Rothschild Makes Dismal Admission — His Financial World Order Now “Threatened”

By Jack Burns

RIT Capital Partners fund issued its 2016 year-end report in late February. While the company was pleased to report a net profit of 12.1 percent and total shareholder returns hold at 14.2 percent, the company, and its chairman Lord Jacob Rothschild, seem preoccupied with risks associated with political and economic instability.

Rothschild announced that while the funds’ assets are at an all-time high, the announcement comes, “Against a background of daunting uncertainty and political turmoil.” Going further, he stated a more ominous warning. “At this time of upheaval and uncertainty, our investment portfolio will continue to be well diversified,” he wrote comforting his shareholders their fund’s portfolio would be as protected as possible from any coming downturns in the market.

However comforting the report may be for individual investors, Rothschild’s final comments loom large over the mostly positive economic report. He wrote, “There could well be a period ahead of us when the avoidance of risk is as high a priority as the pursuit of gain.” The investment banker’s chosen word of “period” seems to indicate a coming downturn in profitability, even though for the past five years the fund has realized a profit of more than 1 billion euros.

According to the report, Rothschild and his very powerful family have a vested interest in preserving their assets. “RIT Capital Partners plc is an investment company listed on the London Stock Exchange. Its net assets have grown from £280 million on listing in 1988 to over £2.7 billion today. RIT is chaired by Lord Rothschild, whose family interests retain a significant holding,” the issue reveals.

If the fund, whose value is at an all-time high, suddenly declines, falling with it will be a large portion of wealth the Rothschild family enjoys. Although, any such declines would hardly come as a surprise to the Rothschild family who reportedly controls much of the world’s wealth and has a hand in nearly all of the world’s banking institutions, including the Federal Reserve, as some have stated.

The chairman’s statement continues with what some might say is an ominous and uncertain view of the future. “Since the last World War, we have enjoyed some 70 years of patiently crafted international cooperation, which is now threatened,” an apparent reference to Brexit and the UK’s referendum to withdraw from the European Union.

“Against this deeply worrying geo-political situation,” he wrote seeming to highlight the potential of WWIII if the Syrian conflict continues, “one can point to a number of positive investment factors.” Echoing many statements made by the current U.S. president, Lord Rothschild stated he was hopeful corporations would receive a break in government imposed revenue. He said, “in the US, the proposed tax reduction for companies and individuals,” was a favorable policy change for his fund’s portfolio.

Echoing President Trump’s call for deregulation, Rothschild also was reportedly pleased with the “reforms of an over-regulated system.” Likewise, in step with Trump’s call to exponentially increase spending on America’s failing transportation infrastructure, Lord Rothschild is pleased. However, Trump’s call for, “increases in fiscal and infrastructure expenditure…come at a time late in the business cycle, when the labour market is close to full employment,” means there’s no forecast of immediate returns on infrastructure spending forecasted in the future.

The banking and financial baron also seemed to lament that “wage increases up by some 4% over the last few months” a factor which affects the bottom line for every company. He also stated across the fund’s portfolio will also be affected by rising interest rates. “Valuations are at the high end of their historical range, inflation is returning and in these circumstances, it is likely that interest rates in the US will rise meaningfully,” he said. And coming from the man whose familial connections and financial partners control the Federal Reserve, he should know.

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Jack Burns writes for, where this article first appeared.

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12 Comments on "Rothschild Makes Dismal Admission — His Financial World Order Now “Threatened”"

  1. Pump and dump with the unfederal baloney bank of the U.S.
    He is the slime in the swamp.
    END the Fed and all zentral bankz.
    Silver stakes required.

  2. Evil Rothschild causes the wars, chaos, and hardships of this world. The world has a 700 trillion debt bubble floating around due to Rothschild and his ink. They print the magic fiat money, thinks up the debt scams, causes the inflation, and devalue our money keeping us poor so they can own the world. He feels we need a population reduction. A secret society in china has offered a ton of gold to whoever takes this demon out.

    • raise wages…..then take it away with inflation…..

    • China is after Rothschild? Wow! Good news! Supposedly, according to science, Chinese have the highest IQ of all races. Now it is showing.

    • The Rothschilds deserve to be threatened because of their use of USURY in their lending practices
      in banking to get rich since the Ashkenazim appeared in Europe in the Middle Ages.
      After being driven out of Kazakhstan by the Mongols, they took over lending ‘on the Continent’.
      Their use of USURY caused them to be driven from nation to nation.
      Jesus drove their ‘kind’ from the Temple in the Bible.

  3. This is code for “our well laid plans for our globalist agenda are being FALLING APART”! Think they are just trying to rock the boat and SCARE people to create a panic. Hopefully they’re smart enough NOT to fall for it.

  4. Euclides de oliveira pinto net | March 11, 2017 at 1:33 pm |

    Ele está muito preocupado com o rumo que a economia mundial está tomando… a bolha que a Betty falou ser de 700 trilhões de dólares, na verdade está perto de 2,3 QUATRILHÕES – tem que incluir os derivativos na conta… como ele é um dos donos – o maior – do Federal Reserve, é só imprimir mais “papel pintado” – como a família faz há 114 anos nos USA – e chamar os credores para receber… e pega os títulos do Tesouro Americano como garantia – como já faz há normalmente… não há motivo para panico…
    está tudo sob controle… inclusive a mídia mainstream…

  5. NJguy - Proudly Deplorable | March 11, 2017 at 1:51 pm |

    I call bullshiitte. These owners of the private central banks can pull the plug whenever they wish. They;ve already bled the USA dry and once they set up their global central bank, they can bleed the world dry!!

    Got to give these skumbaggs credit, it’s been an amazing scam, carried on over multiple generations and making them masters of the world. Now it’s time to hang them in the streets.

  6. The Rothschilds and their cronies need to be stripped of their illegally obtained wealth then sent to live in Gaza!

  7. Sure would like to know where he hangs out at.

  8. JimmyGotHisKornCracked | March 13, 2017 at 6:10 am |

    I am that rock which strikes this age’s kingdom, removing all preceding influence from the kingdoms before it.

    Those who are not awake, fall with it. Those who have not let their joy’s become entrenched by the worldly, are the beneficiaries of the new heaven and earth.

  9. Yikes. You should warn a girl before posting such a hideous sight.

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