Elites’ Globalization In Danger, What’s Next?

systemfailureOp-Ed by Catherine J. Frompovich

They’re finally getting the message!  We, who pay the freight, are getting fed up with the way they handle things, so now they are running scared.  Isn’t it about time, and shouldn’t we keep the heat on longer and even higher?  Why ask that question?

Well, Bloomberg News recently tackled a similar subject with the publication of “With Globalization in Danger, G-20 Double Down on a Defense.”  Reading that rather perceptive article, one also has to read in between the lines.  What’s being delineated, I think as one who is an armchair economist not well versed in macro- or microeconomics, is that the world’s movers and shakers run scared when the “mice stand up and roar.”  And why shouldn’t they shake in their shoes when, basically, they have ruined many of the economies in the world!

There hardly are decent-paying jobs in the USA!

Most manufacturing jobs have moved off shore!  China’s going to make much of the U.S. pharmaceuticals, including vaccines.  Job cutbacks plague every industry, and now they are hitting the tech industries, too!  Goody, goody!  Why such an exclamation?  Because corporate greed and technology are responsible for putting most folks out of work, when one objectively examines the dynamics that accompany bottom lines on financial statements of corporations run by the ‘money changers’.  Robots will replace workers who need to feed families!

Probably nothing shook their shoes like the heroic people of Great Britain voting to save their culture and country.  “Brexit was a big hit!”  They didn’t see it coming?  How could they have not seen it, when financial discord and strife are all over the European Union?  The English Channel keeps Britain a little “safer” from all the social unrest forced upon the rest of the EU due to the manufactured Syrian and refugee crises by the warmongers who also influence, if not run, the money markets, in my opinion.

Next should be Francexit.  A few more countries in the EU, namely Greece, a country forcefully placed into almost perpetual financial servitude should bite the bullet like little Iceland did and say “yassas or antio sas,” goodbye in Greek, and forget any air kisses.

Probably nothing scares them like The Donald!

Trump is too much not like them, and that has them running really scared.  Nothing—and I mean nothing—exemplifies how scared than how the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia was ‘covertly’ run by those pulling strings from behind political curtains.  Paying $50 to fill empty seats for warm bodies to yell and clap for Hillary is not a way to show party unity or jack up a candidate’s popularity.

The media, which they control lock, stock and barrel, performed a deliberate public relations campaign for Hillary – and a public disservice – by almost totally disregarding the political unrest and upheaval within the convention regarding the “Bernie people,”  another genre of ‘mice’ who have them concerned.  However, Bernie’s apparent caving in to the DNC’s obvious (?) arm twisting indicates just how things are done when they want them done their way.  Tsk, tsk, tsk!

But here’s the real nitty gritty when it comes to the elites who think they run the world.  Or, did I misspeak; they do run the world!  Let’s examine how they obviously take care of one of their own, Hillary Clinton.

clinton earningsIn prior years, 2007 through 2012, Hillary Clinton’s salary ranged from $165,200 to $186,600.  However, in only TWO years—2012 to 2014—Hillary’s earnings jumped to slightly over $16 MILLION.  Boy, don’t you wish you could get that kind of work too?  The chart above ought to say more than anything about Hillary’s aspirations to be—she IS—one of them, cater to their one world order globalization whims, start World War III, and institute a globalized society apparently creating a global gulag the likes of which this planet or history have never known.  What are UN troops doing in the USA now?  Here’s something readers ought to note:  When I wanted to copy and paste a URL for a UN campsite a hiker found in Middle America, I got the prompt “Site blocked”!  What does that tell you?

Is that what the 99 percent want?

Remember, money talks ‘loud and clear’, and when it’s their money, it can even work horrible wonders!  Look what it’s gotten us since 2008.

Hillary, too, obviously is running scared and really upset about how the public perceives her [1].   And why not, when she always tries to hide behind her Teflon veneer by saying things like,

“I relied on and had every reason to rely on the judgments of the professionals with whom I worked.” “So in retrospect, maybe some people are saying, ‘Well, those — among those 300 people — they made the wrong call.’ At the time, there was no reason, in my view, to doubt the professionalism and the determination by the people who work every single day on behalf of our country.” [1]

Whom will Hillary blame when she decides to nuke some country her handlers want nuked?  We have to think about that, don’t we?  Or, will everyone’s angst be soothed by “Slick Willie’s” negotiations?  Remember something like what can be referred to as “the Loretta Lynch format.” [2]

The Clintons have a checkered past that really needs deeper examining and answers, I think, since the money folks backing Hillary’s presidency quest need her in the Oval Office as the last piece on the game board to accomplish their Agenda 21 [3] updated to Agenda 30 [4].  It all looks and sounds ‘write’, and that’s the correct form of right that I want to use.  Just because it’s written doesn’t mean it will happen humanely or that there are no codicils we aren’t permitted to read on the Internet.

We didn’t do our due diligence vetting candidates going into the 2008 elections and look what we got!

But what probably concerns this writer more than anything is this: Is Hillary emotionally and health-wise capable to become the next president of the USA?  These video clips below taken at the DNC convention in Philadelphia, and also on the road, ought to have everyone questioning is Hillary really fit to be president?


Can we really trust them forcing their economics and presidential candidates upon us?


[1] http://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/celebrity/clinton-acknowledges-hard-work-ahead-frustrated-by-america%e2%80%99s-%e2%80%98caricature%e2%80%99-of-her/ar-BBv4kuJ?li=BBnb7Kz [2] http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Loretta-Lynch-Bill-Clinton-Meeting-FBI/2016/07/01/id/736675/

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Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on Amazon.com.

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazon.com are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available

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3 Comments on "Elites’ Globalization In Danger, What’s Next?"

  1. Well she is certainly over paid. That shrieking banshee should have been investigated, but the sellout Ag Lynch and FBI director Comey gave her the stay out of jail card forever.
    Though our the rule of law. Richard Nixon was impeached for far less. The HillBill(the horn dawg)ary dual have earned the worst thieves in US history title.

  2. that would be throw out the rule of law. I just washed my fingers and can’t do a thing with them

  3. You said,,,Trump is too much not like them, and that has them running really scared.

    I don’t believe there has been a president for the last hundred years who has not been in the elites back pocket, and I don’t believe Trump is going to be any exception. If it’s true they killed Kennedy for printing a one dollar bill that was not the Feds, then why would Trump get off the hook if he didn’t fall in line.

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