Are Globalists Evil Or Just Misunderstood?

cremation-of-care-1024x576By Brandon Smith

I recently received requests from two different readers, one asking for articles covering the “mindset” of globalists (why they do what they do), and another request for articles covering globalist “occultism.” I find that these two topics are very difficult to pursue with a large number of people for a few reasons:

1) Many people do not accept the reality that a group of financial elitists colluding (conspiring) to obtain total global power even exists. Therefore, in order to delve into the topic of the globalist mindset with these “skeptics,” I would first have to re-cover page after page of evidence showing that they not only exist and collude, but that they openly boast about their plans on a regular basis. This is time consuming, to say the least.

2) For some of the people that do eventually accept the reality of a globalist cabal, the argument eventually arises that “yes, there is collusion, but it is merely driven by greed and profit motive,” and not as nefarious as we conspiracy tin-foil mad-hatters imagine.

3) For others, there is a full acceptance of the reality of an organized globalist cult, but they argue that these people are simply a product of a corrupt and ill-structured socio-political system. That is to say, they think that the globalists are a symptom of the troubles that plague humanity, rather than a cause.

This argument is often made by people promoting their own collectivist agenda in one form or another (socialists, communists, scientific dictatorships controlled by people supposedly much smarter than the rest of us, one world-one mind spiritually unhinged theosophic weirdos, etc.). They claim a new system, their system, is the solution rather than getting rid of the globalists, which they say would only leave a “power vacuum” for more tyrants to take their place.

4) Finally, there are the evangelical revelations seekers obsessed with Armageddon. They fully accept that the globalists exist, that they conspire internationally to gain power and influence towards the goal of a “new world order” and that they are essentially evil minded in their intentions. However, they argue that it is either futile to fight against such people because they are supported by power from somewhere beyond, or they even argue that to fight against the globalists is wrong because it is in defiance of the plan put forward in the Bible.

So, as you can see, it is a veritable circus of horrors whenever I write on the subject of who the globalists really are and what they really want. Beyond that, it is very difficult to examine this subject matter, even with ample evidence, without coming off like a wackaloon.

It is hard enough convincing people of the obvious economic crisis facing America and the rest of the world and convincing them to put in minimal effort to prepare, let alone convincing them of the psychopathic and cult-like nature of the elite behind that crisis. In other words, if you approach someone new to this information cold and hit them right away with tales of Luciferians, Washington D.C. child pedo-rings and gay romp power-club parties in the California Redwoods with a giant stone owl called “Molech,” you probably aren’t going to get your foot in the door.

That said, I’ll address the inevitable arguments above very quickly before I begin my analysis of the Globalist mind.

1) Psychopaths tend to naturally gravitate towards positions of power, and despite some foolish assumptions out there that these people are too volatile to play nice with others, they do in fact work together as long as there is a guarantee of mutual benefit.

Elites have conspired throughout history, this is well-documented fact. I find it amazing that some folks cannot grasp the idea that they might also be conspiring today. If you need evidence of such collusion, you are welcome to read my articles The Fall Of America Signals The Rise Of The New World Order and Order Out Of Chaos: The Doctrine That Runs The World.  If you want to know where to find these people simply look at the memberships of institutions designed specifically to promote globalism – Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations, Tavistock, the Trilateral Commission, The Club Of Rome, Rand Corporation, the IMF, the Bank for International Settlements, etc.  Though they often obscure their more malicious intentions, globalists are relatively easy to find.

One might argue that the problem of organized psychopathy cannot be dealt with unless one confronts individual psychopathy. I’m sorry to say that at least 10% of the population (according to psychologist Carl Gustav Jung) at any given time has elements of inborn latent psychopathy and at least 1% is actively psychopathic. You will NEVER remove psychopathy from humanity. It is an inborn quality. What you can do, though, is disrupt or destroy organizations of people that foster and elevate psychopaths. Organized psychopathy is the real and pressing problem.

2) If you need convincing that the globalists are not just “greedy capitalists” out to make a buck at the expense of the world, check out my article Global Elitism: The Character Traits Of Truly Evil People and read some of the quotes directly attributed to them. Their goal is to gain as much power over the masses as possible. They see themselves as modern Pharaohs, not as businessmen. Wealth is a side-note.

3) There have been only fleeting instances of societies without the all-pervasive influence of organized elitism in history. From these minor instances, though, we can see bursts of human potential, productivity and invention, as well as greater respect for inherent conscience and justice.  Sadly, no one in the past has ever taken the action of removing elitist groups entirely as a factor of influence.

Anyone who claims that the globalists are nothing more than a “symptom” is probably trying to sell you on an ideology rather than a real solution. The fact of the matter is, we have never lived in a world without the influence of globalist conspiracy. They are like a cancer that has turned psychopathy into a religion. Removing the globalists should be a top priority. NO system is going to succeed, regardless of how brilliantly conceived, unless the elitists are out of the picture.

I would even venture to say that the people who argue that the globalists are nothing more than a symptom are in fact HELPING the globalists by distracting activists away from the real task at hand. Playing at philosophy and theoretical society building will not change the existing power structure in any way, nor will it remove the muzzle of a rifle from the back of your head as you stare down at the ditch that is to become your final resting place.

4) The majority of the Bible is composed of stories of good standing against evil, and I simply cannot take anyone seriously who argues that the Bible demands we sit idle in the face of despotism. I don’t believe in the modernized “Left Behind” interpretations of “apocalypse” and even if I did, different groups have been saying that the end times are right around the corner for ages. Frankly, no one knows or will know if such an event of metaphysical proportions is taking place anyway.

Now, I do believe in full-spectrum crisis and societal collapse, because these events have happened over and over again and can even be reasonably predicted according to past indicators. I also believe that current events are rife with such indicators and that a collapse is taking place in stages today. I also know that there are groups of elites engineering this collapse and I know exactly why because they have openly admitted their goals (read my article The Economic End Game Explained). Apocalypse is not my concern. Right and wrong, justice and tyranny are my concerns. I’ll leave the rest to more omniscient and omnipresent beings.

The Problem We Face Is Organized Evil

Now that the above questions are out of the way we can jump into the core of the problem. And no, the core of the problem is not the “system” we live in per se, or our methodology of living and progressing as a species. Again, there are too many eggheads in the liberty movement that like to pretend they have grand and ingenious new ways of looking at the world, and if only we would just “listen to their brilliant vision” everything would change for the better. When you boil down their philosophies you often find they have no new ideas whatsoever, or that their ideas cannot be implemented because they have not dealt with the elephant in the room — the globalists.

Philosophy without tangible action and verifiable results is ultimately useless in the face of true evil. Intellectual warriors rarely win wars, but they do often die horribly as a result of their naivety and defenselessness.

To answer the question in the title of this article, yes, the globalists are in fact evil and the only misunderstandings are on the part of wide-eyed skeptics that have bought into the idea that “evil” is a moral conception created by religion rather than an inherent quality of human beings.

As Carl Jung discovered in his studies on the collective unconscious, people are born with inherent and conflicting conceptions and traits, or “dualities.” Good vs. Evil is an important duality we all come into the world dealing with, it is not a mere product of environment or religious influence. That which is “good” is often dictated by what we call “conscience,” which again is an inherent idea or “voice,” and is only partly influenced by environment. The fact of inherent character traits and universal moral codes is present in anthropological studies as well as psychological studies beyond Jung’s very extensive work.

To define evil, we would have to look at those ideas and actions that are opposite inherent conscience. The globalists have basically constructed a festering belief system around everything that is contrary to our moral compass. I will attempt to dissect some elements of that belief system from a secular point of view. Wish me luck…


Occultism in itself is not necessarily “evil,” it only means “secret knowledge.” But the history of occultism is plagued by rather evil deeds and attitudes. John F. Kennedy once warned of secret societies and secret proceedings, and with good reason. For thousands of years, occult groups often withheld valuable knowledge from the masses as a means to influence behavior and control the direction of society. This did not have to be “magical” knowledge, whatever that means. Usually, it was scientific or psychological knowledge.

Say, for example, that a group of elitists withheld detailed knowledge of an impending economic collapse because this knowledge gave them a feeling of superiority and an advantage that they could exploit to gain power over others. Often, occult knowledge, secret knowledge, is driven by the selfish desire of one group to maintain a sense of dominance over another. Is it evil to withhold knowledge that could save lives for the sake of self-elevation? I would say absolutely.

Occultism can also lead to temptations of ever increasing criminality.  If groups of people in positions of power maintain a well-oiled machine of secrecy that draws a dark curtain on their behavior, a machine that allows them to cover for each other’s actions to ensure no repercussions from outsiders, it is only a matter of time before the lack of transparency opens a door to greater evil.  One act of evil left unpunished tends to breed many future acts of evil practiced with impunity.


So yeah, it’s almost impossible to broach this subject without sounding crazy to people who aren’t already familiar with it. But as requested, I’ll take a stab at it.

Do globalists really believe in a devil with a pitchfork and hooves and horns? I really don’t know. What I do know is that many of them believe in the ideas behind the mythology of the figure (even Saul Alinsky dedicated his book Rules For Radicals to Lucifer).

The Lucifer mythology is one of rebellion, a rebellion against the the Christian God. But how would this translate to elitist behavior? They define inherent conscience and moral compass (checks and balances put in place by God?) as a “restriction” or imprisonment of the individual, and they seem to only esteem individuals as those seeking their own “Godhood.”

The way liberty proponents value individualism is very different from the way elitists value individualism.

Lucifer as an archetypal figure represents a rebellion against almost EVERYTHING, including nature. Of course, nature is not a toy to be played with selfishly because catastrophe inevitably results. Moral compass is a guide that keeps humanity from destroying itself, and without it civilizations fall. Luciferianism, at the very least, fosters destructive tendencies and rebellion against the very fabric of humanity. With such people at the helm of entire nations, millions if not billions of innocents will suffer in the scorched path of elites seeking to revolt against inherent moral and natural boundaries as they role play in an ignorant daydream of satanic hero worship, and this is without a doubt evil.

Do What Thou Wilt

Attributed to Aleister Crowley, a self-professed satanist, you will see this ideology pop up in globalist circles and pop-culture icons alike. Crowley apologists often argue that the quote it is taken from refers to the “law of love.” But the love of what? The love of others, or the love of one’s self? Do what thou wilt as long as it does not hurt others, or do what thou wilt regardless of the consequences?

The latter interpretation is clearly the one globalists have taken to heart. Since elitists consistently treat the lowly masses as vermin that need to be exterminated for the good of the planet (and their own amusement), I see little indication that they have the ability to conceive of love, let alone adopt a philosophy of love. Do what thou wilt, however the idea was originally intended, has become a rationale for the globalist propensity of crushing others in the name of “greatness.”

Moral Relativism

Evil people are not as immune to the judgments of others as you might think. In fact, many of them become a bit obsessive about people accepting or even praising the things they do. I can only theorize that if in their minds everyone else subscribes to an evil behavior then it is no longer evil, but normal.

Moral relativism is the act of rationalizing a destructive or evil process by claiming that a positive end result or intention washes away responsibility. The ends justify the means. Globalists could not care less about the consequences of their actions to others, but they do feel the need to justify those actions in a way that people will embrace. From my observations, the majority of globalist propaganda revolves entirely around the concept of moral relativism and the lie that good is only about perception while evil is a “gray area,” or an illusion. As Kevin Spacey says in the movie The Usual Suspects, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist…”

The Solution

As stated earlier, it really does not matter what brand of social system we implement. It really does not matter what kind of economic model we employ. It really does not matter if we somehow find a way to promote enlightened thinking on a massive scale. None of it matters if we do not also confront the organized evil of the globalist cabal.

It is interesting how many people strive so hard to avoid acknowledging the fight that is coming by clinging to the notion that the globalists are “misunderstood” or “not important” in the grand scheme of things.

While I work to promote alternative trade models through localism and alternative-security models through community preparedness teams, I also accept that these efforts are a half-measure; mere preparation for an unavoidable conflict between people who hold the contents of their conscience dear (those who view the non-aggression principle as an integral part of a free and healthy civilization), and the globalists, who hold nothing dear accept themselves, their cult and their ambitions.

Evil is a part of every human being, just as good is a part of every human being. It is a battle we all struggle with until the day we die. But organized evil is something else entirely. It is not something we have to tolerate, and it is something we can change. Until it is expunged from our society, no other solutions can be fully enacted. Therefore, the solution begins with the end of organized evil, and it is a solution I plan to enact in my own way. The solution begins with the eradication of the globalists.

You can read more from Brandon Smith at his site If you would like to support the publishing of articles like the one you have just read, visit our donations page here.  We greatly appreciate your patronage. You can contact Brandon Smith at:

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11 Comments on "Are Globalists Evil Or Just Misunderstood?"

  1. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for writing your article Brandon.

  3. The unholy ones have usurped our country and most every country on the planet.
    They have caused endless wars by their country hate country and by paying off certain politicians.
    The unholy ones bring you forced vaccines that cause diseases of all sorts.*
    The unholy ones bring chemtrails – aluminum and barium.
    The unholy ones bring GMO and Monsanto and glysophate.
    The unholy ones bring corporations instead of mom and pop shops.
    The unholy ones push out the small farmer – Bless you Willie.
    The unholy ones have stolen the wealth of the world.
    The unholy ones have declared war on the commoner (albeit silent).
    The unholy ones bring wage taxation.
    The unholy ones bring unchristian usury.
    The unholy ones should be strung upside down for the amount of suffering they have caused.

    BTW: feel free to add to this short list.

  4. Evil is not a part of every human being. If that was the case, there is no point in organizing, fighting against evil or learning and accepting the truth because we are doomed for eternity. This is not our fate, we are destined to evolve into higher dimensional beings. The earth is evolving, as are all her animals and plants. Right now most of humanity are prisoners of evil humans who are controlled by others, and this author is willfully ignoring the spiritual awakening of mankind.

    The belief that all humans are flawed is exactly what they want you to believe so you battle with yourself, flailing endlessly against your divine self, making you an easy target. This was a nice try, Brandon, you’re a good person and activist, but you’re only dancing around the truth instead of facing it head on because the truth is a lot scarier than a bunch of wackloons who worship an owl. If we cannot face the Reptilian/Archonic forces ruling this planet, we are ignoring the real elephant in the room.

    • Humans have free will and we ALL have the capacity for evil. Evil can be as simple as wishing harm on another being and all of us do this at some time in our lives. Most people have a conscience to some degree, but psychopaths are very different from the norm. Your argument for humans having no evil misses the point that we all have free will. Humanity may be showing some signs of awakening, but we have a very LONG ways to go.
      And when you look around at the world how can you possibly think humans ARE NOT flawed?? Look at the things the average person does. We’ve all been propaganized to accept the matrix is real and are used to being dependent on what the govt does, we’re losing our free will.
      And no it isn’t the Reptilians, see Steven Greer’s latest video. It is the psychopathic humans who have joined together to create a worldwide cabal. The author has done his homework and is right.

      • It’s hilariously ironic that you referenced Steven Greer. I guess you didn’t notice he looks exactly like every depiction of an Archon throughout the historic record going back thousands of years. They’re very good at hiding themselves from everyone who cannot believe they exist. They’re not so good at hiding from people who know them by their dark energy. He may fool a lot of people, but not all.

        No, I don’t think humans are flawed. I think the Flying Space Lizards and their religious minions want us to think we are because we are so much easier to control and they love it when we fight with each other. The only way to lose free will is if you give it up freely. You’re welcome to give yours away, but I sure won’t.

        • I think you’ve hit it, Oldesoul. There have been suggestions such as “It’s a dog-eat-dog world” and “Everyone is a sinner”, etc, that seem to me to describe a certain element of society, but which is really projection on its part. Its agenda relies on us forgetting who and what we truly are. It is easier to manipulate people to entertain evil thoughts and evil behaviors if you prepare them to think that it’s inevitable for them to be evil – that “human nature” is evil. On the other hand, if you stress that humans were made in the image and likeness of Spirit, of Love, of all that is good and pure, beautiful and true, then they live up to THAT expectation. The bubbling joy of an infant (who was birthed without trauma) testifies to the true nature of a human being.

          • I totally agree Patricia. Babies come into our world completely perfect, joyous and filled with spirit. It’s all downhill from there, but that’s really why we choose to be born on Planet Duality, to face challenges and grow stronger. They want us to think they are winning the battle for the human soul but they are not.

  5. Yes. The elitists/ globalists “TPTB” are pure evil.

  6. Brandon, great article! thank you for spreading Truth. In this war by the elites against us, Truth has been the first casualty.

  7. there seems to be lots of things that will indicate that there is indeed an organized conspiracy, however i believe they do are a symptom and at some point they might have become the problem.

    I like to see things from a practical perspective of what would you do?, with this in mind this globalist organizations seem like a natural response to international borderless trade, wich will lead innevitably to cretae groups that will push for their own interest in mind, this same thing allows those with financial resources to lobby for whoever they feel will help them to push their agendas, since current political systems are based on periodical elections that serve to estimate the masses disposition, since those on power cant never push too far against the popular beliefs, this situation leads in turn to a propaganda war different in each country that will help them push an agenda.(all this can be applied to old tyrant systems and the circles of power within them).

    All this seems like a natural progression, so the next step will be, to change the only thing that hasnt allow them to do what they want, wich is the population resistance to changes based on cultural and moral beliefs, the problem here is that this is not a relative term in most cases law mechanism exist to avoid concentrations of power and tyranies so the new paradigm of borederless trade has come full circle with old tyrannies and comes down to being the exact same thing, wich were stopped because of a human natural predisposition to fairness, wich its not a relative term either, since this fairness its based on survival of the individual, as the theory of the social contract tells us.

    So assuming you are in a possicion of power what would you do? the simplest thing will be those who are already in a possicion of equal power as you, since this will allow survival of both, then are those below you, in most cases financial gain will be enough, or simple threats, but after a while and since you dont have any restrictions you could choose anyone you feel like it, again it seems here that the easiest way its financial gain, but you have to assure your own survival, because of this the best candidates will be those that do not pose a threath to you and can easily be manipulated, eventualy you will have to get to the masses wich will not agree with this as they will see no benefit for them, so the best thing will be financial gain, but eventualy youll have to tell a history, that will allow you to install a system that goes against all logic, because accepting it will be the same as to forfeiting you rights as an individual, this will only be necessary after a certain point has been reached in wich the possibility of this new tyranical system is real, before that simple acces to resources will be enough to justify any behaviour, so at this point, will be, were the cults come in, as has happened in the past, they have to belief something that will override natural logic, so it will be some kind of superiority, what they fail to see is that they are putting themselves in the hands of whoever its above them in the hierarchy, wich is innevitable in tyrannical system, unlike modern states govern by law that garanties the survival of individuals because of a retribution paradigm, because of this it seems that if this was the case psycopaths are not to blame at least not in its majority, since they are apparently biologicaly predisposed to opposse this type of systems, the blame seems to me its on socioeconomical factors that allowed the first “cultist” to be recruited and then in majority ignorance of history and modern day situations, so its come down to lack of resources, ignorance and majority rule.

    So the best thing to fight this situation its through knowledge, selfreliance and for people to realize the possible consecuences of political, military and economic actions, but again this is nothing new, modern state laws were build with this in mind, so the root of all problems is people, wich allow this to happend over and over again following similar patterns trough history, however the 21st century might be different because it might be the first time in wich consecuences could be global and because new technologies will allow to potencialize any outcome.

    Finaly globalization its innevitable, the problem its how it will happend.

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