to the Syrian military.

However, the Syrian military activated their anti-aircraft missile defense system against the Israeli jets, taking one down and hitting one more. The jet crashed in Israeli territory, however, as the planes were back over Israeli soil by the time the missile was able to connect.

The Israeli operation and the missile firing were both confirmed by the Syrian and Israeli governments. Israel would not confirm that a plane had actually been shot down, however. This is typical of Israel who tends not to acknowledge any military defeats or setbacks publicly.

Israel claimed that its air defense system, Arrow, was able to intercept one of the missiles but would not elaborate. It also refused to say whether or not the missiles caused any further damage to Israeli territory, saying that the missiles did not compromise the safety of civilians or compromise any aircraft.

The Syrian government responded to the Israeli operation by calling it “blatant aggression” designed to support “terrorist gangs” and “deflect from the victories” of the SAA. Of course, one could scarcely argue with the Syrian statement because Israel’s operation, as well as all of its past operations in Syria, is, indeed, blatant aggression. Not only that, but bombing a militia fighting terrorists is, undoubtedly, a bombing operation in support of terrorists.

Still, some are disputing the Israeli claims that Hezbollah was ever the target to begin with. These sources have argued that the Syrian military and its operations around Palmyra, particularly those centered around removing terrorists from the oil and gas fields which aid ISIS in terms of funding.

Interestingly enough, Arrow, one of Israel’s multi-layered missile defense systems, is designed to intercept long-range ballistic missiles that are located higher in the stratosphere, not mere anti-aircraft missiles. This fact has caused many to question the veracity of the Israeli claim regarding the interception of the Syrian missile.

Israel has launched a series of attacks against the Syrian military and Hezbollah inside Syria since the crisis began in 2011. Indeed, Israel has even been provided material and medical support to terrorists since the crisis began in earnest.

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The Outcome. Turbeville has published over 1000 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

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70 Comments on "Syria Shoots Down Israeli Plane After Israel Launches Air Operation In Support Of ISIS"

  1. Good for the Syrians!

    • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 23, 2017 at 9:34 am |

      Sorry, Rick. It didn’t happen.

      • Denial is merely the first stage of the cycle of grief.

        At least do us all a favour and go waah to your friends on Breitbart about it.

        • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 24, 2017 at 3:02 pm |

          It didn’t happen, genius. Syria didn’t shoot down an Israeli fighter.

          I don’t read Breitbart. It’s pathetic. It’s only twenty times more credible than this Lunch Table for the Slow Kids.

          Have another Ho Ho, Blo Jo.

          • Nah, you can get the source for that now, blowhard.

          • ClawdHawper | July 1, 2017 at 2:53 pm |

            New Zealand.

            A worthless little speck of turtle sh!t NE of Australia populated by pussies like David Lange.

          • NE? You Americans are well known globally for your bad knowledge of geography. Meanwhile, they put countries like ours at the chair of the Security Council. Don’t wonder all your life why, knuckle-dragger.

          • ClawdHawper | July 17, 2017 at 10:28 am |

            My apologies.

            It’s an insignificant little speck of turtle sh!t ESE of Australia populated by pussies like David Lange.

            Thanks for pointing out that I need to brush up on my geography of insignificant little specks of turtle sh!t.

            And a drooling imbecile who thinks Syria shot down an Israeli jet is going to criticize my knowledge of anything.

            Like I said- you’re too f***ing stupid to realize you’re f***ing stupid.

    • The Syrians didn’t shoot down anything, Greaseball.

  2. There’s evidence Israelis are using DU.

    • So are we. ? So ironic ya know, we are the nation who dropped A bombs on the Japanese civilians, twice, we have been using DU for a decade in the mid East, and yet we are willing to go to war with Iran or Korea now because we don’t want them to have nuclear power ability.

      • do you even know what DU is? HInt: not radioactive

        • Hence the birth defects.

        • The Pentagon claims that American forces and Iraqis are not at risk from contact with depleted uranium, which is used in armor-piercing munitions and protective tank plating.

          That’s baloney to some scientists who insist the widespread use of depleted uranium during the American-led invasion and occupation of Iraq poses a grave danger.

          Despite attempts to reassure the public, the Pentagon remains on the defensive.

          Depleted uranium, or DU, is a radioactive by-product from the industrial process used to enrich uranium. It is the leftover uranium-238 that results when scientists seek to transform naturally occurring uranium into uranium-235, which is used to produce nuclear energy.

          The Army values munitions manufactured from depleted uranium because, when fused with metal alloys, they are considered the most effective warhead for penetrating enemy tanks. Also, because depleted uranium is twice as dense as lead, the Army uses DU as armor plating.

          Once a depleted-uranium round strikes its target, the projectile begins to burn on impact, creating tiny particles of radioactive U-238. Winds can transport this radioactive dust many miles, potentially contaminating the air that innocent humans breathe.

          This inhalation may cause lung cancer, kidney damage, cancers of bones and skin, as well as birth defects and chemical poisoning.

          • Zaphod Braden | March 17, 2017 at 12:57 pm |

            Thank You very much …..

          • Exactly right. That is why Fallujah is more contaminated than Hiroshima ever was and will remain so for a very long time.

          • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 23, 2017 at 12:03 pm |

            The Israelis aren’t fighting in Fallujah.

            And please provide proof for your BS claim.

          • Because the “D” stands for depleted; The following is from a real source: DU has 40 percent less radioactivity than naturally occurring Uranium. DU is a potential health hazard if it enters the body, such as through embedded fragments, contaminated wounds, and inhalation or ingestion. #stopconsiracytheories #stopantiscience

          • do you even know what DU is? HInt: not radioactive

            DU has 40 percent less radioactivity than naturally occurring Uranium.

            Conspiracy theory? Anti-Science? I hope you had the decency to give yourself an uppercut.

        • This comment is illustrative of the fact that physics is not longer taught in HS.

          • Bill Rood | June 3, 2017 at 7:45 am |

            Physics? OMG, it’s grade school math. If it has 40% less radioactivity than natural Uranium, that means it still has 60% of the radioactivity of natural Uranium, but Jack (as)S originally posted that it was not radioactive and ridiculed Joe Blow for “not knowing” that.

        • Not radioactive? That would be yes, and no. No, you’re not going to make an A-bomb from it anytime soon, but DU is one of the reasons areas in Bosnia and Iraq have higher levels of contamination in their soil and water supplies, and it is affecting the health of both populations.
          Joe Blow below explains it well.

        • Are you insane? DU is deadlier than a fission weapon

          • Bill Rood | June 3, 2017 at 7:53 am |

            Thelargekahoona, in the long run, that may be true because in a fission weapon, most of the fissionable material is “burned up” in the explosion, and most of what’s left has a far shorter half life than DU. Also, DU is a heavy metal and shares many of the chemical properties and toxicity of lead and mercury.

          • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 23, 2017 at 1:38 pm |

            You have no idea what you’re talking about.

            Tell the children in Hiroshima born with birth defects long after 1945 that it’s less radioactive that depleted uranium.

          • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 23, 2017 at 1:38 pm |

            Got any credible sources for that claim?

  3. | March 17, 2017 at 12:41 pm |

    Israel is a rogue criminal state outside of international conventions by choice. They should be banned and ostracized as the threat to humanity that they are. Thanks for 9/11 and Fukushima Israel.

    • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 20, 2017 at 5:53 pm |

      You’re aware that Assad has ten killed ten times as many Syrians, most of them civilians, in the last six years than Israel has in its entire history, right?

      Typical libiot.

      • Their biggest allies (US) whom they depend on for virtually everything, from aid money, to arms and exports – have killed 30 million since WW2, spanning more than 200 conflicts, in all continents bar Antarctica. They’re just like North Korea in that they have nuclear arms yet haven’t signed the non-proliferation treaty.

        Syria on the other hand, have to deal with ISIS, which if you still don’t have your head under a rock for the past 3 years, know are funded by Israel and Saudi Arabia, and armed by America.

        After all, where exactly do you think those US$100b in arms deals with Saudi Arabia are going? Homeland defense? Give me strength.

        • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 23, 2017 at 9:29 am |

          “have killed 30 million since WW2, spanning more than 200 conflict” Gotta a link for that or did it come to you in an acid-induced haze?

          BTW, ISIS didn’t exist until Assad started slaughtering peaceful Sunni protesters.

          What do you think Iran is doing with the billions released to it by Obama? Buying the world a Coke?

          Good luck with your sociology degree. Come back when you can think.

          • ISIS didn’t exist until Assad started slaughtering peaceful Sunni protesters.

            I see…. Are these the same peaceful protesters that attacked Tehran? What about the Syrian school bus bombing? Acid-induced haze? No wonder you’re asking for “sources”.


            Not “Breitbart” nor “Activist Post”, that’s for sure.

          • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 23, 2017 at 10:41 am |

            Uh, not they’re not the same. I’m sorry you couldn’t figure that out.

            BTW, learn to c-and-p links, ‘k? Link doesn’t work, Soc Grad.

          • I already know how to cut and paste links, but some DISQUS forums don’t allow them. You should just use the 2 remaining neurons you have left, and figure out the address above yourself. It shouldn’t be too difficult, even for a common core numpty like your supposedly great self.

            You do know how to cut and paste, don’t you? Change (dot) to . and you have a bunch of denial you’ll have to struggle with. I would wish you good luck, but that ran out.

          • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 24, 2017 at 3:00 pm |

            That’s what I’d say if I were too stupid to cut-and-paste.

            Of course, if I were stupid enough to think there’s a moral equivalence between Israel and North Korea, I’d have to devote all my mental resources to breathing.

            Good luck with the GED. JuCo will be tough for you.

          • You really are a dunce aren’t you?

            Asking a Technician (my actual job – not that you asked) if he knows how to cut and paste information on the internet suggests you think people on the internet aren’t capable of such things? Some forums don’t let you paste links, and how I have laid out the web address is a time-tested way of circumventing these restrictions. You won’t know this, because you seem lost at what is otherwise a very simple thing.

            Your method of gaining information is mostly confirmation bias, and finding any reason (in this instance how a website is formatted) not to partake in what you asked for: Sources.

            So when you say:

            Some dipshit who understands the rudiments of HTML and CSS is your indisputable source.

            of a journalist, is somehow reason to ignore the information? David Swanson is the source. Not the website.

            Of course you can’t argue with the information provided, because you have the attention span of an adolescent gnat. That’s why your country will never be fixed the way your constitution allows it. Because your population is too ignorant and willfully brainwashed, borne out of laziness and complacency.

            But… But… Mah SOURCES!!!

            Your sources suck.


            Of course, if I were stupid enough to think there’s a moral equivalence between Israel and North Korea, I’d have to devote all my mental resources to breathing.

            Did I say 2 neurons? Israel owns your pathetic country, and you know what? That will remain so until your country is ruined. I’ll guarantee that as long as the Empire has idiots like you to depend on, then its doom is certain.

            Congratulations! You well and truly deserve it.

          • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 25, 2017 at 9:59 am |

            Changing oil at Jiffy Lube doesn’t make you a “technician”.

            I followed the links to the original source, mouthbreather. David Swanson’s “article” is a fairy tale supported by fairy tales. Talk about “confirmation bias” (big word for a high school dropout).

            And if you think Syria shot down an Israeli fighter or that Israel has killed anywhere near as many Syrians as Assad, you’re a drooling imbecile.


            How about that, dumbass! I guess it takes a triple digit IQ to cut-and-paste!

  4. Did they think they could outrun SS 40 missiles? Stupid Israelis!

  5. We are about to find out the truth about Donald Trump. Is he just the latest Deep State ‘stooge’ or their worst nightmare?

  6. One of the Zionist race soldiers met justice when his plane crashed.

  7. FriedSquirrelBrains | June 20, 2017 at 5:51 pm |

    You’re right. There is something wrong. Too many blacks.

    Croco is asking what in the world Israel has to do with Fukushima.

    • You think Fukushima and 9/11 can be blamed on blacks?

      Nah, the black problem is actually a white problem of colonization gone wrong, which is a perpetual problem of the British Motherland and her “commonwealth”. The US just so happen to have all the excuses in the world for the plight of their black people, until someone mentions slavery, colonisation, and in instances where neither did what they wanted, annihilation.

      Look harder. I’m not an african, I just happen to have knowledge of the antics of the British Crown, being one of her supposed “subjects”. I’m just not going to spend all day talking about it with people that rely on being spoon-fed BS from the idiot box.

      • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 21, 2017 at 9:43 am |

        Too many blacks is the reason the U.S. has such a high incarceration rate.

        More to the point, what kind of drooling imbecile thinks Israel sabotaged Fukushima? Oh, I think I already know- the kind of idiot who thinks Activist Post has any more credibility than Breitbart

        • Perhaps this guy, who doesn’t work for either.

          People of colour (Not a typo: I’m not from the US) the world over have been treated in a manner like I just described. That’s why the International Criminal Court of Justice has only had Africans in front of it too. Not even Saddam Hussein got that treatment. They just killed him via order of a Kangaroo court newly installed by a US regime (Bush Jnr) thanks to an illegal invasion. But that probably never crossed your mind, primarily because it wasn’t supposed to.

          Breitbart? Activist Post? I don’t care for either. Just the truth will do.

          • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 24, 2017 at 3:10 pm |

            Hey, genius! Were Mladic, Milosevic, and Karadzic from Africa?

            Are you geniunely stupid or just profoundly ignorant?

          • No, I’m not ignorant. I’m not talking about genocide. I’m talking about imperialism. There are far more actions from eurocentric countries in the Hague, but the ones that get fingered for imperialism, and corruption?

            Bush Jnr should have been there already. Went to war with someone that didn’t have what they insisted he did (WMD), as an excuse to overthrow him, then instead of taking him to the ICJ, they just made a kangaroo court. Will he ever answer for his illegality? Never going to happen.

          • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 25, 2017 at 10:10 am |

            Speaking of war criminals, how’s your buddy Bashir?

          • You spelled Bush wrong. Not my buddy.

          • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 25, 2017 at 10:12 am |

            I get it now. You’re an Arab terrorist aren’t you?

          • How many Arab countries are a part of the British Commonwealth?

          • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 27, 2017 at 9:31 am |

            Oh. You’re from New Zealand, a worthless little tit of a country if ever there was one.

            We should have let Japan have it.

          • Japan wouldn’t have gotten anywhere with it. Too far for their Navy.

            America, on the other hand, is now the most worthless tit of a country, and you ought to know this by now, as none of your allies seem to like you much anymore. This will continue to happen until the destruction cometh to your doorstep, like you all believe will never happen, and when it does, understand that nobody will miss the trouble your country has caused.

            Why? Because despite having both the rights and means, nobody has defended the country from corruption, and won’t try t until its too late. Its already too late and nothing is happening. Too ignorant and lazy.

            That’s America in a nutshell. That’s why your slavery is now expanded to include more or less everybody. Well done.

          • ClawdHawper | June 25, 2017 at 11:18 am |

            You are one incredibly ignorant person, even for a goatfucker.

          • You think I’m Arab? Wrong. You’d spend all day guessing, because you’re a retard, so I’ll just help you out and say I’m from a Five Eyes country, and leave it at that.

        • More to the point, what kind of drooling imbecile thinks Israel sabotaged Fukushima? Oh, I think I already know- the kind of idiot who thinks Activist Post has any more credibility than Breitbart

          You think you know. The truth is you don’t think at all. That “idiot”, was none other than Jim Stone, who has done more research into Fukushima than you’re going to manage to find, with it being a 6 year old incident, perhaps its still not occurring as anything interesting to you. Or maybe because you’re also a “victim” of common core.

          People of colour (Not a typo: I’m not from the US) the world over have been treated in a manner like I just described. That’s why the International Criminal Court of Justice has only had Africans in front of it too. Not even Saddam Hussein got that treatment. They just killed him via order of a Kangaroo court newly installed by a US regime (Bush Jnr) thanks to an illegal invasion. But that probably never crossed your mind, primarily because it wasn’t supposed to.

          Breitbart? Activist Post? I don’t care for either. Just the truth will do. But don’t go thinking I’m going to spend long on having conversations with people that have no interest in learning, but rather insisting that their spoon-fed knowledge is going to cut it against others that think for themselves.

          • FriedSquirrelBrains | June 24, 2017 at 3:07 pm |

            You’re a “special” kind of guy if you think Israel had anything to do with Fukushima, BJ.

            Does your aluminum foil hat make your scalp sweaty?

          • Your brain must hurt when those two neurons engage.

  8. FriedSquirrelBrains | June 23, 2017 at 9:36 am |

    Sorry, Prog Nazis, it didn’t happen. Syria didn’t shoot down an Israeli fighter and they haven’t for 44 years.

  9. FriedSquirrelBrains | June 23, 2017 at 12:02 pm |

    How much did Bill and Hillary get for selling out America?

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