“Trump Chosen By Elite To Be Scapegoat For Massive 2017 Crash!” Says Financial Writer

By Richie Allen

In the video below, Richie Allen has an enlightening interview with financial writer Brandon Smith of Alt-Market.com. Smith predicts an engineered economic collapse will happen very quickly into Trump’s presidency. Smith says the agenda is to “Kill the dollar. Bring down the US. And blame nationalists.”

Allen and Smith also politely debate socialism versus free markets. Remarkable discussion.

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8 Comments on "“Trump Chosen By Elite To Be Scapegoat For Massive 2017 Crash!” Says Financial Writer"

  1. Sure he was… Trump can solve all the problems of the world… just ask him…

    Always be a light that is shininginthedark

  2. Why not make headline a question, as the notion is a theory? Misleading to make it a statement. It’s possible the “elite” would use ANYONE as an excuse… for they are hungry to take over the world.

  3. The funny thing is if they drop it early as planned trump will have it turned around in no time at all. Obama still hasn’t improved 2008 crash yet.

  4. Yeah the big crash has been talked about every year since the 197O’s, blah, blah.

  5. The Donald has said “…I was an insider an ultimate insider…” this is why folks, as do I, believe that he has been touched by the hand of God.
    A complete reversal has occurred within his soul.
    DRAIN the SWAMP.
    It’s a movement.

    • “A complete reversal has occurred within his soul.”… Either you are joking or a poor Trump spokeswoman….. APPARENTLY you haven’t been doing your research or following Trump closely.

      this Krusty the Clown in a suit will be like George Bush… but on steroids.!!

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